View Full Version : NOT a woody.BUT you will get it

18th February 2009, 01:17 PM

The well-known Greek poet and philosopher, Anon Ymous, who had been removing a piston from an

old engine when he dropped a gudgeon pin circlip down into the gungy, 50 year old oil in the crankcase, wrote


When I have lost my temper, I have lost my reason, too.
I'm never proud of anything that angrily I do.
When I have talked in anger and my cheeks were flaming red,
I have always uttered something that I wish I hadn't said.
In looking back across my life, and all I've lost or made,
I can't recall a single time when fury ever paid.
So I struggle to be patient, for I've reached a wiser age;
I do not want to do a thing or speak a word in rage.

I have learned by sad experience that when my temper flies,
I never do a worthy thing, a decent deed or wise. Anon Ymous.

18th February 2009, 01:21 PM
:2tsup: oh so true

18th February 2009, 01:26 PM
Hear Hear!!

19th February 2009, 01:41 PM
Hey Ross, i could have wrote that:) It is so true. I think I will print it out and frame it.
Good one.:2tsup: