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1st July 2004, 05:36 PM
As I recall it was a bowl of petunias and a sperm whale, but they didn't last long.....

but that was a few pangalacticgargleblasters ago...


So how did Arthur's girlfriend Fenchurch get her name?

Tristan Croll
1st July 2004, 06:01 PM
You wouldn't believe how bored you can get in the ticket queue at Fenchurch St Station...

What is the current speed record for a train, and which train was it?

1st July 2004, 06:48 PM
My guess would be that it was one of those maglev jobbies

7th July 2004, 08:29 PM
The one that does over 400 clicks? Don't know if I'd care to be in a train in China travelling at that speed.


8th July 2004, 09:36 AM
So has the popularity of the Quiz Time thread dropped off?

8th July 2004, 10:13 AM
It would seem so. Why don't you kick it off again? :)

8th July 2004, 10:19 AM
OK. What was Roy & HG's first regular Television appearance?

8th July 2004, 10:35 AM
I was going to say Club Buggery but they had a panel show before that didn't they? Buggered if I remember what it was called though.

8th July 2004, 10:52 AM
Hint: it wasn't their own show...

8th July 2004, 11:35 AM
The Channel 9 Show?

8th July 2004, 11:43 AM
Hint: Roy & HG came from Triple J, part of the ABC network. Their first commercial show was The Dream on Channel 7 during the 2000 Olympics. The host of the show in question is still an ABC presenter.

8th July 2004, 11:57 AM
The only others I've heard of are This Sporting Life (Radio) and something to do with Norwich?

8th July 2004, 12:13 PM
Live and Sweaty ?

8th July 2004, 12:15 PM
The presenter of the show currently has an interview show on ABC. He started in radio. Was on 2MMM for ages.

8th July 2004, 12:50 PM
O.K. Andrew Denton. But if it wasn't Live and Sweaty it must have been Blah Blah Blah or The Money or the Gun (forgot about that one)

8th July 2004, 12:53 PM
Blah Blah Blah it was. They appeared as a couple of silhouettes (must've been stage shy) and basically did a 'This Sporting Life' segment.

8th July 2004, 01:17 PM
Damn, not even close!

OK how about this one....

According to popular belief who was Charles Dickens character Fagin based on?


8th July 2004, 01:47 PM
Actually, it's my go :rolleyes:
However, I'll generously let your question stand. :p

It was Isaac Somebody or other transported to Tasmania inthe 1830's or so

8th July 2004, 01:55 PM
Sorry Craig wasn't aware there were turns....happy to be educated in the quiz etiquette.

You're correct on the first name.... Bonus for the name of the other fictional book based on his life...Am I jumping the queue again?


8th July 2004, 02:34 PM
You're correct on the first name.... Bonus for the name of the other fictional book based on his life...Am I jumping the queue again?

Yes :)

Haven't read it (or any of his books caome to that) but something by Bryce Courtney.

Right. To go back to The Boys, what league team did Roy used to play for ?

8th July 2004, 02:38 PM
something Rovers. Assume this is OK as you only half answered my question.:p

Answered half of the bonus question too, author is Bryce Courtney and the book is The Potato Factory.:)


8th July 2004, 03:01 PM
something Rovers.

8th July 2004, 03:19 PM
Melchester Rovers...

And Isaac's surname is?

8th July 2004, 03:28 PM
Aren't they a soccer team?

8th July 2004, 03:32 PM
Melchester Rovers...

And Isaac's surname is?


Moriss ?

8th July 2004, 03:38 PM

Are we talking about Roy of the Rovers in the Tiger comic?

8th July 2004, 03:41 PM
The Lithgow Lions?

8th July 2004, 03:43 PM
Sorry penny just dropped you're talking about the unfunny duo Roy & HG. They should take a good look at themselves rather than constantly drivelling about everyone elses short comings.


8th July 2004, 03:46 PM
Just beat me to it SilentC.....being a pom I translated league into soccer league rather than rugby league, I'm learning slowly....I've only been in Australia for 8 years!:)

8th July 2004, 03:46 PM
...unfunny duo...

Surely that's a matter of opinion.

The Shamrocks?

8th July 2004, 03:48 PM
being a pom

Ahhh, that explains it.... :rolleyes:

8th July 2004, 03:49 PM
Absolutely and that is my humble one......happy to disagree on that one.

Not sure what you mean by Shamrocks?

8th July 2004, 03:54 PM
I think Shamrocks is the name of the team Roy Slaven was captain of in Lithgow....

Roy & HG's sense of humour is not appreciated by many people outside Australia. Oddly enough, the yanks seemed to like them. They did a show in the UK which bombed - that doesn't surprise me at all, not really your lot's cup of tea...

8th July 2004, 03:58 PM
The Lithgow Shamrocks it is.

Humour is subjective but I don't know how you can call Roy & HG unfunny

Over to you Darren

8th July 2004, 04:04 PM
True, I reckon the yanks thought they liked it but in reality were completely unaware that they having the p@#s taken out of them. I think an English version would go down well in the UK, it's the parochialism that's hard for the English to swallow being very parochial themselves.

Wow that's a bit deep for a quiz forum......

OK, What is the worlds most popular first name?

8th July 2004, 04:04 PM
Who wrote the children's cartoon 'The Ratties'?

8th July 2004, 04:11 PM
You have to answer the question before you get to have a go HH :D

But I'll have a stab. It's probably not John. Is it Ahmed?

8th July 2004, 04:17 PM
This is getting confusing. :confused:

Can we just have one question going at a time please.

8th July 2004, 04:17 PM
Thanks for explaining.

Never heard of the Ratties, if it's anything to do with Wind In The Willows.... Kenneth Graham?

Ahmed? Close but not quite.

8th July 2004, 04:21 PM
It would have to be Mohammed then.

The Ratties was a British cartoon for kids. It was written by someone's daughter. If you give me the someone it'll be good enough...

8th July 2004, 04:23 PM
I'd need a hint to even have a stab

8th July 2004, 04:33 PM
Her father (now passed away) was a famous British comedian - arguably one of the most famous worldwide. Although not noted for his singing voice, he sang the signature tune for his daughter's cartoon. Perhaps another of his closest colleagues, also now gone, will be more remembered for his singing voice.

8th July 2004, 04:42 PM
Well that's a pretty good hint.
So it must be Peter Sellers (sp?)

8th July 2004, 04:44 PM
I've heard Peter Sellers had quite a good singing voice. Very, very close though....

"I talk to the trees, that's why they put me away...."

8th July 2004, 04:55 PM
Well it could only be Spike then

8th July 2004, 05:03 PM
That's the one, or more precisely his daughter Laura.

They're the rat-rat-ratties,
The rat-rat-rat-rat-ratties.
There's one called Tatty,
And Auntie Hat-hat-hatty.
There's two called Fatty,
And Uncle Mat-mat-matty.

Frightening really. That I can remember it I mean :(

8th July 2004, 05:05 PM
What is a snood ?

8th July 2004, 05:11 PM
a type of headcovering?

8th July 2004, 05:12 PM
A fishing knot.

Quite right SilentC it's Mohammed.

8th July 2004, 06:33 PM
headcovering or a short piece of fishing line attaching ones hook....

8th July 2004, 06:34 PM
Where is the river Lethe?

8th July 2004, 06:37 PM


9th July 2004, 09:22 AM
Where is the river Lethe?
Hell, I don't know where the heck it is.

9th July 2004, 11:28 AM
Very subtle silentC....

Who are Londons most infamous twins and what is their Mums name?


9th July 2004, 11:33 AM
That would be the Cray brothers. Ronnie and Reggie was it? Their mother's name is Mrs Cray ;)

9th July 2004, 11:41 AM
Close enough silentC it's actually Kray with a K and thier Mums name was Violet.


9th July 2004, 11:47 AM
Ahh, I was thinking of Robert Cray ;)

My Mum's name is Violet. My old man loves to insert an 'n' before the 't' when she's getting worked up. Doesn't tend to diffuse things much :rolleyes:

What was the first full length feature film produced in Australia (and probably first in the World)?

9th July 2004, 11:52 AM
The Story of the Kelly Gang

9th July 2004, 11:56 AM
Did you look that up?

9th July 2004, 12:00 PM
Of course not.

What are the Montgolfier brothers famous for ?

9th July 2004, 12:07 PM
Playing golf on a mountain?

9th July 2004, 12:08 PM
hot air ballooning .... the brain is amazing - you hear a name and an association pops into your head .... and then when you go and check it you find you were right but you've got no idea how you knew.

9th July 2004, 12:10 PM
Yep. Your turn. Actually, you missed your go yesterday as you were first with the correct answer for snood :)

9th July 2004, 12:16 PM
OK. who is the oldest AFL footballer playing this season ( and since I missed my go .... how old is he and which team does he play for )

9th July 2004, 12:26 PM
Give us a clue.....:confused:

9th July 2004, 12:30 PM
this probably won't help you happy hammer :) but IMHO he's the best looking player in the league by miles ( got him as my screen saver :o )

he was born in Tasmania. He doesn't play for a victoria based team. he scored a goal a quarter in his last game.

9th July 2004, 12:43 PM
Garry Ablet? Plugger? Wayne Carey? Warwick Capper? Rex Hunt? Alex Jesalencko?

That about covers it for my knowledge of aerial ping pong players :D

9th July 2004, 12:49 PM
Nope Silent C.

... guess we'll have to wait for some queenslanders to look at the quiz ( this is a clue by the way :D )

9th July 2004, 12:52 PM
Jason Ackermanis?

9th July 2004, 01:05 PM
IMHO he's the best looking player in the league by miles

nope happy hammer. I don't like blondes (another clue :D )... anyway mr akermanis is only 27 .. a mere child

Our mystery man scored 78 goals in 2003

9th July 2004, 01:23 PM
Alistair Lynch?

9th July 2004, 01:26 PM
yep .... spelling of his name is close enough :D for an extra 2 points you have to say how old he is - hint he's older than you are ( but its your go anyway )

9th July 2004, 01:29 PM
Almost exactly a year older than me 36.

9th July 2004, 01:32 PM
AFL? who gives a bats botty ??

The river Lethe is in Hades, I thought for sure that you sinnahs would know that one!

9th July 2004, 01:34 PM
Christopha, I think silentC answered your question.

9th July 2004, 01:37 PM
OK here's one on my sport.

How many West Ham players were in the 1966 World Cup Final winning team.


9th July 2004, 01:43 PM
West Ham?? I didn't know porkers had directions!!!! :confused:

9th July 2004, 01:47 PM
Maybe this question is a little over your head like silentC's answer to your question:D

9th July 2004, 01:48 PM
How many West Ham players were in the 1966 World Cup Final winning team.

Three: Geoff Hurst, Martin Peters and the late great Bobby Moore.

9th July 2004, 01:50 PM
I just want to point out that '1966' is redundant information in that question. :D

9th July 2004, 01:50 PM
Nice One!

Commentators quote of the match?

9th July 2004, 01:53 PM
Hang on!

My go:

What type of fish would you loosely associate with the development of Stanley planes and why?

9th July 2004, 01:55 PM
Sole ? 'cause the plane's got one ?

9th July 2004, 01:55 PM
Sole ? 'cause the plane's got one ?

Nah. Too easy.

9th July 2004, 01:57 PM
Trout, 'cause Mr Stanley was married to an old one and was the reason he spent so much time in the workshop?

9th July 2004, 01:57 PM
I just want to point out that '1966' is redundant information in that question. I know...it's all I have to hang on to....

Kippers, not sure why?

9th July 2004, 01:59 PM

That's either very clever or bloody lucky. Trout is right but because of Justus Traut who was instrumental in developing features of a whole bunch of planes for Stanley.


9th July 2004, 02:02 PM
Clever. Yes, definately clever ;)

Easy one: what is a "hag's tooth"?

9th July 2004, 02:05 PM
It's a plane boss it's a plane!?

9th July 2004, 02:08 PM
Correct. A router plane to be specific. Your turn. No questions about English football ;)

9th July 2004, 02:16 PM
How many words would you get out of the average pencil. The length of line you could draw with an average pencil can be an alternative answer.


9th July 2004, 02:18 PM
It'd depend on the hardness of the lead wouldn't it. I think you'd get more out of a 4H than a 4B.

Bit like how long's a piece of string

9th July 2004, 02:20 PM
CraigB, note the word average. Have a guess it's fun!

9th July 2004, 02:22 PM

9th July 2004, 02:25 PM
I see your reasoning silentC but it's more than 10 times that amount of words....

9th July 2004, 02:29 PM
I see your reasoning ...

Perhaps you could explain it to me then ;)


9th July 2004, 02:44 PM
Times 2 and you're close, shall I put you out of your misery?

9th July 2004, 03:09 PM
Yeah, go on...

9th July 2004, 03:20 PM
Apparently the average pencil will write 45,000 words or a line about 35 miles long.

Easy one...How many strings on a tennis racket?

9th July 2004, 03:20 PM
Look! The real answer is 736,245 at least that's what I get when I dial P.E.N.C.I.L. on my phone!

P :rolleyes: