View Full Version : (WA) Working bee @ Dingo's

21st December 2008, 12:20 AM
Hi all,

Anyone who's been following Wild Dingo's posts recently knows that he's trying to clean up a huge backyard with just himself for help, before hopefully heading off on a road trip. For those who haven't seen his place, it's a beautiful spot but it's also a bloody big yard.

I've offered to go down over the xmas/new year break and help him out for a day - is anyone else interested in coming down? I thought we could make a group bash of it and knock over the 3m weeds he keeps telling us about. Anyone with a chainsaw/mill would be particularly welcome, he's got a large pile of logs that need to be chopped up before the termites get into them. I specialise in lifting heavy things, but I'm not a chainsaw guy. :U

Plenty of shed things to do too, for those so inclined.

Yes, he's in Brunswick - but it's not like it's the far side of Bunbury. Carpooling could make the drive easier and save us all some fuel - I'm happy to give anyone a lift who wants to come. I don't have a firm day in mind, I was hoping to snag a coolish day and head down - the long range (ie. vague as hell) forecasts are saying Dec 27th is going to be 28° in Perth, which I reckon is perfect gardening weather. Semi-firm date: 3rd of Jan. I dare say we could find a bbq and a few beers for afterwards... plenty of room for parking campers etc if you want to sleep over too.


21st December 2008, 07:11 AM
Possibly after New Year might be fine - I'm visiting my Daughters up in Exmouth for Christmas, I'd rather be in the cooler climate of Brunswick J'tn though. What the heck - seafood - seafood - seafood for Christmas can't be too bad.
Seriously though. I'd love to come down there if the timing is right, I haven't spoken to Rose yet, but I can promise that she would only be too happy to get into the kitchen (or anywhere she can help) wether it's to clean or cook she doesn't care.


Oh yeh! I have a chain saw.


21st December 2008, 07:27 AM
Juffy, "I'm happy to give anyone a lift who wants to come", I'll happily accept your offer of a lift. Your call on date and time, I don't want to impose on you too much.


21st December 2008, 10:36 AM
Denn - thanks mate. Maybe the weekend of the 3rd/4th would give people a bit more warning, and also get Xmas/NYE craziness out of the way?

Juffy, "I'm happy to give anyone a lift who wants to come", I'll happily accept your offer of a lift. Your call on date and time, I don't want to impose on you too much.

...there might be limits to my generosity. Crazy Victorians. :U:q

21st December 2008, 11:05 AM
Clean up at Dingo Dell I'll start wheelin now

Juffy top award for helping a mate out :2tsup:

21st December 2008, 11:57 AM
Hi Juffy,

Am only available on Sarurday 3rd January. If that is the day that you are going down then cont me in.

Would be looking for a lift though, if you have a spare seat. Do not have a chainsaw.

My Private Message Box is full so best not reply to it, post here instead.


21st December 2008, 09:05 PM
Pops - 3rd is certainly looking more attractive for getting some people down there. I definitely have a spare seat. :)

Larry M
21st December 2008, 10:35 PM

Got your PM. Count me in. I think it would be a great start to the year to have the opportunity to do something for Shane, and hopefully set him up for a great year in '09. Saturday Jan 3 would be good for me too. If you have a spare seat that would be great too but not essential. Again sorry no chainsaw.



21st December 2008, 10:39 PM
Ah gents it really nice to see as I said if I could I would but if I was at his place cleaning up and he called in here while he's heading east..............I hopethis ain't a surprise thing for him :rolleyes:

Wild Dingo
21st December 2008, 10:47 PM
Juffy yer wally!!! :2tsup:

Okay okay we yarned about this "busy bee" thing and of help I would be incredibly gratefull to all an sundry that came along.

Pops dont worry bout having a chainsaw theres a nice wee farm boss sitting in the shed :;

The property is 2 acres of LUSH kykuyu grass spilling into a creek Ive altered to make 2 creeks... Ive managed to get the 1/4 an acre around the house done sorta well its short enough so you wont loose the nippers in :roll: sill need to do up around the shed down the back at the logs and all through the bottom acre of the creek area... ITS LONG AND THICK!!!... hard going

Ive killed 2 lawn mowers out there... one a 2 stroke gave up the ghost before all this started it just wasnt up to it... the second was a victa 4 stroke of the son in laws it sorta thinks about going from time to time coughs farts splutters and only raises to a saunter an then tries to choke!... have a whipper snipper thing but somehow the whipper part that has the cord in it has gone somewhere and been replaced by an utterly useless blade setup that just knocks the weeds over not cut them :~

trouble is under the weed and grass out near the shed is some timber and god knows what else... hopefully by the 3rd I will have gotten a skip and got rid of most of whatevers hiding out there!!

Im happy to hold of the road trip until this is done it would be great to go and come back to a tidy bit of land! then I can start to make something of it! a few vegies a few fruit trees maybe a sheep or goat some chooks and heck maybe I'll even get the fences done!!! Now THAT would be good... no rush on any of it.

The mowing has been great therapy and has been increadible for the physical side of me wee bod :2tsup: But after 10 months with nothing being done to it 2 acres is just too damned much for one bloke as Juffy says

Okay other side of things if you dont feel like doin 2 acres of gardening... the sheds there if some want to get physical with the tools that have stuck around... plenty of timber to muck with... then theres a few odd things that need be done to the house proper internal and external... finances being what they are its sorta hit an miss if Ive got whats needed if not make do is my motto at present :roll: The kitchens not much Denn but Rose is welcome to go for her clacker an cook up a storm!! :U

Have barbies and know how to use em... webber an plate jobs... have ice chest bar fridge and eskys and know what theyre used for and am not afraid to use em!!

Plenty of room for caravans tents or campers for those who wish to overnight it... maybe wander into Bunbury or out to Dardenup or the Wellington dam when not doin stuff or just "over it" :; ...I dont expect slavery and dont want it just a tad of help if its on offer will be enough for me... Juffy mate yer a flamin legend you do know that right? :2tsup:


21st December 2008, 11:20 PM
Hi All,

OK. Looks like a plan gang. Onya fellas. :2tsup:

Juffy, Put my name on a seat in your car. Thanks. :2tsup::D Your the man.

Larry M, will be good to catch up too.

Dingo, Glad to hear we are not surprising you and we are not ruining your travel plans. We should be able to put a dent on the wild backyard of yours mate or at least give it a big fright. Oooh ! Farm boss, nice, :2tsup: nothing like the smell of chainsaw fumes in the morning. :cool::D


21st December 2008, 11:49 PM
What do you guys think your going to have all the fun.....LOL
Knew I have steel cap boots for some reason.

Keep me posted... Sorry but will have caravan on ... so need power ....can't cook sausage rolls & make smoke O.... with out power..... & some shelia needs to be around to see all that professional back-yard blitz take shape.....Never know perhaps....Jamie Jury will turn up....lol

Sorry havent' been on much at all lately... hearts been shattered .... but picking myself up & dusting off.....
Want a good laugh.... "Mr Right...who obviously was Mr Wrong..... suggested that I don't tell men I do woodwork or welding... said that was doing a "blokey thing" and men don't like women who do that!..."

Well guess he was really MR DIPSHIT.... still I was totally bestotted by him... so now will just totally ignore all his macho advice ... & come down get on with life... surrounded by friends who are much better value & accept me..boots & all....

As long as that's ok with you Shane... I have close friends in Busso so can scoot on there when days done....

22nd December 2008, 12:26 AM
Oh no, Shane found my secret thread! :U:U

Would love to have you and your boots, Kerry. :yeah:

OK, so currently we've got me, Pops and Larry in my car, plus Geoff Simms if we can squeeze him in. I'm in Swan View - where are you guys? Kerry's coming in her own bus by the sounds of it. :)

Denn might be in since it's after new year, Keke's in complete with boots and caravan. Should be a good day - if we rumble down there early in the morning, we'll have a good 12 hours or so of daylight to play with. I'm assuming my passengers would like to sleep in their own beds?

Shane - I can probably steal my dad's mulcher if it'll be useful? Good for reducing piles of green waste to a pile of useful stuff, if you've got trees and things that need pruning.

Wild Dingo
22nd December 2008, 01:39 AM
Juffy mate as much as people feel they want to do is more than enough and a considerable help!

Kerry you are always welcome to Dingo Creek my lady!... Sorry to hear "mr right" turned into "mr wrong" sometimes stuff happens so we dust of pick up and look toward a new horizon eh? Bring boots! As to the caravan we can run extention leads all over the paddock!! :2tsup:

Pops I hear the love in your voice mate lets consider the farm boss yours for the duration eh? go for your hearts content my friend!... actually thinking about that there is this OLD gnarly pear tree that hasnt produced a pip since I got here that I was considering dropping I hear that Pear is pretty good timber for us woodnuts and woodboobs maybe that can be your target?

Juffy mate if you think the mulcher thingy will help it would be appreciated damned if I have a clue what you will do with all the mulch but we will figure something on the day I guess.

As to what people bring or think will be needed... whatever people feel will help is all I will say... and no one is to feel obligated to be here or come or stay I simply appreciate everything everyone is doing and particularily Juffy for doing this... cause I wouldnt have :B

As I said there are a swag of things people can do if gardening isnt their thing or they want a break from... sheds there tools are there timber and veneer is there welders there steels around etc etc etc... Im just gonna grab a mower and disappear down the other side of the creek Juffy can get people sorted :B Cause hes been here and kinda knows the lay of it... mind you that was a few months back and well as it was then was bad enough but with a few more months of total neglect under its belt its a damned site worse now :doh:

Anyway I will leave it to you mate... and thank everyone who posts for their interest compassion empathy and mateship... bloody awesome is what it is!

He who is humbled and kinda embaressed (note something I rarely am!)

oooh Juffy? Who we know who can come down to make the movie? These poor galahs over east will NEED to see us sandgropers hard at it eh! :U

22nd December 2008, 10:51 AM
Mulch is good for keeping weeds down, helps water retention and makes your plants happy too. 'tis good stuff.

I'll see if I can snag the mulcher, will probably bring a trailer down if any of my crew want to bring gear (shovels/rakes/weedwhackers?) with them. I've got an electric line trimmer I'll bring down to see if I can kill it. :)

23rd December 2008, 10:38 AM
Forums first live broadcast camera's set up around the block to film Juffy's Dingo's clean up day.

Forumites can view it live speakers will be mounted so that directions and supervisors from around OZ can pitch in with suggestions :D:roll:

23rd December 2008, 10:45 AM
There are sure to be many "online supervisors" at this workinig-bee.

Have a good day everyone.. I feel guilty for not being there>


23rd December 2008, 02:55 PM
Hi guys

I wish I could join you all, but I am not free. Does being there in spirit count?

Wishing all a happy and safe Christmas and New Year


23rd December 2008, 04:56 PM
I have contacted Shane and told him that at this stage the Lucas and I will be there if it is Saturday the 3rd. Due to other commitments I may have to cancel at last minute but hopefully this won't happen. I will have to take my car down as it has the mill on it but would love it if some others could hitch a ride with me and chip in for fuel to make the day not so expensive. unless you live on route from Kalamunda it would be good if you could get yourself to me in the morning (plenty of room here to leave your car).

I have offered to mill Shane's logs for smiles however he has offered a share in the logs he has. I am not overly interested in the timber and will not have room to transport it and the mill back anyway, so others who would like some timber and have a means of transporting it might like to buy some of my share from me to help cover costs. We can work this out on the day but keep it in mind, bring money and an idea of what size boards you would like.

I have no idea how much timber there is, Shane just said there was some camphor, some type of pine and some other stuff.


23rd December 2008, 05:06 PM
so others who would like some timber and have a means of transporting it might like to buy some of my share from me to help cover costs. We can work this out on the day but keep it in mind, bring money and an idea of what size boards you would like.

*brings money*

'twill be great if you can make it Burnsy, I'd love to watch a Lucas in action. I'm bringing a 6x4 down with me, so I can haul a bit back up if anyone wants some.

23rd December 2008, 06:04 PM
then I can start to make something of it! a few vegies a few fruit trees maybe a sheep or goat some chooks You forgot the old rocking chair Shane:) Bit too far away for me mate but thinking of you all.

23rd December 2008, 06:18 PM
Looks like we will have our own mini 'Backyard Blitz and WA Woodshow'. :2tsup::D

Going to be a great day. Sure hope you can make it Burnsy, also interested to see the mill in action. :cool:


Wild Dingo
23rd December 2008, 06:38 PM
mmmm... he sits pondering things... mmm... assets look like theyre gonna be sorted between chrissy an new years... mmmm roads a callin... mob of mates comin to do a weekend warrior thing to Dingo Creek a few days later... mmm roads a callin... mmm does anyone mind if Im not here? :B

nah seriously... we can work this!!!! :; ... I will leave the son in law here to make sure things go well hes a great lump of a buddha type fella who will know what to do and doesnt mind getting filthy dirty... he can have the keys to the house an shed so its all open for yer... Tiffany is great as director general... do I NEED to be here?? I mean the road!!!! :C

Juffy mate you will be the supervisor!! :2tsup: that means Id only be muggins in the way... so Id end up hiding down near the creek with a mower for the day :doh: ...Kerry can hold fort in the shed (man is she in for a hell of a scary time out there!!) Rose will take care of the house an kitchen :2tsup: an what with Pops sending piles of sawdust going everywhich way with the chainsaw an Mike up the back with the mill... I think Id just be in the way eh? :B so what about I load in some fine ales along with some tucker in sos you dont have to worry bout that stuff and then buggar of for awhile an then I can come back to a surprise?... I like surprises!! No seriously I REALLY LIKE surpises!! AND they ALWAYS make the householders buggar off on these sortsa shows!!! I mean Jamie Dury NEVER has the house people there!!

sigh... the road man the road its a callin!!! :C

Whatcha reckon????? mmmmm???

:2tsup: cheers mates!!! :U


23rd December 2008, 08:41 PM
AND they ALWAYS make the householders buggar off on these sortsa shows!!! I mean Jamie Dury NEVER has the house people there!!

*opening credits*
Jamie: Hi everyone. Tonight on the World Room, we're down at Shane's place in Brunswick. I thought I'd do something a bit different for Shane - he seems like a down to earth character and I want to reflect that in his garden, and since I've made a pooncy garden to reflect every country I ever wanted to visit and I'm bored of that s*%te...
*scene cut to a slag heap at Cloudbreak*
...we're going to recreate an open-cut mining pit in Shane's backyard. Won't he be surprised!


...what, I thought you said I was the supervisor? :q:doh:

Wild Dingo
24th December 2008, 01:46 AM
*opening credits*
Jamie: Hi everyone. Tonight on the World Room, we're down at Shane's place in Brunswick. I thought I'd do something a bit different for Shane - he seems like a down to earth character and I want to reflect that in his garden, and since I've made a pooncy garden to reflect every country I ever wanted to visit and I'm bored of that s*%te...
*scene cut to a slag heap at Cloudbreak*
...we're going to recreate an open-cut mining pit in Shane's backyard. Won't he be surprised!


...what, I thought you said I was the supervisor? :doh:

:U :U as long as its not an underground mine!!!... oooh an if you do actually find anything (other than water that is) I'll go 50-50 :;

Soooo Im takin that as its okay?? :2tsup:

Presently... hahahahaha yeah I know Ive said THAT before... anyways presently IF the damned assets get done between Chrissy an New Years Im thinking Im gone for a couple of weeks :2tsup: ... if not then I guess I will still be here eh? :roll:

Even if Im not here in person I will be watchin yer shenanigans in spirit from afar... sorta... anyway I will make sure young Tiffany and her other half Buddha Ben are here and probably young Aaron both able bodied young fellas who have a few of the ol muscles and can weild a lawnmower axe pick or hoe with the best of them... Heck Ben can even weild a chainsaw!! :2tsup: sorta... Just dont ask him to use a circular saw scared shyteless of it he is :roll: Tiff is a bottler to help out wherever shes needed will get her to take the little takkers over to her highness to babysit for the duration then shes a goer to help wherever :2tsup:

Soooo its in your court mates... will keep yer up ta date with the asset thing so we know if Im here or not :;


27th December 2008, 12:51 AM

BoM is currently forecasting 39 for Saturday the 3rd after 2 days of the same...at the risk of sounding like a wuss, I'm not sure working outside all day in that kind of heat is even safe, never mind enjoyable. What are everyone's thoughts?

Bear in mind this is BoM's longest-range forecast...at the same lead time from Christmas Day they were forecasting 35, and that turned out to be 26.

Dingo - we'd love to (and much rather) have you there, assets or no. :-

Keep an eye on this space guys... :2tsup:

27th December 2008, 09:56 AM
Juffy is BoM Bureau Of Mistakes :rolleyes: I always think it should be BoMs Bureau Of Major Storms

27th December 2008, 11:28 AM
Hi Juffy,

At 39 degrees with the choice of a chainsaw or a cold beer, I usually choose the cold beverage. Yeah call me a wuss too.

However, if the gang decide to go then I am still in, just make sure I get the order right, chainsaw FIRST, cold beer after. :rolleyes::D So whatever you do Juffy I will happy with, go as planned or postpone for another day, either is no problem.


Wild Dingo
28th December 2008, 01:07 PM
:U yep same as Pops for me :2tsup:

As to heading away... sigh... although the road calls in a massive incredibly intense way... sigh... I will I think have to postphone that for another day

Its one thing to get the house and be able to keep it... be quite another if I cant afford it cause I was a bloody idiot and went for a long holiday and spent too much!!! Affording a trip like that which I planned wouldnt be a big issue its the after I get back that could be a problem... I still have vivid memories of the problems I had getting a job when this thing first started and theres no bloody way I want to go down that road again!! So given Ive got a pretty good job I think Id better sit tight and keep the thing although Ive spoken to the boss and he SEEMS cool with me heading off as long as I contact him before we start back on the 5th he doesnt mind holding my job open for a week... seems being the operative word with this bloke... the jobs working casual with one of the labor hire mobs which means either one of us can let go without notice... a jobs a job. :roll:

Strewth sometimes I wish I was more able to just take a risk on me and go... but I guess Im either too damned carefull or Im a bloody procrastinator of major proportions!! :doh:

Anyway Im heading to my sisters place in Albany to help move my younger sisters stored gear down there... wonder whats happening in Albany over the New Years?... Any mates down there who know where the lonely women are?

So... sigh... ah well I will be here if you come beer will be cold theres water in the pool (not a biggie just one of them 1mtr high jobs Tiff got for me for Chrissy) and theres shade over it... kick back look at the weeds and think about it sounds good to me!! :q Or get stuck in during the morning kick back in the arvo and maybe hook back into it later arvo? dont think that would happen since once I kick back I have trouble kick starting my bum into gear again... mead has a tendancy to do that :;


28th December 2008, 02:16 PM
:roll: lifes a bitch Ding now be honest you didn't want to really head east it was all a tease :;

Think you have made the right choice all the same bill's don't stop coming in.

Then with the place all cleaned up it ma encourage a spark of fire and shed idea's :2tsup:

Have a Happy New Year Ding

Look out all you women down south the wild dog's on his way :D

28th December 2008, 04:29 PM
Juffy is BoM Bureau Of Mistakes :rolleyes: I always think it should be BoMs Bureau Of Major Storms

They've excelled themselves this time - forecast for Saturday is now 29, not 39. :U:U

I'm just going to ignore it from now on. :doh: I think you're right Pops & Dingo - consider the gig on regardless of temp and we'll hide in the shade for a few hours if necessary. I have Pops' addy already, just need Larry's and Geoff's if they're going to come with me so I can work out timing.

Wild Dingo
29th December 2008, 01:53 AM
Sounds great Juffy!! Look forward to seein you all... will try to get hold of a new whipper snipper sometime this week maybe even a lawn mower but I dont think the assets are gonna be done till the following week since shes held it up a week by not going up to her lawyers to sign the damned thing... so probably not... but will work something out somehow or other!

Will get the pool cleaned up and some mounts on the deck chairs so we can kick back in there under the shade when its too hot and have a few quiet ones while cooling off :2tsup:

Ive set the camper up over Chrissy for my nephew and his missus but they didnt come and Ive not taken it down yet (dont want to put it back in the shed yet) so if some want to kick back and stay the weekend theyre welcome to use that for snoring :;

Anyway look forward to seein whoever rocks up! :2tsup:


29th December 2008, 11:40 AM
Ding how many and how big are these logs, you got a picture? You got a yahoo maps link to show where your place is?

I am still on but waiting to hear back from some earthmovers who have logs for me to mill. I am tied to them as they piled the logs up instead of laying them out so I have to be on site the same day as them. Will confirm as soon as I can.


Wild Dingo
29th December 2008, 12:34 PM
Gidday Mike
Mate the logs are varying lengths and thickness... Im starting to think its not worth it for someone to come mill them and I will simply chainsaw of lengths and give it away... keep a few peices for myself but most will go

Ive just spent the last hour in the shed... sorry fellas thats a bloody shammozzle and I just cant get motivated to tidy or clean it... I got there in the hope of sorting it before anyone arrived... started at one end of the long bench and sorta tidied it a little lost interest started to roll the compressor back to its corner near the welder lost interest and then just looked around at the bloody thing... its giving me the irrits! Hate being in there now just cant seem to get moving on tidying or sorting let alone doing anything cobwebs everywhere dust everywhere shyte everywhere!!! I GIVE UP!

Im totally disinterested in the tools machines timber veneers or any of it... so remember you said you would think about the bandsaw and a few others Juffy? when your ready mate they can go.

As to the yard... fluck it! Im done... it IS too much for me and as with the shed I just cant seem to get focused motivated or inspired to do a damned thing out there!

So come or dont come your choice but Im over the stinking place and will put it on the market hopefully this week... as long as she signs the damned papers and the banks sort themselves get whatever I can for it and move on.

Im just totally over the damned place :roll: Im one bloke and the work thats needed in the shed with the house and with the 2 acres is way over my abilities... at this time one day perhaps I will be back on my feet enough but by then it will be gone... such is life


29th December 2008, 12:46 PM
So come or dont come your choice but Im over the stinking place and will put it on the market hopefully this week... as long as she signs the damned papers and the banks sort themselves get whatever I can for it and move on.

Im just totally over the damned place :roll: Im one bloke and the work thats needed in the shed with the house and with the 2 acres is way over my abilities... at this time one day perhaps I will be back on my feet enough but by then it will be gone... such is life

Dingo, it always looks that way when it's too much for one person - rebuilding our pool retaining wall looked like an impossible job, so I let it sit there for ages. A couple of friends came around with a Kanga and we rebuilt most of it in 5 hours.

Chin up, we'll have a good bash at it on Saturday. :2tsup:

29th December 2008, 02:56 PM
Gidday Mike
Mate the logs are varying lengths and thickness... Im starting to think its not worth it for someone to come mill them and I will simply chainsaw of lengths and give it away... keep a few peices for myself but most will go

Sorry to have to bail but if the logs are not really worth it I won't make a special trip, things are a little tight at the moment so it suits me better. If the logs are still there next time I am passing through I will call in and we will sort them out then.

Good luck with the cleanup if it does go ahead guys.

Ding, do you have a neigbour with a tractor mounted slasher that you can ask to help you out with the bulk of the block? They make light work of what you are describing. Even if you have to pay for a couple of hours it would be cheaper than copping a fine from the council for not slashing before the fire season. Might be one of those cases where a carton of beer saves a lot of manual labour and grief.


Larry M
29th December 2008, 03:20 PM

I am in the Morley area but I can drive to your place on the morning, just PM me the address. Pity Burnsy can't make it, but that's life. Looking forward to catching up with Pops and Geoff and it would be great to see Shane again but will understand if we don't. If Ding can't get hold of a whipper snipper has anyone got one (or two) we could take with us?



29th December 2008, 03:28 PM
If Ding can't get hold of a whipper snipper has anyone got one (or two) we could take with us?



I've got a reasonably beefy electric one which I was planning on taking down, along with the mulcher. If anyone's got another 50m extension cord it would come in handy, I can base myself out of Dingo's shed and run around with that. Might see if my dad's petrol jobbie is functional as well, if it is I'll nick it.

Sadly we can't just throw the mulcher into a thicket and wait for it to run around by itself. :U

Will PM you.

Wild Dingo
29th December 2008, 04:38 PM
Sorry was a tad ahem shall we say outta sorts this morning? I had a wee "moment"? ...Okay sorry you wont be making it Mike but its cool next time eh? No wukkers

As to the local with a slasher... yeah good luck with that eh I dont know any buggar here if I did I would have done it... sadly not likely so all by hand Im afraid... if I can when things have settled and I finally decided to stay... IF... I'll be buying a small tractor and some attachments so this doesnt happen again and a slasher will be one of them!!

Ive got a couple of 20mtr extentions Juffy... one we will run to the shed for power the other will be free but 20mtrs aint gonna get yer far eh!! :; might have to bring the sheilas down with their scissors and get them to give the rest a haircut the HARD way!! :2tsup: :U

Anyway Im breathing again so no worries see yer when yer gets here!!


Larry M
29th December 2008, 04:42 PM
Nice to have you back Shane :U


29th December 2008, 05:17 PM
You've got mates you didn't know you had all over Oz.Bit far for me to come.Pity though as I've got a chain saw, a bill hook and a reaping hook, and lots of experience slashing bloody kikuyu from around timber stacks.
Keep smiling, and it's your shout for the bangers on the barbie!

"Give without remembering, receive without forgetting"

Wild Dingo
3rd January 2009, 12:20 AM
Whew... finally got back from the "day" trip to Albany to take my sisters gear down to my elder sisters place... left 3 days ago!!!... major radiator and water pump issues... has set me back a few bob already and no doubt will set me back a fair few more in the coming week :C

Sooo its on still??? :2tsup:

Strewth... man dont know how Im gonna manage the tucker side of things but will do my best... we will have 3 extra bodies in my younger sis has decided to hold off going back to her sons in Mandurah thence to Broome for a few days to help out and my eldest son and his partner are here so 3 extras!! :2tsup:

Okay see yers when yer rock up!! :2tsup:


Oh and Lig mate Im just starting to realize that! :2tsup:

3rd January 2009, 12:25 AM
Bloody oath we're on, Dingo. We're not letting you run away now. :)

I think we've got 5ish coming with a couple of possibles. We'll rig tucker one way or another - I assume Brunswick has one of those wonderful modern conveniences called a supermarket-open-on-Saturdays. :U

See you about 9am.

3rd January 2009, 08:43 AM
The Camera don't forget the photo's :2tsup:

you know Ding by the pool supervising

3rd January 2009, 11:00 AM
Yep, no pics, it didn't happen.:) Wish I was close but too far away but will be thinking about you. Hope the weather is kind to you.

3rd January 2009, 10:10 PM
Just arrived home after dropping off Larry and Pops.

Between us I think we destroyed two whipper snippers and a mower. My snipper shed parts all over the place a few minutes into the day and was never heard from again. Larry's threw a wobbly about the heat or the b*&#$*y kikuyu and worked intermittently. The mower shed a blade (thankfully not into Pops' foot), and our transplant attempts failed.

We had a bloody good bash at it though....Pops and Larry spent the morning hacking away at the grass front & back. We had a special bonus for the morning - Touchwood quietly turned up with a gigantic Husqvarna 333 and destroyed more than her share of grass before equally quietly leaving again. :2tsup: Dingo's son Aaron bashed away with them on another snipper as well. Meanwhile I attacked the pile of assorted stuff behind the shed hidden under the most rampant passionfruit vine I've ever seen (~20sq.m. covered, hundreds and hundreds of flowers), and ended up with two big piles in front of the shed ready for the skip.

Larry (L) and Touchwood lost in the kikuyu.

Larry making a beeline for the wood pile. The original plan was to ring the pile to make it accessible, then extend around the rest of the boundary, but the loss of most of the snippers cut that short.

Pops hacking away at the grass with the mower.

Touchwood with That Husqvarna. (Pops & Larry had a serious case of tool envy for that beast of a trimmer.)

The log pile, rediscovered in the depths of the wild oat jungle.

After lunch we attacked the shed. Forgot to get a 'before' shot, but after an hour or two we had something to rival Derek's for orderliness:

Pops (L), Larry (M) and Dingo discussing how awesome it is when you can see the floor of your workshop. :)

The improved back yard, complete with the skip-ready piles and a completely ineffectual mulcher. Larry & Pops' handiwork taming the backyard is in the background.

Many thanks to Larry, Pops and Touchwood for turning up and working your collective butts off, and to Dingo for your hospitality, cold drinks and cheerful banter. :) :B:U

dai sensei
3rd January 2009, 10:54 PM
Looks like you lot really got stuck in to it :2tsup: Dingo should be very pleased.

Wild Dingo
4th January 2009, 03:04 AM
Looks like you lot really got stuck in to it Dingo should be very pleased.

Neil MATE!!! very pleased would be the understatement of the year!!! :U (Lucky its early in the year gives you plenty of time to improve! :q )

Not only did I get invaded by the skyscraper named Juffy ala Paul ala for some reason I cant and never will fathom Jeremy :roll: Larry el bearded one and Pops ala the well groomed with hair tied back so tight its invisible to the human eye... but also the lovely Jenny ala touchwood lobbed up!!! (Note Jen I hope the horse is okay and doesnt pine for its lost mate too much :no: )

BUT!!! Thats not all!!! Not only did Juffy Larry Pops and Jenny turn up but me eldest son was here to give a hand or as Pops said "wind him up and let him loose" :U

BUT!! Thats NOT ALL!!!... My younger sis from Broome the lovely Kree decided on the way back from Albany where we spent a decidedly somewhat enebriated weekend celebrating New Years on our elder sisters top floor deck watching the fireworks while sipping the best of MEAD (aahhh Bartholemews such a fine wee drop :2tsup: ) but she decided she would stay with me for the day and give me a hand sorting the house!! GOD TALK ABOUT CLEAN AND TIDY!!!! WHAHOOOOOOOOOO!!! :2tsup:

Now for the part Ive been dreading... our friendly neighborhood sausage roll lady didnt arrive :no: there we all were sweatin our butts off hanging out for one of her world renown sausage rolls hanging out by lunch time with our tongues hanging to the deck trippin everyone up as they went troppo out in the mangled tangled mess... we finally had to accept she wasnt coming and all an sundry were treated to a mess of sangas that they prepared themselves while we pondered the sad state of affairs that being sausage roll less meant... a long low mourning call of KERRY OOOOOHHH KERRY WHERE FOR ART THOU KERRY KEMEKO??? went up to the skys twere sad indeed...

note here it was decided that it was too flamin hot to cook a barbie by the time we finally decided it was time to have a break so sangas it was :;

Another note... Jen sorry I wasnt there to say goodbye and give you thanks... but thanks my dear lady thank you!! You made one heck of a difference with that fantastic beautiful wonderous gorgeous machine of yours... ahem and you!!!

Now a final point must be made... in all fairness to those attendies I must admit I did do pretty close to sweet buggar all in comparison and abdicated my stupidvisor role to the very bewildered Juffy by saying "mate if you see something that needs to be tossed toss it I'll leave it to you to decide" to which he commented "right so you want me to make a executive decision do you?" "yep your in charge mate"... at which point he roared (as is his want) out the back behind the shed to make the most unholey pile of "whatevertheheckthatwasisnowrubbish" (no I aint looking!) while I made two quick dashes out to get rid of the mountains of "good sammys" bags and boxes and another into Bunbury to one of the elder daughters places to drop of two boxes of kitchen gear thats not been used or seen for that matter for some 10 years!!! WHOOOOOOOOOSH GONE!.

Its an amazing thing you blokes and Jenny have done and I thank you from the bottom of my heart... seriously fanfriggintastic!!! :2tsup:

Its been decided now that the place will definantly be sold as no matter which way I turn it (or anyone else turns it for that matter) its just too much for me to contend with... so over the next 2 weeks I'll hire a slasher or such and finish the job started by our wonderous compadres then get an add into the Quokka for a month if that doesnt work in with the agents!

Oh!! And Im booked to go SKYFRIGGINDIVING in 2 weeks!!! OHMYFRIGGINGOD!!! ME??????????????????????????? yikes!!:o

One incredibly lucky and happy dingo who is only now starting to realize the sort of truely great mates I have! :2tsup:

4th January 2009, 09:16 AM
:brava:thewave::way2go: you guys deserve Formites of the year award:2tsup::2tsup:

You'd have to be one happy little :let: Ding

The rest is now up to you.

4th January 2009, 09:35 AM
Well done fellow forumites. Great effort all round. :2tsup: Hey Ding' dont forget some pics of the skydiving exercise. You don't have to be mad to do skydiving,, but it helps if you are.:)

Wild Dingo
4th January 2009, 01:34 PM
No wukkers apparently they take a video of the whole thing!! :2tsup: Before take while getting ready for take of and in the plane where Im shatting jocks outside in the air where Im cackin me daks then when and while JUMPING where me jocks and daks are chockers and finally hittin the deck where I bounce on the ground cause of all the cack in me daks an jocks :U :U :U

Just hope I dont have a bloody heart attack thats all put a real damper on the whole adventure :doh: But no its gonna be great! :;

Just like yesty was!!! :2tsup:

4th January 2009, 06:23 PM
Hi WD,

Only too happy to have the opportunity to help mate. My pleasure. Although I have some muscles that are not as convinced today.:D

Thanks for the lunch and all the cool drinks,.. and the chat in the shade out the front, (while the chaps were slaving out the back), we just won't tell them OK. :rolleyes:

It was a great day I reckon. Haven't worked so hard during a whole day for quite some time, some decades perhaps, :D but really enjoyed being there with you and the little team of worker bees.

Could not believe that kikuyu, damn stuff was literally 5 feet tall and thick as a finger and as tough as wire. :o

Ohh that Husqvarna of Touchwood's was a ripper. Not quite a woodworking tool but you can get a blade for it that will cut trees down so I reckon that counts. :cool:

Touchwood, Larry and Juffy, you are working machines, going all day, Touchwwod in the river kikuyu jungle, Larry just everywhere and Juffy dragging great steel plates and logs out of the wilderness. :2tsup:

Thanks for the company boys and girls. Thanks to Juffy for driving, which meant that old Pops got to have a Nanna nap in the back seat on the way home. :wink:

And Shane my man, a big thanks for generously parting with some of your beautiful veneers. Very kind of you. Things are taking shape on the house front ol' son. :2tsup: Glad we could contribute.

Can't wait to hear about your skydiving adventure. :U


Wild Dingo
4th January 2009, 08:49 PM
Hey there mate! Well Im sure you'll do them justice :2tsup: Just make sure you and Larry both post a WIP thread so we can see what you do with them :;

Was just wondering if Juffy got the elm burl I threw in the trailer? Hope someone turns a fine bowl from it... Id been eyeing the thing of for the last 4 years so lets see the results!!! :2tsup:

Was truely a great day with a mob of great people glad you enjoyed yourselves... never know maybe next time I will be in a house on a SMALLER block and wont need an army to just mow the grass eh :roll: :U

4th January 2009, 08:56 PM
Was just wondering if Juffy got the elm burl I threw in the trailer? Hope someone turns a fine bowl from it... Id been eyeing the thing of for the last 4 years so lets see the results!!! :2tsup:

We forced Pops to take it. He was quite the sight, walking up the driveway with his armload of precious veneer, a bag of gear and a burl. (He didn't even fondle the veneers on the way home - we hit the highway and he fell asleep! :) )

4th January 2009, 09:59 PM
Mightily relieved to see the change in your "Sign Off""
(Sitting on my balcony, glass in hand, listening to Aussie Folk Singers on Stereo,contemplating the wonderous sundown,and rejoicing at my luck at being alive.)
Former custodian of that mongrel bloody dog, the black ba5t4rd!!!:):)

4th January 2009, 10:00 PM
Hi All
sorry I had to leave early (with my magnificent machine it seems) but I needed to be certain my remaining horse was OK - I lost a life long friend (horse) of 36 years on new years eve, so wasn't really very good company anyway. My remaining horse is still looking for her :tears::tears:

Glad I could be of help, working hard and sweating out a bit of heartache is good therapy I think - certainly gave the husky a good workout, lucky I didn't bring the Farm Boss too or I might never have seen my toys again!!


Larry M
4th January 2009, 11:19 PM
Hey WD

What Juffy and Pops and Touchwood said. I really enjoyed the day and the company, but I've got similar muscles to Pops' - old and sore. I must admit that I haven't moved far today. That kikuyu was truly wondrous stuff - certainly more than a match for my late father's 23yo Stihl whipper snipper. Lucky Jenny was there to show me up.:-

Glad you enjoyed the trip home Pops:U. Thanks to Paul for the organising and driving. A wonderful example of helping a mate - you should be very proud.:2tsup:

In spite of all the good work done in the yard I'm actually most chuffed with our efforts in Dingo's shed - the end result was something any of us would be proud to work in and I hope that is inspires you Shane to spend a bit more time there. We all know that sheds are a great place for a bit of therapy.:U

I'm still a bit concerned about Kekemo - hope everything is OK Kerry.



4th January 2009, 11:43 PM
Hi Fellas and Touchwood,

I feel dissapointed - bad about not being down there, but things don't allays go as planned.
After a great Christmas/ New year with my girls in Exmouth/Ningaloo we headed home on New years day, expecting to get to Perth on the Friday.

Well that was all going great untill I pulled off the road to change drivers. Honestly I was stone cold sober and didn't even see the culvert, the car was a mess but luckily my wife, daughter and me had no more than stains from the fruit that we had bought in Carnarvon and got thrown around. Anyhow after some 10 or 11 hours sat in the north west sun, and fighting off the flies, a tilt tray finally picked us up and took us the three or four hours to Northhamton. Two nights in Northampton and we were on a bus headed for home (caar to follow sometime this week.

Anyhow last night we had a quick takeaway meal and an early night thinking it was all over - Not so! we got a phone call at 5.30 this morning to say that Rose's Father had passed away in the Phillipines.

I guess that we will be heading over there in the next couple of days, so if I am not on line, please understand.



Shane, it's good to see things coming together at your place. Watch out for those downers and remember that after a low spot must come a high one.


Larry M
5th January 2009, 01:39 AM

Sorry to hear about your "adventures" but so glad you and Rose and your daughter are OK. Sympathy to Rose on her loss. We did miss you and Rose on the day, and were a bit worried when you didn't roll up.

Hopefully we can catch up at the next WA woodies event (but if there is any kikuyu there I'm not going).:roll:



5th January 2009, 02:11 AM
Hi Den,

What Larry said regarding your 'adventures' and sad news. My sympathies.


Wild Dingo
5th January 2009, 08:27 PM
Exactly so Denn... Your company was missed but Kree REALLY missed Rose ahem even though they havent met she really missed someones helping hand in the house! poor girl was fair tuckered out by the end of the day :; Broomites cant take the pace eh :q :2tsup:

Still sympathies for Rose and her family mate tough times ahead for her I fear... give her a hug from us mob will you?

Now if Kerry doesnt get her but into gear and let us know shes alright I may just have to force my car to do another roadtrip... dont think it will actually make it till the water pump and radiator are replaced but hey!! Its Kerry!! So come on girl pipe up where were you how are you etc etc etc and where the blazes are our sausage rolls woman!!

Jenny I hope your horse is doin okay and you come to terms with the loss of your good friend soon... your welcome to visit anytime dont be a stranger! :2tsup:

Actually Larry... the shed is brilliant!! sorta if it wasnt so HOT Id be in there now gotta get power so I can work in the dark eh? :doh: Anyway I pulled the canoe building board down from the rafters tossed the foam that was on top of it into a corner and set the building board up across that short termed empty slot you mob created (so its chockers again! :q ) and set the moulds up for what will be the do or die canoe building expose!! So I think Im getting some inspiration and a little motivation with a touch of confidence I actually think things will come good :2tsup:

Thanks again all

5th January 2009, 11:53 PM
Still sympathies for Rose and her family mate tough times ahead for her I fear... give her a hug from us mob will you?

Not easy for her, but tiny as she is - she's a tough little thing ( actually she is stronger in spirit than me - It is one qualily that I really envy); Yeh she'll get over this (wont forget it, but get over it and carry on with the important task of living)

dont think it will actually make it till the water pump and radiator are replaced

OOH! that's tempting fate - I did all the maintainance (wheel bearings, cv joints, new tyres etc) on my jallopy before the trip; and look what happened to us?

Anyhow we leave for the Philippines on Wednesday arvo so will be off line untill early Feb'

All the best to you and the rest of the forum.
