View Full Version : Woodworking Quiz;

Ralph Jones
29th April 2004, 10:33 AM
Greetings Friends,
What is meant by the term BALANCED PANEL?

This is not a balancing act.

Respectfully. :)

29th April 2004, 11:35 AM
Is it the red (second hand) panel the repairer bolted onto your blue car after your bent it trying to park at the local supermarket.


29th April 2004, 11:57 AM
OK, time for a serious answer, just to show that I'm not always a frivolous goose.

I think it's related to when you have a composite panel which is comprised of a core of one material and a different material on the outer surfaces. It is balanced when you ensure that the skins are of the same material so that any change in dimension of the skin in relation to the core does not cause warping.

29th April 2004, 12:32 PM
It is the panel that contains the 32 channel mixer and computer that producers use to make good looking people with no talent sound reasonable, and hence sell records to fantasising teens.

:mad: bugger I was going to be serious, oh well ;)

29th April 2004, 01:34 PM
It's when you stuff up the left and right rails, the inserted panel is said to be a 'balanced' or a balanced panel. ;)


29th April 2004, 01:44 PM
It’s a new type of concrete tilt panel that according to the manufacturer doesn’t need any temporary bracing!

Amazingly very few of these have fallen over so far, and of the two hundred prototypes that have so far been made and trialed, 197 were salvageable once they did fall – however after they have fallen it is advisable to install props when they are again lifted into place. Many skeptics believe that physically they are no different to ordinary concrete tilt panels except for the name and the fact that they somehow do not fracture when dropped. In fact even I'd hazard a guess that they have no magical balancing powers whatsoever. I tried to contact the manufacturer about this but was told by their solicitor that the boss has gone on a holiday to Majorca, Spain but will be happy to answer any questions upon his return.

Bob Willson
29th April 2004, 04:10 PM
Sorry guys, but it is nothing to do with any of the above.
In the early days when lifts (elevators for any foreigners) had first been invented, there was often a problem with the cage. The problem was that when somebody actually stood inside the lift but slightly off to one side, a small amount of distortion took place within the walls of the cage. This was enough to ensure that the cage scraped along the support rails and wore out very quickly. Not to mention also the alarming noise that would ensue from having the steel pieces rubbing against each other. To overcome this problem a special type of wall panel was developed that used the principal of ‘reverse racking.’

Now as we all know, thanks to Mick’s excellent description in "What is Racking"? (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8522) this distortion was a quantifiable amount that could be overcome by the judicious application of an equal and opposite force. And THAT is where the panels come in. These balanced (or balancing) panels were developed to automatically compensate for any distorting forces that were detected.

The invention ensured the fortunes of the company, “Waygood Otis”, and the technology is now leased world wide and contributes considerably to alleviate Australia’s balance of payment problems.

29th April 2004, 04:48 PM
Isnt it when you have like a commitee, with 50 percent men and 50 percent women?
So the opinion is balanced, well it would be balanced if you didnt include the women. :D :D

Cheers, Gyro

Bob Willson
29th April 2004, 05:35 PM
Boy are you gunna get it now. :D :D

Hmmmmmmm!! I am surprised Bob or have you allowed them to drag you down?? .

No, no, no , It isn't me that is gunna get him, it is all the Sheilas that are going to read what he said. They'll get him. :)

29th April 2004, 05:43 PM
its when the panel is stained the same color on the front and back

Hey Bob, just make sure all the women on your committee make up all the sub-committees. That way than can prove their equality by doing all of the work.

Ralph Jones
29th April 2004, 09:45 PM
Greetings Friends,
Again you blokes never disappoint me with your antidotes and witty answers.

The answer for todays as already mentioned is a balanced panel is one for the purpose of the Standard, a balanced panel is on which is free from warp that effects serviceability for it's intended use.

Thank you for your support.

Respectfully, :)