View Full Version : G'day from Sydney

27th January 2009, 11:57 PM
G’day everyone.

I recently decided to get back into woodworking after an absence of a few years and stumbled onto this fabulous site – talk about serendipity:)

I like building boxes, ranging from plywood utility tool boxes through to jewellery cases made from really attractive native Australian hardwoods. My other interest is the smaller end of household items – shelves and the like. My next, and most ambitious project to date, is a shaker-style bedside table.

Major items of equipment are a Triton WC2K with the largest Makita saw I could find, and a Triton router mounted in a Triton router table. I use a Gifkins dovetail jig – what a superb piece of equipment and Aussie to boot.

I’m really looking forward to sharing through this site. Browsing over the last couple of days suggests everyone has loads to offer and there’s almost none of the bickering usually found in virtual forums.

Cya … John.

28th January 2009, 07:41 AM
Welcome John. :2tsup: Coming back to 'an old friend' is always pleasant - I hope you suffer no disappointments. Keep us informed of your progress.


28th January 2009, 07:49 AM
G'day John and welcome aboard!! :2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Looks like you are all set to go.

28th January 2009, 11:53 AM
Welcome John, This is the site for all your questions and usually you get the answers. Sounds like you have got the gear to get started again, It's like welcoming an old friend. Enjoy yourself. :2tsup::)

Ed Reiss
28th January 2009, 01:04 PM
Hi Guy....welcome to the asylum!!!:2tsup:

2nd February 2009, 09:20 PM
You will this forum a great place for ideas as the many contibutors have the knowledge to set you straight. Just ask the questions and someone will always answer, and if you are looking for inspiration, simply browse the work that many on here share with everyone..

2nd February 2009, 10:22 PM
Welcome John. nice to have you here.

3rd February 2009, 05:49 PM
Ditto john, welcome aboard mate.

3rd February 2009, 09:18 PM
Welcome John.
Nice to see that those of us of similar age don't just fade away, but rejuvenate ourselves of our passion.