View Full Version : G'day Blokes - Bondwood/Fibreglass Boat Project

27th January 2009, 04:37 PM
Hi Guys,

I've just picked up a (what I think is) bondwood and fibreglass runabout. It has been maintained by the old guy I bought it off in very very good condition with working Johnson/Evinrude 33hp Ski Twin 1967(approx) engine. I got what I think was a bargain at $1000 including trailer.

I've taken the boat out a few times already and have not had any dramas what-so-ever. Now, it is my first boat, and I really have no skills in the boating area, but definitely am looking forward to the on-going project of keeping this boat maintained and in top condition.

Last weekend I took the boat out and as we were pulling up the anchor, it swung into the hull as I lost my footing and resulted in a very small but definite hole below the waterline. Around about the size of a pencil head. I'm not 100% if it's all the way through because I need to take up the semi-removable flooring to see. But its definitely pierced the firbreglass skin and I can see the wood beneath. The hole was created by the very tip of a standard anchor (i think they are mainly sand anchors?).

I was planning on taking the boat out next weekend and would love some assistance in figuring out if it's something I can fix relatively easily myself, or if anyone knows of someone who would be able to help me out.

I';ve got other questions regarding regular maintenance on the polished bondwood top and repainting the fibreglass hull and other bits and peices, but this is my priority at the moment.


27th January 2009, 06:39 PM
G'day Sullyman and welcome to blokes heaven.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Good to see that cultural imperialism hasn't affected the vernacular.:D:D:p

27th January 2009, 09:32 PM
Hi Sullyman,
Put pencil in hole,
Put boat in water,
Go fishin,pencil will swell and seal hole,
When you get home saw off excess pencil
works best with boat in water regularly! :wink:

Ed Reiss
28th January 2009, 12:57 PM
Hi Guys...

havin' a bit of worry with the boat are we? Seems that a tapered wood plug should take care of the problem...oh, and don't forget to use a liberal amount of duct tape.

Ah, you blokes can take carer of the problems!