View Full Version : Howdy, from Texas!

12th December 2008, 08:07 AM
Hey ya'll...

My name is John, and of course I live in Texas, in the North Dallas area.

I am a Software Engineer, and am in the middle of transitioning between Enterprise-level Engineering to Flex (Flash) and Front-end Engineering. I'll be writing software for remedial students, which should be rewarding in it's own merit.

I have been married for 2.5 years to a woman I dated for near 6 years before we got married (wow, almost 9 years together!!!) who is a graphic designer, specializing in brochures, posters, large displays, banners, and presentations. She's looking to transition into packaging design, which has been her dream for a little while now.

I'm a big DIY'er, and I love to do figure out the best practices, and the most cost-efficient way to do things. I work on my own cars from anything from oil changes, brake repairs, to shocks/struts, intake manifolds, gaskets of all sorts, and have even had the luxury of replacing a few clutches.

Earlier this year in April, we bought a brand-spanking new house and have virtually no furniture.

I'm interested in the following projects:

Building custom desks, cabinets, and bookshelves for our office room.
Building a 12x10 shed out back (finished digging for the foundation, but it's too cold to pour concrete for the slab! :~ )
Building some built-in seating for the back patio.
Building a trellis of some sort to block the sun while we rest on the patio.
Possibly in the far future, I'd like to build a deck for a jacuzzi install

C'yall around!

12th December 2008, 11:47 AM
hi dnb,

Glad to see aother person from Texas too. We saw a few snow flurries the other night. Hard to belive it is this cold this early in winter. It looks like you have quite a few projects lined up. I hope you can find the time to get everything you want to do done. Hope to see ya around

12th December 2008, 11:54 AM
Hi John, nice to see you here. Don't know if I would agree with your description of the "luxury of changing a few clutches" :) I hate installing clutches. You have quite a few projects in the pipeline, good luck with them. Nothing like being ambitious.

12th December 2008, 12:00 PM
Welcome aboard. As the others have saidf, you have an ambitious list of project there. Good luck with them.

On to more important things:wink:, what kind of cars do you work on?

12th December 2008, 12:12 PM
Hi John, nice to see you here. Don't know if I would agree with your description of the "luxury of changing a few clutches" :) I hate installing clutches. You have quite a few projects in the pipeline, good luck with them. Nothing like being ambitious.
Hahah.. yeah "luxury" was more of a facetious term there :)

Welcome aboard. As the others have saidf, you have an ambitious list of project there. Good luck with them.

On to more important things:wink:, what kind of cars do you work on?
I have an '86 4Runner, a '95 Saturn SL1, and MY car an '03 Accord

Pics of my baby (the accord):

Thanks all for the welcome! Hopefully I can learn what I need to pretty quick to start knocking these out!

12th December 2008, 12:26 PM
I have an '86 4Runner, a '95 Saturn SL1, and MY car an '03 Accord

Pics of my baby (the accord):
http://s219.photobucket.com/albums/c...z/03%20Accord/ (http://s219.photobucket.com/albums/cc191/klrspz/03%20Accord/)
http://s219.photobucket.com/albums/c...20Accord/Mods/ (http://s219.photobucket.com/albums/c...20Accord/Mods/)

I used to talk like this about my hot-rodded camaro too, until my wife said "I'm pregnant".

Are you going to try and build your own furniture other than the bookshelf and stuff you listed below?

Ed Reiss
12th December 2008, 01:26 PM
Hi DNB ...welcome to the forums!:2tsup:

12th December 2008, 01:31 PM
I used to talk like this about my hot-rodded camaro too, until my wife said "I'm pregnant".

Are you going to try and build your own furniture other than the bookshelf and stuff you listed below?

I want to, but the wifey doesn't want me to. But who knows, maybe she'll change her mind once I get some skillz :)

Ad de Crom
12th December 2008, 09:09 PM
Hi dnb, glad to welcome another Texan.
There are already other Texans here in this forum as you probably saw.
You're ambitious as I look to your ''wishlist'', anyway better than sitting behind the geraniums. Wish you good luck with all these projects.
Ad :2tsup:

12th December 2008, 10:15 PM
ouG'day John and welcome to the world of the living. :D:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Great to do list At least with your computer skills you can do yuor planning without much trouble.

A warning - your shed will not be big enough! Go outside immediately and statr digging again!:D:D:p

Make sure you draw up a list of tools and search for them before the shed is complete. Should be able to get some real bargains at the moment.

All the best with that list.:)

13th December 2008, 12:07 AM
Hehehe.. Yeah, I know, I want a larger shed, but the HOA puts a limit on the square footage I can erect. AND height as well (only 8.5ft :( ) so I can't do a double decker :S