View Full Version : G'Day from a 'youngen'

Rhys Cooper
8th February 2009, 07:44 PM
my name is Rhys Cooper.

I have been a member of this forum for a bit, and just thought I may aswell do a proper intro.

I have recently finished my HSC, studying Woodwork, Design and Technology, English, Maths, Science and Business Studies.

I have applied and been accepted into the Australian School of Fine Furniture in Tasmania, but due to unforseen circumstances I had to defer for a year...which has enabled me to 'discover' other courses I want to do, so I will keep you all updated as to what happens with that.

I got into woodworking at school in yr7, making a breakfast tray, then a pencil box in year 8. I then chose it as an elective in yr9, making a Deck Chair and footstool.

In yr10 I kept doing woodwork, making a clock, coffee table and cabinet thing (never got finished)

Year 11 I chose woodwork, cant really remember what we made.

Then year 12 I made my workbench, and an armchair for my 2 major projects.

So here I am know, working and saving for University and tools, so I keep my interest in Woodwork.

Hopefully the payment comes through from Rudd so I can buy some Harold and Saxon Bench Chisels:U

I am know trying to think of something to make to keep me occuppied on my days off...some ideas maybe? (No boxes, or small fiddly things:U)


Ed Reiss
9th February 2009, 05:02 AM
...with all that you have days off :o ...well, if you want something that will really occupy...whoops, meant monopolize, your time, get into woodturning - not to mention that it's also a good way to lower your bank balance as well:C

Oh...and welcome to the forums Rhys:U:2tsup:

9th February 2009, 09:16 AM
Yep woodturning and pens. :) you wont have any time to spare and not much cash either. :D Welcome to the forum. mate.:2tsup: