View Full Version : insulating ceiling cavity box around recessed light

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19th January 2009, 06:20 PM

we have a bunch of recessed CFL fittings (pretty much the same as at http://www.environmentshop.com.au/Pr...s.asp?PID=3246 (http://www.environmentshop.com.au/ProductDetails.asp?PID=3246)).

these are installed in a similar manner to halogen downlights, e.g. there is a circular hole of 120mm diameter, insert light, done. since they are like downlights, one ensures the insulation is clear.

we've noticed a slight draught when you get up on a ladder, and put your hand near the fitting, so thought we'd use something like an "isolite" box (see http://www.isolite.com.au/), however these very clearly say on them:
- NOT suitable for 240V
- the cutout section probably cannot handle the lights we have

so ... question to the sparkies:
1. is the "not suitable for 240V" really just around the heat from an incandescent? i'd imagine a CFL would be less heat than a halogen
2. anyone used the 'isolite' boxes with the above kind of recessed CFL lights?
3. any alternatives that anyone can think of?


Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=75033&goto=newpost)