View Full Version : Clear finish to protect hand painting in artist's acrylic?

Psych 101
13th March 2009, 07:25 PM

I am doing up an old dresser that was previously varnished. I have stripped it and painted it in white acrylic. I now plan to hand paint some tulips in artist's acylic (fine work) and need a perfectly clear coat over the top of this that is durable and will protect it.

I have experimented with clear varnish (waterbased wattyl estapol clear gloss) which works well for the first coat or so but starts to take on a milky yellowy appearance in the corners and crevices by the second or third coat.

Can someone please recommend the right product to achieve a perfectly clear durable finish over the handpainting to protect it and provide a gloss finish? Is this possible?

20th March 2009, 07:20 PM
Clear automotive acrylic is crystal clear and super durable, but whether it reacts with the artists paints?

Psych 101
20th March 2009, 08:12 PM
Clear automotive acrylic is crystal clear and super durable, but whether it reacts with the artists paints?

Where would I get this? Is it brushable? Is it expensive?

Is the problem with the clear poly just brand related? should I try a different brand?

21st March 2009, 06:56 PM
Buy it from a autoshop or specialist paint shop, it can be brushed on but its really meant to be sprayed on.
Dunno bout the poly, I've never used Wattyl's water base. The stuff I've used is clear once dry(cabots), maybe you've put on too thick/let it pool in corners.