View Full Version : G'day Everyone

30th January 2009, 10:16 AM
G'day everyone,

I've been bouncing around this forum for the past month or so and have found it a compelling to check daily on what is going one. A great forum with all things woody being addressed.:2tsup:

I'm what, I would call a novice, self taught and always searching to learn new things. A desk jockey needs an escape and thankfully my wife understands that timber is my joy.:roll:

I have made a lot of items over the years, starting with picture frames, and progressed to wine racks, garden bences, book cases etc. I have built pergolas etc and am now in the middle of designing and building a new deck (11m x 6m).:doh:

I find this site a great source of information and would like to thank everyone for their contributions. I get a lot of help from others posts.

I'll probably bounce a few questions off in time, but for now, I'm more than happy to look and learn.

Once again, a great site:2tsup:

30th January 2009, 10:49 AM
Bounce away waralee, and enjoy the usualy good company on this BB, Some pictures of your work and WsIP would earn you many kudos. Welcome.


30th January 2009, 10:59 AM
Thanks Masoth,

I'll grab a couple of jpegs tonight and see what kudos comes my way


Ed Reiss
30th January 2009, 01:41 PM
Welcome Waralea:2tsup:

no better forums around than this one!!

30th January 2009, 03:20 PM
Thanks Ed,

Looking forward to the experience.

There is so much knowledge out there, and the best part is people wishing to share it around.


30th January 2009, 04:52 PM
:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup: G'day Waralea and welcome to the land of the knowledgable, the mad the sad and the bad.

Used to live in Leeton and travelled to Wagga Wagga quite often. Great city!

Decent sized deck you are about to construct.

30th January 2009, 05:08 PM
Welcome to the forum Waralea.

30th January 2009, 09:07 PM
Thanks Munruben and Artme for the welcome.

Artme, lucky you're not in this part of the world now- the heat has been unbeleivable. We're into our 8th day above 37 degrees with quite a number being over 40 - another week to go so they say....

Re the deck, yep she's huge, Did a reno about 10 years ago and put a huge 10x6m room on the back of the house - best thing I ever did,

Now the minister for War, Finance and Foreign Affairs(sorry my wife) wants a corresponding area so that we can entertain properly.

I may need some help with the specks of the deck, so I'll be doing a bit of asking around the traps very soon.

Ad de Crom
31st January 2009, 01:38 AM
Hi waralea, welcome to the best show on earth.
As you notice a lot of nationality's here in this wonderful forum, you did the right thing with register yourself.
Have fun.


2nd February 2009, 05:22 PM
Hi waralea, welcome to the forum from a fellow Wagga ite. Haven't been lurking around for a few days and just noticed your intro.
Call into the woodies club room in the Botanical Gardens and say good day to all the woodies there. (Thursday and Saturday mornings).

2nd February 2009, 07:44 PM
G'day Bekky,

I'll drop in when time permits, work through the week and Saturdays are normally busy, the first opportunity I'll drop by

