View Full Version : Sauna

24th May 2004, 09:40 AM
Has anyone built a sauna?
I need to know if there is fixed sizes for the room. Can anyone help? :rolleyes:

journeyman Mick
24th May 2004, 10:21 AM
I built a sauna and a steam room (don't ask me what the difference is, but one was tiled and the other cedar) at a resort a few years ago. The room size would be dictated by your heater/steam generator. If you are buying a commercially made one then the manufacturer should be able to give you guidlines. If you are making your own I guess it will be more complicated as you will need to do all sorts of calculations for heat output. No doubt there are formulas for heat to room volume requirements but you will need to search further afield (unless we have a sauna guru on this BB :) )


24th May 2004, 11:24 AM
the wonders of google - search using "sauna+construction+sizing" turns up a lot of links

This one looks like it has lots of generally interesting stuff on saunas
