View Full Version : G'day from Melbourne

12th December 2008, 01:08 PM
Greetings all in the wide wide world of wood.
My name is Ashleigh
I tripped over this site when looking for information on woodwork machinery:2tsup: just the place I need to be.
Have never done a post before (put lots in the ground-(vineyards) but not this way)
Have always had an interest in wood from a young age when my dad and I built a 6m trailer yacht.... this was so much fun doing
I met my wife years later who's dad was into carving (talc); lapidary and you guessed it wood...turning, restoring carpentry, marquetry, parquetry .....and lots of other words ending with 'try'.

Well he passed suddenly a few months back in his shed probably finishing a project for someone as he always did :o:cry4: Found him in the corner with a pencil behind the ear and fine grit paper close by....What a way to go:!:!
Feeling ripped of that he wasn't able to teach his grandson the "arts so fine" and my skills are pre-apprentice.
He showed me heaps but as you probably all know there is never enough time

I have been given the task of sorting the sheds...60'x30' x 2 standing room only!!
- 40 years of never throwing anything away so this is has to be the place to start...
I hope to clear a lot of surplus through here as well as learn some trade secrets on how to.... with wood

Hopefully I will bring happiness to those starting out that need some equipment basics
and able to bring even more to those who are looking for some machinery that is hard to find.

The tag round2it was for him as the 2 do list on the work bench when he left us was 3 A4 pages long and have started what I can

Regards Ash

12th December 2008, 01:18 PM
Welcome aboard Ash. I just sorry it has to be in such sad circumstances.

tea lady
12th December 2008, 05:11 PM
Welcome. Accidently is how most people find this place.:D

Sorry to hear about your father in law. But he was doing what he loved. I hope he was buried with his pencil still there. :cool: (Hope no offense. No offense meant.:))

Ad de Crom
12th December 2008, 08:46 PM
Ash, welcome aboard.
I'm very sorry about your father-in-law.
I hope you keep him in your mind as a great woodworker and a wonderful father-in-law, as I could read in your story. I suppose you learned a lot of him.
I'm sure you'll have a great time in this forum, there is not a better forum, simply this forum is the best there is.

12th December 2008, 09:54 PM
G'day Ashleigh and welcome aboard.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

A sad, yet happy, story. I'm sure from what you tell us that you have many happy memories and will carry on the tradition.

12th December 2008, 10:15 PM
Sorry from me as well Ash.what a lovely way to go.in the place where he loved to be.
I hope I am as lucky when my turn comes . Welcome to the forum.
Cheers Tony.:C

tea lady
13th December 2008, 12:05 AM
Welcome. Accidently is how most people find this place.:D

Sorry to hear about your father in law. But he was doing what he loved. I hope he was buried with his pencil still there. :cool: (Hope no offense. No offense meant.:))

Relooking at this thread I relise that the brackets on my post did something really weird. I did not write ROFL . I wrote :) with a close bracket) after. :doh: They go off by themselves sometimes.:rolleyes:

Ed Reiss
13th December 2008, 01:43 AM
Welcome Ashleigh!:2tsup:

Condolences on the passing of your father-in-law.

When you "tripped over this site", hope it didn't hurt!!:o ...groan, sorry couldn't help myself

13th December 2008, 10:47 AM
Welcome to the forum. sorry to hear of the passing of your FIL but sounds like you got some great memories and that's' what life is all about, making some great memories to look back on 'cos at the end of the day, that's all we are left with.

joe greiner
14th December 2008, 12:37 AM
G'day, Ash. What they all said, but it seems like the best way to go. God bless him for making a list of challenges for you.

Hey, TL: Let's try it with a blank on each side of the smiley: ( :) ).
