View Full Version : What to buy with $200

18th May 2004, 04:59 PM
Well, I've taken my GMC Powered Router table back to Bunnings and got a full refund by way of $200 worth of gift vouchers. The question is........what do i buy at Bunnies with $200. First thought was a GMC band saw but then I remembered the problems with the router so that's on hold for the moment. At last it dawned on me. Ask the knowledgable gurus of this board and I'm sure the solution will appear.

So the question is:

What would you buy at Bunnies with $200 !

Wayne Davy
18th May 2004, 05:02 PM
:D Piles and piles of Duct Tape for the Cyclone and Pipes/Ducts :D

Seriously, bit hard to say what you should buy considering we don't know everything you currently got :confused:

18th May 2004, 05:07 PM
Put a bit more money with it and buy a Makita, Hitachi or Triton router.

Sadly, these days you don't get much for $200.

Bob Willson
18th May 2004, 06:17 PM
Weren't you defending GMC a few posts ago? :confused:

If there was a problem with the item that you returned then they should have offered you CASH back, not vouchers.
However, seeing as you now have $200 of vouchers to spend, :) if they were my vouchers I would be thinking maybe a few more clamps, followed by some large boxes of screws etc. I say large boxes, because the prices on their small bags of screws and similar items is outrageous. They also sell powered remote garage door openers. I would love to get one of these but not from them.

18th May 2004, 06:27 PM

As you don't need any glue or sandpaper for a while, and as timber and hardware is cheaper elsewhere, and finishing products should be bought from Neill all you can buy from Bunnies is 100 cartridges of gap filler which they sell very cheaply. :D :D :D

Or get in your wife's good book and give the vouchers to her to buy plants.


18th May 2004, 06:42 PM
( Sung to, In The Navy )
GMC.GMC.GMC for you and me.
Go to Bunnies.
You will see lots of yummy tools.
At Bunnies.
They only employ fools.
At Bunnies.
They sell coloured paint galore.
At Bunnies.
But you just cant get a whore.
At Bunnies.
You can get a snag in a roll.
At Bunnies.
Just go for a stroll.
At Bunnies.................
Etc. Etc.

Al :D

18th May 2004, 07:14 PM
But you just cant get a whore.
At Bunnies.

Typical. They have a range of 35,000 items and still not one of those. :D :D :D Maybe through their special order desk.


18th May 2004, 07:23 PM
Well, I've taken my GMC Powered Router table back to Bunnings and got a full refund by way of $200 worth of gift vouchers

I was feeling lazy enough to try to avoid building a new router table and was thinking about getting one of these.

So what did you find wrong with it?

18th May 2004, 07:35 PM
Well, I've taken my GMC Powered Router table back to Bunnings and got a full refund by way of $200 worth of gift vouchers

I was feeling lazy enough to try to avoid building a new router table and was thinking about getting one of these.

So what did you find wrong with it?

Well, the whole set up in my opinion is prone to fail. The height adjustment is done by turning the turn-table with a metal bracket supplied. The problem is that within a very short time it fills up with saw dust which clogs up the whole thing and it won't turn. The only way to get the router bit out then is to dismantle the plate and clean it out. I did this about 4 times just trying to change bits and it's a pain in the bum. Finally, it got so clogged up it wouldn't turn at all and that's when I took it back. It's still got the 1/2 inch router bit in it which i couldn't get out. Oh well, put it down to experience and buying cheap stuff. Some of their gear is ok and works well for the money like the compressor and dowell drill i have of there's. But as for the powered router table Bob, forget it.
I have since got the Triton Router table and the triton router as well. Now *that's* a good tool.

To the others, i didn't mind getting the vouchers instead of cash. They'd get it sooner or later anyway. :o :rolleyes:

18th May 2004, 07:39 PM

Or get in your wife's good book and give the vouchers to her to buy plants.


Nah, Pete, not worth it. I'd only have to plant the damn things. I'll give her one of the sausages ! ;)

18th May 2004, 08:28 PM
aahhh well, i would have got annoyed at that too.

So I'll go back to the idea of making one.
The latest FWW has one with interesting features so I might work some of them into a bigger and better looking unit.

18th May 2004, 09:31 PM
the Gifkins site has a plan for one which is very easy to make and works a treat.

18th May 2004, 09:33 PM
with teenage daughters there are enough clothes around here to make rags for cleaning,.
I stupidly work in a furniture factory[?] so get as much MDF as I want .
What I would pay for dearly at Bunnies IF i still went there [i refuse to talk to stupid idiots] would be some interested intelligent resourseful staff apart from the Triton reps

Ben from Vic.
18th May 2004, 09:34 PM
Bunnies still sells Record G clamps.

You can never have to many clamps.

Wayne Davy
18th May 2004, 09:37 PM
Well, after all that, I decided to vote for the MDF. You could use it to build a Router Table if you decided to change from the Triton (not saying its bad or anything).

Speaking of Router Tables, the new Carbatec Dogalog has a new Router Plate insert for $45!! Made from ABS plastic and includes 2 insert rings (giving 3 possible hole sizes). Also has a starter Pin and 4 leveling screws with rare earth holddown magnets. Great deal if you are building your own Table (might even change mine in the future).


bob w
18th May 2004, 09:42 PM
How come everytime you guys buy a piece of cheap sh*t and are unhappy with it you blame Bunnies?
If it is such a godawful place to go WHY do you keep going back? Sure they employ SOME fools but the reason for this is they are the only ones that will put up with the idiot customers.
I work on the trade desk at the Orange NSW store and truly it would try the patience of a saint trying to answer the idiot questions posed by some of the supposedly knowledgable customers. Like the "handyman" that wanted to build a bookcase and was looking for ideas. After nearly 40 minutes of asking "foolish" questions like how large did the bookcase need to be and what size and weight books would it hold to which I only got vague replies we decided on a design he liked and a timber he was happy to use. Did we get the order? NO! He advised me that he only came to us for assistance in the design because we had qualified people that knew what to do. He then headed for the hardware store in his home town to purchase the materials.
As for the sausage in the roll these are run by local charities using equipment and gas supplied by Bunnies at no charge. Maybe you should buy some gear from Mitre10 then we could all read about the fools they employ. :mad:

18th May 2004, 10:12 PM
shhhh Bob,
if they didnt have bunnies to moan about they might pick on you'n'me

18th May 2004, 11:18 PM
How come everytime you guys buy a piece of cheap sh*t and are unhappy with it you blame Bunnies?
If it is such a godawful place to go WHY do you keep going back? Sure they employ SOME fools but the reason for this is they are the only ones that will put up with the idiot customers.
I work on the trade desk at the Orange NSW store and truly it would try the patience of a saint trying to answer the idiot questions posed by some of the supposedly knowledgable customers. Like the "handyman" that wanted to build a bookcase and was looking for ideas. After nearly 40 minutes of asking "foolish" questions like how large did the bookcase need to be and what size and weight books would it hold to which I only got vague replies we decided on a design he liked and a timber he was happy to use. Did we get the order? NO! He advised me that he only came to us for assistance in the design because we had qualified people that knew what to do. He then headed for the hardware store in his home town to purchase the materials.
As for the sausage in the roll these are run by local charities using equipment and gas supplied by Bunnies at no charge. Maybe you should buy some gear from Mitre10 then we could all read about the fools they employ. :mad:

Oh Oh , looks like we hit a nerve here, however:

1. I didn't blame Bunnings
2. I like going there
3. The staff are fine in my opinion (my son worked there a while)
4. With regards to the snorkers, if you look hard you'll see the tongue planted firmly in the cheek.


18th May 2004, 11:48 PM
How come everytime you guys buy a piece of cheap sh*t and are unhappy with it you blame Bunnies?

Bob, If Bunnies sell something that is sh*t, then it is not unreasonable that they get criticized.

Now I buy a lot of stuff at Bunnings and their staff is in my experience always helpfull. However in many items they are way too expensive.

Examples that come to mind are screws ( 3 packets totalling 60 woodscrews cost the same as a box of 1000 from Wilson & Bradley),Tek screws ( twice the price as my timberyard), sandpaper rolls ( 25 metre rolls is four times the price of my supplier), nuts and bolts ( about 10 times dearer than a bolt supplier), MDF and chipboard ( twice the price as Allboard ) and timber ( 25 percent deare than Chippy's).

These are only some of the items that quickly come to mind and were the items I was referring to in my earlier post as too dear. I could go on but these items ought to be enough proof . I know I could get the famous price match guarantee but the hassle for small items isn't worth it.

BTW I am not bashing GMC as I have bought quite a few of their tools and I have never had any major problems with them, and their warranty service is excellent, but their router table is sh*t.


bob w
19th May 2004, 01:35 AM
If Bunnies was the manufacturer of sub standard products they would deserve to be criticised. However like most large hardware retailers they are forced to offer a range that is predominately price pointed to appeal to the general public. This of course means that the discerning buyer will easily find fault with an item that has been made to a price only and where accuracy and ease of use was not high on the priority list. To this end we should ask "santas helpers" as we call ourselves in our red & green to take the unit out of the box and have a thorough inspection before making a decision. Most of the people I work with really don't mind, in fact they enjoy the opportunity to discuss the range with an informed customer and are more than happy to learn from someone that knows more than they do.

Yes you did hit a nerve as I take my role with Bunnings Very seriously as I did with Mitre10 before that, and it does grate to be referred to as a fool or as stated in an earlier thread "Bunnings only employ morons"

19th May 2004, 05:43 AM
Has anyone noticed that the above poll results aren't anonymous!
Is that an optional setting? or the new default?

19th May 2004, 01:29 PM
I think the $200 should be spent on 108.108108108..... jarrah pickets from Bunnies.

1) it's a real wood (not MDF)
2) it's not pine
3) there is photographic evidence on this board of some pretty nice stuff made from these jarrah pickets.

Andrew (in NSW, where jarrah isn't as plentiful as in, say, Perth)
obilgatroy spellling misstakes

19th May 2004, 02:52 PM
Has anyone noticed that the above poll results aren't anonymous!
Is that an optional setting? or the new default?

It's an option when setting up the poll.

23rd May 2004, 03:46 PM
Bob W, I personally dislike the BBQ being a parent involved with Cubs, Scouts and Pony Club, they all utilise this service which ultimately buggers up three weekends a year for me ;) .
Tongue planted firmly in cheek and I do take your point.
I now work in the electronics industry and occasionaly have to deal with electricians, they sound like they may be related to some of the customers you have to deal with, most have no idea about the field and cannot figure out how RF works without a return path.
Thats the easy ones.

6th August 2004, 12:34 AM
Nasty nasty nasty