View Full Version : Cupboard doors from leftover Blackbutt T+G flooring

Reno RSS Feed
17th December 2008, 06:00 PM

I wish to make some cupboard doors for an outdoor BBQ area (all under cover, no direct sunlight, no rain [unless the house is tipped on its side]), but exposed to the world none the less.

I have a few m2 of 80x12mm tongue and groove Blackbutt flooring which I wish to use (it has the small rebates cut into the back to assist in reducing cupping).

I have two questions;

1) What would be the best method of physically constructing the doors. Glue on ply? Make a frame for the rear (top, bottom, sides, and a horizontal in the middle) and glue/nail/screw onto that?

2) What would be the best design to deal with expansion? I don't wish to frame the face of the door all the way around, but instead to have the planks running vertically with a routed edge (like a rounded pencil edge or similar).

Any advice appreciated.


Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=74773&goto=newpost)