View Full Version : cigarette box

10th March 2009, 11:34 PM
I am working on a project for my wife. She rolls her own cigarettes and I am making a box for her to store the ones she makes. my dilema is what should i use to finish the inside? I was going to use felt or flocking and even thought of lining it with cedar. My concern is with the oils in the wood bleeding into the cigarettes.

I will post some pics of the box once it is completed.

11th March 2009, 04:15 PM
I would go for the cedar . Is'nt that used to line humidors. Also no bits of flocking to stick to the smokes . But then again if you convinced your wife to give up the habit you could use the box for something else.:D

11th March 2009, 06:12 PM
I would go for the cedar . Is'nt that used to line humidors. Also no bits of flocking to stick to the smokes . But then again if you convinced your wife to give up the habit you could use the box for something else.:D

They use Spanish cedar in humidors.
You could line it with health warning posters.:wink::)

11th March 2009, 07:07 PM
ciggies aren't the same as cigars, they dont stay in the box for long.
Line it with some pretty fabric, Damask, is cotton with a silky look usually mono coloured with a floral pattern woven in, looks classy, jaccard or jaquard (sp) is similar, but in silk, even classier:D

just stay away from synthetics