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7th July 2007, 08:45 PM
Hehehe nope

7th July 2007, 09:10 PM
What does grillagé derrière translate into?

I do believe that grillage ..... means crossed timbers ...heavy wood framework or steel beams to sustain a foundation, especially on yielding soils....or base..

Now... I am guessing that derriere means.....backside hindparts or buttocks....
....so if we amalgamate the two words I would hazard a guess to say probably a support, probably corset....but the timber bit makes it puzzling....
Obvousily a base/bottom support......could mean different things depending on the contents & contex structure of the sentence it is used in....

Is that close... do I get any points for trying this game?


7th July 2007, 09:43 PM
Grillage: wet or soft foundation=wet nappy or a dunny seat:? :? :? :?

8th July 2007, 12:21 AM
Something to do with the inside of a boat or skiff without lining. Maybe a grill like setup or lattice to hold a seat. [shrugging]

8th July 2007, 08:19 PM

Hint: It's French


8th July 2007, 08:27 PM
I was lazy and used an online translator.
"fitted latticework on behind" was the answer, my question is how do I fit it?:rolleyes: :oo:

9th July 2007, 08:29 AM
I was lazy and used an online translator.
"fitted latticework on behind" was the answer, my question is how do I fit it?:rolleyes: :oo:


12th July 2007, 12:02 AM
Now you've got the second word right, and you're kinda on track with the first.

I was also lazy and used an online translator. So it's probably wrong:roll:

Funky C

12th July 2007, 02:38 AM
Now you've got the second word right, and you're kinda on track with the first.

I was also lazy and used an online translator. So it's probably wrong:roll:

Funky CStitched up arze? :D

19th July 2007, 10:11 PM
Allright you were close enough. It means, "webbed buttocks"

19th July 2007, 10:17 PM
Didn't think I did too bad at all......
crossed timbers......
base support or foundation timbers...
not bad for aussie chick!

Who gets to ask the next question...?????

31st July 2007, 06:20 PM
Funky, what do you mean with "webbed buttocks"? Does it make sense in any context? If instead of being lazy, as you said, you had done a bit more homework, you would have found that "grillagé derrière" generally refers to a motor vehicle "with the air vent (grille) behind".

I claim the right to the next question. What does "dannato lazzarone" mean? (hint: it is Italian):D

4th August 2007, 08:24 AM
RE:I claim the right to the next question. What does "dannato lazzarone" mean? (hint: it is Italian):D

Literal translation is "dammed scoundrel" but maybe "slack bastard" is closer to the intent, that's well, that's how I heard it used on building sites anyway.

6th August 2007, 11:44 AM
Close enough... but you have been in bad company.:D Both translations are ok, albeit rather pejorative, in the right context. Best one, both literally and in this context, is "damned slacker". Your turn!:)

7th July 2008, 09:07 PM
as there seems to be no question to answer I'll ask a few

In Gullivers Travels what is Gullivers christian name?

What is Tonto's horses name?

and last what are Romeo and Juliet's surnames?

7th July 2008, 10:05 PM
Montague & Capulet

6th December 2008, 05:19 PM
Hasn't been a quiz for a while.

I am both a triangle and a square, what am I?


Claw Hama
6th December 2008, 05:58 PM
You'd be a number Micky

6th December 2008, 06:38 PM
You'd be a number Micky


maybe, but not what I'm thinking.


Claw Hama
6th December 2008, 06:48 PM
Ok I thought you might have been a square/triangular number, ie 1, 36, 1225 etc etc ok maybe you're a set square.

6th December 2008, 06:57 PM
Awww, you're no fun, I'll give it to you, but had in mind a a square like the Stanley quick square type.

Now what'll I do with my Saturaday evening?:wink:


6th December 2008, 09:40 PM
Awww, you're no fun, I'll give it to you, but had in mind a a square like the Stanley quick square type.

Now what'll I do with my Saturaday evening?:wink:


you could always try the other quiz.:U

29th December 2008, 01:47 AM
Is there any chance of getting into this fun?Well here goes anyway hoping I,m not too presumptious ...who were the two main movie stars in the movie THE ENEMY BELOW and who played what part?:2tsup: