View Full Version : New to THC HB10

7th February 2009, 01:40 PM
Hi all
After 10 years of faithful Triton woodworking I sold my Triton gear and have upgraded to a Carbatec HB10. There is a huge difference in accuracy but I have had to relearn some of my woodworking techniques. I have joined the forum on a 40 degree plus day here in Adelaide to gain some ideas on using this new beast in my workshop. My interests include small box making scroll saw work and furniture making.
Have great day all
Paul :doh:

7th February 2009, 01:45 PM
Hi Paul .
Welcome to the forum.
Don't ya just luv this hot weather:no:

7th February 2009, 02:14 PM
Thanks, Unfortunately too hot for the shed where I am working on a blackwood barristers bookcase (plan from the woodsmith). Fairly ambitious for a first project on this saw.

This new saw is amazing but also a bit scary being 15 amp 3 hp. Have bulit a really cool crosscut sled using a shop bought micro stop and it works really well. . Took me a long time to get this saw right. The instructions are terrible and very misleading. Looking forward to a cool change tomorrow.
Stay cool

Claw Hama
7th February 2009, 02:36 PM
Hi Paul and welcome. Ah the feeling though when you finaly get something performing the way you want it too, it just makes the job so much easier.

7th February 2009, 02:54 PM
Yes, I have to say it is far superior to my Triton but the Triton has been great. The saw is well aligned now and a joy to use. Dreading that first kick back though.

7th February 2009, 03:38 PM
G'day Paul,

The instructions are terrible and very misleading. Looking forward to a cool change tomorrow.
Find the comparable saw (i forget which one it is at the moment) at grizzly.com and use their instructions. Much better.
We have 46 °C and climbing at the local airport weather station, with 78 kmh wind gusts.

7th February 2009, 04:24 PM
There is a huge difference in accuracy but I have had to relearn some of my woodworking techniques.

Hi Paul, I've posted a reply in your dado thread with info about your new saw that mnay be of interest to you.


7th February 2009, 06:41 PM
Hi Paul and welcome to the forum

7th February 2009, 09:02 PM
Hi Mick
Thankyou so much for the lead. It is extremely useful.
Stay cool

G'day Paul,

Find the comparable saw (i forget which one it is at the moment) at grizzly.com and use their instructions. Much better.
We have 46 °C and climbing at the local airport weather station, with 78 kmh wind gusts.

7th February 2009, 09:05 PM
Thanks John
I have already recieved invaluable advice from woodies accross the country just from my first posting.
It is really great.

Hi Paul and welcome to the forum

Ed Reiss
8th February 2009, 02:52 AM
Welcome to the forums Paul:2tsup:

8th February 2009, 06:08 AM
G'day Paul and welcomee to the forums.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Plenty of info here . Don't be afraid to ask questions as some bright spark will know the answer.

The heat down south is really chronic. I lived through some of that sort of stuff when I lived at A place called Rufus River, on the Murray near the SA border. Appreciate what you are going through.

8th February 2009, 07:41 AM
Welcome to the Forums Paul,

Great to see another Adelaide lad! (They've got us out numbered you know):D

You will as we all have, find this forum to be addictive and the greatest source of knowledge. Where else can you pick the brains of so many other like minded souls?

Have fun,

14th February 2009, 11:44 AM
Welcome to the Forums Paul,

Great to see another Adelaide lad! (They've got us out numbered you know):D

You will as we all have, find this forum to be addictive and the greatest source of knowledge. Where else can you pick the brains of so many other like minded souls?

Have fun,

Its great to find a local woodworker. This is of course a new thread but any leads on cabinet timber. I am tired of getting ripped off by a local supplier.
Any leads greatly appreciated
Cheers Paul