View Full Version : hello!

11th February 2009, 05:24 AM
Hi I am Michael and my wife and i have just bought 10 acres near to braidwood and will be building our first hous together in a few months. Have very little experience inthe building trade, (currently living on and island off of the west coast of scotland) but am wanting to learn as much as i can.
OUr house will be a steel frame with timber cladding on two sides (maybe cypruss pine) so most of my searches/ posts on here to start with will be about ...how do i screw timber onto a steel frame...? etc:B
Hoping for lots of info and advice, as it is always welcome.
cheers, michael.

11th February 2009, 10:04 AM
Welcome TB nice to have you aboard. You will get plenty of advice from this forum.:)

11th February 2009, 11:54 AM
G'day Tb and welcome to our world.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Steel frames are good for termite deterrance and Cypruss Pine burns like buggery. I tell you this because of the fire hazards in that area.

If you are referring to weatherboard cladding I think this will be a two person operation. There are Self tapping screws that will drill through the timber and then the stell frame.There are screw "guns" - drivers- availabble that take a belt of screws that automatically feed into the driver so you don't have to worry about holding screws and stuphphing about with alignment etc. Probably cost a bit but well worth it, may even be able to hire one.

Best of luck.

Ed Reiss
11th February 2009, 01:37 PM
Hi Michael...welcome to the forums:2tsup:

...duct tape comes in handy for a lot of stuff, but don't think it would be too good for the timber/steel connection thing though !!! :roll:

11th February 2009, 02:56 PM
Hi, there is a special set of self-tapping screws for use with steel frames. I am building a kit steel frame house and there seems to be a million different types of screws that are needed. The other thing you need is a good rechargeable drill with a lot of spare batteries.


25th February 2009, 11:19 PM
hi cheers fo rthe warm welcome. we are currently packing up ou lives here in scotland and getting ready to move to oz in a few months.
with so many questions and not too sure where to start with the forum as there are so many prts to it i can see myself spending hours trwling through htis foru
cant wait ot start building!