View Full Version : How do you use the forum?

26th May 2004, 12:20 PM
How do you use the forum?

26th May 2004, 12:28 PM
I'm on it all day at work. I have a home office, so there is no-one to walk past.

That's how I became a Diamond Member in such a short time. You can do it too if you write now for the introductory video and attend one of our Power Poster sessions. No obligation. No pressure.

26th May 2004, 01:07 PM
So far 4 of us use it all day everyday and nobody else uses it. That mean we're at work doing this rather than working. I also work from home. I just don't have as much to say as SilentC.

Wood Borer
26th May 2004, 02:35 PM
Although I use it at work, it doesn't interfere with work apart from keeping me at work longer hours. For example if I don't mind waiting back after hours if there is an urgent problem and I am waiting on a telephone call.

Work always takes first priority.

- Wood Borer

26th May 2004, 02:41 PM
if only, the WOODWORK FORUMS banner wasnt so big and obvious..........

Wood Borer
26th May 2004, 02:49 PM
The early versions of Leisure suit Larry (Larry, Larry Laffer) had a boss key (control B) which brought up a graph on your monitor for people playing the game at work.

- Wood Borer

26th May 2004, 02:52 PM
Wooooo! :eek: 8 out of 8. I think we’ve got a problem here. The vote should be a bit more balance later tonight when the goodie goodie gets home.

26th May 2004, 03:10 PM
The early versions of Leisure suit Larry (Larry, Larry Laffer) had a boss key (control B) which brought up a graph on your monitor for people playing the game at work.

- Wood Borer

Ah That reminds me to a few years back. A colleague asked me to write him a program. The program displays some fancy screen work, progress bar and everything. It goes on forever. He often run the program pretended to run some massive reports while he was out having a smoke and drink. :o

26th May 2004, 04:25 PM
good thing the poll is anonymous !!!

26th May 2004, 04:26 PM
Well I don't work so I can use it all day if I want to, but it certainly keeps you from doing some more important things like making saw dust or taking out the garbage or chopping fire wood to keep warm in the New England Tablelands.

26th May 2004, 05:19 PM
I never use this forum. Where’s this poll come from?
Good to see you got one for idiots. :D


Bob Willson
26th May 2004, 06:42 PM
I don't have access to the net at work as otherwise I would be on the board all night. I have to wait until I get home in the morning. As it is, I spend about 3 or 4 hours a day of my own time here rather than the firms time. Dammit!

Sir Stinkalot
26th May 2004, 08:11 PM
Hi .... my name is Stinky and I am a reformed boardaholic.

During my previous employment I worked the standard 9-5:30. The boss was 11:30-12:00 and 3:00-5:30. This left me with plenty of free time and much of that was spent on the boards checking new posts. There were times where I would scream in horror as there were no new posts in the 45 seconds since I last checked. I would read every post and every reply, just because I could. I would be now able to adjust a Trition saw within a fraction of its life and make it cut square even though I have never touched one before. I was able to add useless comments at ease ....... Now I have seen the light.

3 weeks ago I left my previous employment for a new position. With this new position came the need to impress. You guessed it, the board during office hours had to go. I am now restricted to viewing new posts from home only. After a long day at work I rush home to find 50-60 new unread posts, often with multiple relpies. Well I am no longer a young man .... I don't have the strength. I must say that now I limit myself to reading only the posts with interesting titles.

Yes its been hard .... I am sure that not eveybody can do what I have done. Would I recommend it? No.

My name is Stinky and I am a reformed boardaholic.

26th May 2004, 08:16 PM
Good on you Stinky for comeing out.
You did just come out didnt you?
Or did I read it wrong? :o :rolleyes: :)


26th May 2004, 09:55 PM
It would seem that a serious proprtion of our forumites are lowdown cheating mongrels who don't deserve a decent job....... the rest obviously are blue collar workers who can't get to a computer till after work.
Oh, and there is me, self-employed, poor tired bugger who works harder than all the rest of you and doesn't get to the computer till after dinner.

26th May 2004, 10:35 PM
I need 2 things when I get to work (3 if you count the VR I'm praying for) - a Chernbyl strength coffee and the woodwork BB. At night, when I've done the things I have to do at home, another hit of the BB.

journeyman Mick
27th May 2004, 11:41 AM
I voted "other". I have a home office, but time in the office doesn't directly produce money. Having said that however, if I don't spend time in the office writing quotes and invoices then the money and work dries up. My use of this BB is inversely proportionate to the amount of "real" work I am doing. I had a killer dose of the flu a few weeks ago and was online for most of the day for well over a week. To further complicate things my wife has serious ongoing health problems and I spend a lot of my time looking after her and thus my work patterns are extremely variable. Time on this BB for me is often my surrogate social interraction.


27th May 2004, 12:05 PM
Mick, I'm sorry to hear that your wife is not well and I hope things are otherwise OK.

Your last comment on the BB being your "surrogate social interraction" is an interesting one. I am a gregarious person by nature but in my current situation, I have no face to face contact with anybody at all during the day. All of my work-related interaction is via the phone or email. I find that the conversations that I get involved in on this board fill in for the old 'water cooler' talk that I used to have in the office.

This is probably the first forum I've been involved in where I've actually gotten to know a lot of the personalities. It reminds me of large projects I have worked on where you have people from all walks of life thrown together in the one place and you see all the interactions. Some people naturally get along, others rub each other the wrong way. It's really interesting to see this coming through in a medium such as this.

One thing's for sure, it's addictive....

27th May 2004, 12:15 PM
Mick, I'm sorry to hear that your wife is not well and I hope things are otherwise OK.

Same here

27th May 2004, 01:38 PM
Likewise Mick, we all hope things work out well.

Cliff Rogers
27th May 2004, 02:43 PM

I'm a bit like Mick, 'cept I don't have a crook wife, well, I do have a wife & sometimes/often, she does go crook but ...anyway, hope yours gets better soon Mick.

This poll needs a shade of grey somewhere between the top 2 options 'cos I check it from work & home 'cos I live at work & work at home & I usually have a look in at lunchtime or when I get 5 minutes for a coffe & then again later at night but not 50 times a day.

27th May 2004, 03:25 PM
my wife has serious ongoing health problems and I spend a lot of my time looking after her...Time on this BB for me is often my surrogate social interraction.

Sorry to hear that, Mick. Having cared for my wife for a few months I have had a glimpse of your lives must be like. Hope she is in good spirits.

Don't forget to take care of yourself as well. Its good to see you enjoy this forum!

27th May 2004, 03:41 PM
Geez sorry to hear about the missus Mick, I hope everything turns out OK.

See how much I care, I even sacrificed my Gold Member for you.

Cheers, Al the SNAG:)

27th May 2004, 04:15 PM
Oh, and there is me, self-employed, poor tired bugger who works harder than all the rest of you and doesn't get to the computer till after dinner.

...and your taxes pay for my salary! MWAH HA HA! Ahhhh - after that nice laugh I think I need to get back to finishing that very nasty crossword that has been bothering me all week....

27th May 2004, 08:15 PM
This is probably the first forum I've been involved in where I've actually gotten to know a lot of the personalities. It reminds me of large projects I have worked on where you have people from all walks of life thrown together in the one place and you see all the interactions. Some people naturally get along, others rub each other the wrong way. It's really interesting to see this coming through in a medium such as this.

One thing's for sure, it's addictive....

It sure is! And I agree with you, Darren, about the similarity to large project work. I have been involved with manufacturing for the last 15 years and one of the things I've missed about the big projects (from my previous career) is the really wide cross-section of personalities, opinions and experience. These forums provide quite a good virtual alternative. Even down to the tantrums and dummy-spits! :rolleyes:

I tend to log in while I'm at my desk doing a bit of "strategic planning". This time of year is consumed with budget-setting so I have more opportunity to hop in and out of the BB than usual. It makes an interesting break from trying to construct financial and productivity forecasts. :)

Mick: sorry to hear about your wife. I hope everything works out well for you both.


journeyman Mick
29th May 2004, 12:01 AM
Hi .... my name is Stinky and I am a reformed boardaholic.........Yes its been hard .... I am sure that not eveybody can do what I have done. Would I recommend it? No..........My name is Stinky and I am a reformed boardaholic.
Stinky, go on, we know you want to! Just log on at lunchtime, maybe during morning tea break as well, it would be totally unreasonable for the boss to mind, after all it's your meal break. And you might as well just check for new posts as soon as you get in in the morning and again just before you go home. It's not an addiction, don't worry, you'll be able to stop anytime you want. And maybe you should check for new posts every hour or so just in case there's material there that could be helpful to the latest job you're working on. I'm sure the boss would see it as initiative, probably be quite impressed. Go on Stinky, it's all here waiting for you, you want it, you need it, you're craving it, don't deny your self the heady exhilaration that only we can deliver! And no one is forcing you to do anything you don't already want, I'm your friend Stinky, I know what you want, I've got what you need, don't try to fight it!


Sir Stinkalot
29th May 2004, 12:09 AM
Mick .....

Oh I want to ..... oh I want to.

Sometimes I do a search in google with a word that I know will find a result that will direct to this board. It gives me a warm feeling inside just to know that the board is still there. Will I go in???? no I must not. Be strong Stinky be strong Stinky ... I say as my work mates look at me strangely. I must stay strong.

29th May 2004, 09:09 AM
Stinky, go on, we know you want to! Just log on at lunchtime, maybe during morning tea break as well, it would be totally unreasonable for the boss to mind, after all it's your meal break. And you might as well just check for new posts as soon as you get in in the morning and again just before you go home. It's not an addiction, don't worry, you'll be able to stop anytime you want. And maybe you should check for new posts every hour or so just in case there's material there that could be helpful to the latest job you're working on. I'm sure the boss would see it as initiative, probably be quite impressed. Go on Stinky, it's all here waiting for you, you want it, you need it, you're craving it, don't deny your self the heady exhilaration that only we can deliver! And no one is forcing you to do anything you don't already want, I'm your friend Stinky, I know what you want, I've got what you need, don't try to fight it!

Geez Mick you sound like a drug dealer. :D


31st May 2004, 08:48 PM
What is going on here!
Ozwinner's post keeps bobbing up as new and it's a week old!

Monkey spooks!


31st May 2004, 08:55 PM
I got that too.

Spooky http://mindscraps.com/s/otn/other/popworm.gif


Wayne Davy
31st May 2004, 09:15 PM
I had puzzled about that in the past with other Poll threads then I realised it was because someone voted on the Poll but did not leave a new message. Therefore, the thread had changed and comes up in the new posts search. (I think :confused: )

31st May 2004, 09:19 PM
Thanks Wayne....now I'll see if that works for all the others as well!



31st May 2004, 09:25 PM
Very interesting Watson.


Sir Stinkalot
31st May 2004, 09:51 PM
Yep ... as a pollologist I can say that any new vote cast in the poll will make it a new post in the new post list. :rolleyes:

4th June 2004, 12:00 PM
Changed the sound thingy that tells me when an email has arrived to a very loud bell sound. My computer is in my workshop (playshop) so except when I'm routing I hear Ubeaut telling me someone has contibuted yet another mind numbing witicism (90%) or life changing pearl of wisdom (10%).

Retirement allows working and playing in my 9mx6m airconditioned fully soundproofed heaven.

In order of importance and or frequency.
Activites include:
Responding to intercom commands to attend coffee breaks
Counting my cramps.
Sharpening chisels
Responding to intercom commands to attend coffee breaks
Grinding rust off old tools
Re-arranging shelves
Re-organising my toolbox
Responding to intercom commands to attend coffee breaks
Reflecting on life before my brain returned to it's cranium
Wondering how some of you guys find the time to monopolise this forum. (Don't stop)
Making things

Wood Borer
4th June 2004, 02:37 PM
The only time I have to do woodwork is on the weekends and holidays. During those times I only access the BB when some glue is drying or when it is too late to make a noise.

Oldblock, I am working up to what you already do. It must be like you say - absolute Heaven.

- Wood Borer

26th June 2004, 09:30 PM
Mick, sorry about the missus, been there, done that. Really feel your hurt.
Finally I find one of your posts to like, see, if you hang around long enough, anything's possible, I still don't know how (or why) you gave me that red square, but good on ya, it keeps me thinking if not honest. :D
shut up!!!!!, just for once. ;)
Where have you gone? Not doing, gulp, woodwork, I hope!
I notice that I've recently started using this thing at work, wish the heading wasn't so big. At this stage I always have two browsers open so I can switch to something legitimate at a mouse click. So there is perhaps, hope for me. :confused:
Otherwise, SilentC is right about the watercooler.
cop-u-later guys and Jackie. :D

26th June 2004, 09:39 PM
Finally I find one of your posts to like, see, if you hang around long enough, anything's possible, I still don't know how (or why) you gave me that red square, but good on ya, it keeps me thinking if not honest. :D

Maybe you think too much, thats why you were a spelling nazi. :(


26th June 2004, 10:01 PM
No mate
I was only a spelling Nazi because I thought it was funny.
Sad isn't it?
I'm over that now, although at times it really is tempting to have a friendly dig at someone who ought to know better. But since I now realise that some people can't help their spelling, or even more sadly, are totally unaware of their mistakes, I leave it alone. Unless, of course, someone like Kenmill or Bob or Silent makes a blue; then the gloves are off and I don't expect any crap from anyone about that. I'm not going to be a complete prick about it anymore, but neither am I going to have a personality transplant! As Darren so rightly pointed out, it is the diversity of these forums that makes them worthwhile. Conformity sucks, so I can be nice to you when you earn it and get stuck into you (not that I ever have) if you deserve it. I call that being an Australian.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I like to give as good as I get. I'm not going to spit the dummy and leave like some others have, because that is shameful, but I also take your point about not causing others to feel that they need to leave.
So lets agree to live and let live. If you were in my area I'd offer to buy you a beer and have a laugh or two. So if you want to join Zed and me at Newcastle on the Saturday of that show, We'll buy you one.

27th June 2004, 01:11 AM
Now that I work from home its great. I can check the BB couple of times a day. At first its a bit sad to realise that the computer is making up for a lack of the water cooler but hey, its fun, its social... and you can learn lots.

Having spent some years at sea you tend to really the miss all the "guys" that you shipped half way around the world with (several times) and went to lots of exotic places and got really drunk with.

When I was 15 I left home to become a shipwright apprentice. Imagine my disappointment when I found out my apprenticeship would be predominantly boilermaking ("don't makem out of wood anymore sonny"). A total of 16 weeks in the joinery shop, bugger!. 23 years later and I'm getting back to some conversion of fine timber into sawdust and I'm really enjoying it. The welder has a nice covering of jarrah shavings over it. This BB is a bit like the icing on the cake.

27th June 2004, 01:24 AM
I don’t work so I can use it all day
Funny how this question is the only one in Italics. ;)

I don't work due to an industrial accident so i have in a serious manner taken up woodworking as a relief from the boredom by joining the local woodworking clubs.
I try not to spend to much time reading the posts but many times the sun comes up before i know it.
Then shmbo gets up and has the impertinence to tell me to get orf and take her to work.
The impudence of her to disturb me like that!
Can't complain to much as shmbo is the bread winner now.
At least i can get back after taking her to work. :)

11th September 2004, 04:31 PM
Work, play, it's all the same to me!

5th March 2005, 09:48 PM
I too work from home and am able to flit in and out of the forum between phone calls and meetings etc so I use the forum quite a lot. I make a point however of only posting sensible and informative articles that will benefit the less experienced woodworker.
I never partake of political, social,or internetal chit chat and small talk and never acknowledge the lewdness and smut that appears all too often in my opinion as I feel it offends and wastes the valuable time of the purists who enjoy reading genuine woodworking related articles.
I find now that I spend more time looking for and listing said offenders whom I shall report to Mr. along with my recommendation that they be dismissed from the forum thereby giving more quality time to the skilled craftsmen like myself.
Oh yes, you all know who you are so take heed, your days are numbered and will be wielding the forumular axe very shortly. http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gifhttp://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif


5th March 2005, 09:53 PM
I too work from home and am able to flit in and out of the forum between phone calls and meetings etc so I use the forum quite a lot. I make a point however of only posting sensible and informative articles that will benefit the less experienced woodworker.
I never partake of political, social,or internetal chit chat and small talk and never acknowledge the lewdness and smut that appears all too often in my opinion as I feel it offends and wastes the valuable time of the purists who enjoy reading genuine woodworking related articles.
I find now that I spend more time looking for and listing said offenders whom I shall report to Mr. along with my recommendation that they be dismissed from the forum thereby giving more quality time to the skilled craftsmen like myself.
Oh yes, you all know who you are so take heed, your days are numbered and will be wielding the forumular axe very shortly. http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gifhttp://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif


Point yaken Reverend.

5th March 2005, 09:57 PM
I too work from home and am able to flit in and out of the forum between phone calls and meetings etc so I use the forum quite a lot. I make a point however of only posting sensible and informative articles that will benefit the less experienced woodworker.
I never partake of political, social,or internetal chit chat and small talk and never acknowledge the lewdness and smut that appears all too often in my opinion as I feel it offends and wastes the valuable time of the purists who enjoy reading genuine woodworking related articles.
I find now that I spend more time looking for and listing said offenders whom I shall report to Mr. along with my recommendation that they be dismissed from the forum thereby giving more quality time to the skilled craftsmen like myself.
Oh yes, you all know who you are so take heed, your days are numbered and will be wielding the forumular axe very shortly.

Oh no, then it would become like a british forum. All posh and proper and so boooring. :D :D :D

It be like killing of the goose that lays the golden eggs or gives out pearls of wisdom. :D :D :D


5th March 2005, 10:16 PM
I too work from home and am able to flit in and out of the forum between phone calls and meetings etc so I use the forum quite a lot. I make a point however of only posting sensible and informative articles that will benefit the less experienced woodworker.
I never partake of political, social,or internetal chit chat and small talk and never acknowledge the lewdness and smut that appears all too often in my opinion as I feel it offends and wastes the valuable time of the purists who enjoy reading genuine woodworking related articles.
I find now that I spend more time looking for and listing said offenders whom I shall report to Mr. along with my recommendation that they be dismissed from the forum thereby giving more quality time to the skilled craftsmen like myself.
Oh yes, you all know who you are so take heed, your days are numbered and will be wielding the forumular axe very shortly. http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gifhttp://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif

Wheres me gummies? It is getting deep in here. :rolleyes:

5th March 2005, 10:31 PM
Oh no, then it would become like a british forum. All posh and proper and so boooring. :D :D :D

It be like killing of the goose that lays the golden eggs or gives out pearls of wisdom. :D :D :D Peter
Oh yes Mr Sturdee, you are on the list you Agent Provocateur you and as you will know, very high up on the list. I blame much of the dissent and political diatribe on you,,, where did you go wrong?,,,you showed so much promise once and dare I say,,,you even had great talent. I suspect you were heavily influenced by others who over a period of time dragged you down to their level,,,but now you lead!,,, and with such misguided principles. Its little wonder the wonderful world of wooodworking is beginning to fall into disrepute.
So, action is required and and his infinite wisdom and staunch sense of right and wrong will come to our rescue,,,sort of like an antipodean Sir George in a way really,,,and show us the light once more. Viva la revolutuion, go getem . http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/waffen/violent-smiley-010.gif


5th March 2005, 10:47 PM
Well it's 10:45 pm in Sydney, which must mean it's 11.45 am on a Saturday in the UK.
Why the hell are you wasting your time on an Oz BB instead of being in your well equiped if compact shed? :confused:

Enquiring minds would like to know

6th March 2005, 12:04 AM
Well it's 10:45 pm in Sydney, which must mean it's 11.45 am on a Saturday in the UK.
Why the hell are you wasting your time on an Oz BB instead of being in your well equiped if compact shed? :confused:

Enquiring minds would like to know
too cold out there mate, besides still finishing off some work in the office and gotta go into Chester afterwards.http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon7.gif Might go out and polish the dust extracter later thoughhttp://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon12.gif


6th March 2005, 04:22 PM
Oh yes, Mr. Sturdee, you are on the list, you Agent Provocateur you and as you will know, very high up on the list. I blame much of the dissent and political diatribe on you, where did you go wrong? You showed so much promise once and dare I say, you even had great talent. I suspect you were heavily influenced by others who over a period of time dragged you down to their level, but now you lead! and with such misguided principles. It's little wonder the wonderful world of woodworking is beginning to fall into disrepute.

Beejay, thank you for the compliments, it is much appreciated. However I can't claim all the credit as I have many fellow co-conspirators. :D :D :D I suppose that as Agent Provocateur you'll want to slap me on the wrist with a limp and soggy pancake a la the British style. :D

So, action is required and and his infinite wisdom and staunch sense of right and wrong will come to our rescue, sort of like an antipodean Sir George in a way really, and show us the light once more.

Whilst may be antipodean :eek: , a Sir George he isn't. :D I think you put too much hope in to help you for, whilst you may live on the wrong side of the world, only lives down the road from us. :D :D :D

Viva la revolution.

Hooray, you're seeing the light, of with the royalists heads. :D :D :D


Prince Charles
6th March 2005, 06:16 PM
Steady on old chap
Britian is not boreing.
We may be an inbred bunch, but boreing never, just think of some of the things Daddy has said over the years.

God Bless The Mummy.


6th March 2005, 07:05 PM
[QUOTE=Sturdee]Beejay, thank you for the compliments, it is much appreciated. However I can't claim all the credit as I have many fellow co-conspirators. :D :D :D I suppose that as Agent Provocateur you'll want to slap me on the wrist with a limp and soggy pancake a la the British style. :D

Dont knock it til you try it, I can assure you a good flogging with a limp soggy pancake is just what this forum needs,,http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif

Whilst may be antipodean :eek: , a Sir George he isn't. :D I think you put too much hope in to help you for, whilst you may live on the wrong side of the world, only lives down the road from us. :D :D :D

As for , I have to say hes proved to be real dispointment to me. He showed his true colours by referring to his "gummies" in his previous response. You turncoat ! They are of course "Wellies" and yes,,,,they too are of course ,,,,British. I'll have to research but I'll be surprised if the pancake wasnt British as well. http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gifhttp://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif

6th March 2005, 07:44 PM
Beejay if the UK is the ants pants why dontcha start an elightened forum over there instead of trying to convert Aussies who know its much better here?? ;)

6th March 2005, 08:50 PM
Beejay if the UK is the ants pants why dontcha start an elightened forum over there instead of trying to convert Aussies who know its much better here?? ;)
Bob, ive lived over there and Know its much better than here. Im not trying to convert anyone i assure you, just my adolescent sense of humour i guess,so, sensing ive offended you, I apologise and will not refer to "you know where" again.http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon11.gif .....

I love France as well, but I suppose that's out the question?

As to forums over here, there are as you know quite a few which I did look at and indeed actually joined one. Whilst it was very informative and attended by extremely skilled and experienced members, including one of your own most respected members, I found it to be just a little too conventional for me and thats why I joined your forum. Its got everything a good forum should have, in particular skill, humour, balance and diversity and you cant improve upon that, which is why enjoy it so much.http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon7.gif


6th March 2005, 08:56 PM
Bob, ive lived over there and Know its much better than here. Im not trying to convert anyone i assure you, just my adolescent sense of humour i guess,so, sensing ive offended you, I apologise and will not refer to "you know where" again

Don't worry about Bob BJ, he's a prickly old fellow (just check his avatar) :D

I for one enjoy your badinage. Keep it up. :)


6th March 2005, 09:22 PM
I love France as well, but I suppose that's out the question?]

That depends - what's the question? :confused: If it has to do with pancakes I urge you to be very careful with your answer. :D :D

6th March 2005, 09:24 PM
I'm not upset at all - just pullin yer leg. :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

6th March 2005, 10:26 PM
I love France as well, but I suppose that's out the question?

I've never been to France so I don't know if it's out of the question but I love lots of french things. :D :D :D

For example their wine, their women, their songs, their croissants, their letters and their greatest invention the guillotine. :D :D :D


7th March 2005, 12:09 PM
. . . their letters . . .

Good one, Peter. You just snuck that one in there, didn't you? Nearly missed it. :D

7th March 2005, 08:03 PM
Good one, Peter. You just snuck that one in there, didn't you? Nearly missed it. :D

I was wondering if that would slip through unnoticed. Maybe that term is no longer used? Kind of shows our age, doesn't it.


7th March 2005, 09:03 PM
I only use McDonalds internet cafe, god I love big macs :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D