1st January 2009, 11:55 PM
Howdy all. Long time reader, first time poster earlier tonight. Thought I better do the done thing and drop a line in here too :)
Fantastic forum. It's been very useful for hunting up plans and seeing opinions from those in the know on various tools. Some of your projects have been brilliant and inspiring too.
Everything I've learned has been through trial and error...and error and error and error...but I love the crafts and finding ways to make the things I need and want. Currently I've got a hankering to make some treadle powered tools so hopefully one day I'll bang together something worth posting about for you all.
Until then... :2tsup:
Fantastic forum. It's been very useful for hunting up plans and seeing opinions from those in the know on various tools. Some of your projects have been brilliant and inspiring too.
Everything I've learned has been through trial and error...and error and error and error...but I love the crafts and finding ways to make the things I need and want. Currently I've got a hankering to make some treadle powered tools so hopefully one day I'll bang together something worth posting about for you all.
Until then... :2tsup: