View Full Version : Back again!

Kev Y.
8th December 2008, 03:26 AM
G'day all, Well this is about my 3rd return to these forums. I hope to make a few more visits from now on.

I am still living in the Latrobe Valley, but have moved abode's.

I finally finished renovating the last house I had back in march this year and then sold it in july. With the proceeds I went and bought myself a new toy, an new plane (photos to follow later).

Now I am ready to start constructuion of a new workshop, kit is being delivered after christmas, and then it will be back into the sawdust for me.

Things have changed a bit since I was here last, so I will be spending quite some time snooping and poking about :U


8th December 2008, 07:48 AM
G'day Brudda from Brasil and welcome back.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Don't live in Brasil, just, just happen to be here.

Don't mind you snooping and poking about, just keep the fingers away from anything dangerous.:D:D

Jim Carroll
8th December 2008, 07:56 AM
Kev good to see you back

Happy shed building and fitout.

Kev Y.
8th December 2008, 09:24 AM
Thanks Jim.. I have not forgotten where you are, I may be down to order some stuff when the shed is up and running

8th December 2008, 03:38 PM
Welcome back.