View Full Version : Split posts wanted

Matty G
10th March 2009, 12:52 PM
Gday im looking for a supplier of split posts for my fencing bussiness can any-one help me with some mill phone numbers I,m looking for 1.8 meter halfs and 2.1 rounds and 3.6 stays Call Mathew 0438 335 442

10th March 2009, 06:17 PM
G'day Matty and welcome.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Hope your request doesn't stem from the effects of the recent and terrible fires.:C

Matty G
11th March 2009, 08:48 AM
Yes i need these posts because of the fires all around here there is a great need for all types of fencing materail. The bussiness i run we supply red gum post and rail fencing(posts being mortised to take rails 60 x 200) which is a very expensive fence so im trying to get my hands on some spilt posts to give people a cheaper option.

11th March 2009, 01:37 PM
Hi Marty. welcome and hope someone is able to help you here.

Matty G
12th March 2009, 09:35 AM
Thanks for the reply John still having no luck with these post's I'm also looking for a mill that cuts Grey Gum if any-one can help.