View Full Version : Leadlight glass

29th December 2008, 04:00 PM
Hi, my name is Robyn. I have a large stock of leadlight glass and accessories for sale.
Types of glass are as follows, all 3 mil.
Cathedral, Spectrum, Desag, Corella, English Muffled, Seadrift, Irridised, Waterglass, Streaky, Reamy, etc.
Accessories include: Lead, 3.2R, U4, 6.4R, 4.6R, 5.2R, 6.5R, U6 and 12.4 Flat, Jewels, Bevels, Foils, etc.
My husband and I were in a glass business and have since retired. We used to sell all leadlight glass and equipment to leadlighters and learners. This stock cost in excess of $5,000.00 and is stored in Brisbane at the moment. We would prefer to sell the whole lot together and are very negotiable.
The glass is in varying sizes. A complete list is attached. If anyone is interested please contact 02 66 461 462 or 0416610161