View Full Version : G'Day from Colorado

Pam in Colorado
5th December 2008, 09:26 AM
Hello, I'm Pam in Colorado. I am a newb in all areas of woodworking. My husband has some experience and a whole lot of desire, so when our home sells and we get to move to the city he works in, he will finally get to start setting up shop and having some fun.

I want to be part of that fun, so I'm looking to gain some knowledge and ideas. I also have a nephew who has an interest in woodworking, so perhaps one day we will be able to work together to create some pieces of art and function.

I'm a homeschooling Mom, so I'd like to add some projects into our youngest two girls' education. Who knows, maybe the oldest three kids, who have already graduated, will join in the process as well.

I look forward to getting to know you all along the way.

5th December 2008, 09:34 AM
G''day Pam in Colorado and welcome.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Anyone crazy enough to take on homeschooling will fit right in with this crew.:D:D

Pam in Colorado
5th December 2008, 09:38 AM
Thanks for the welcome Artme! I am excited to find a group like this. I'm having fun popping around to see what people are saying and doing. Can't wait for my husband to get home!!! You aren't the first to call me crazy, although it is usually not regarding the homeschool! :wink: It's usually my teenaged son - when I don't agree with the plans he wants to get away with! :D

5th December 2008, 10:33 AM
Hi Pam, and welcome. Look forward to seeing the new workshop go in and some of your projects.

Pam in Colorado
5th December 2008, 10:37 AM
Hi Bob! The more I look through the forum posts, the more excited I get about getting into a project. Any project!!!

tea lady
5th December 2008, 12:30 PM
Hi pam. Welcome to the forums. :cool: You can ask ANY question here, about ANYTHING, and someone will know.:2tsup:

Ed Reiss
5th December 2008, 12:36 PM
Hi pam. Welcome to the forums. :cool: You can ask ANY question here, about ANYTHING, and someone will know.:2tsup:

....well, maybe!:;

Welcome Pam...glad you could join us!:2tsup:

The Bleeder
5th December 2008, 12:55 PM
Welcome Pam. You'll fit right in.

I have two (one's 3 a boy and the other's 7 a girl). Can't keep them out of the workshop, unless something noisy starts up. He tends to wander back into the house (much to SWMBO's dismay) covered in sawdust. They have a great time.

5th December 2008, 01:11 PM
HI i am from Montrose Colorado where are you at? I own a SHOPSMITH and am currently working on bowls and copper roses out of copper sheets. I have a ring master for the Shopsmith so i make the bowl a bit different them most but i am going to do some real turning after Christmas after i get the bowls done for presents. Also welcome to the forum so far this bunch has been real helpful i only signed up a few days ago but the response has been great. I was going to say fenominal but the spell check does not have that word or i misspelled it real bad and the computer cant make out what it was trying ti spell. Have a good day and a better tomorrow.

5th December 2008, 02:26 PM
Hi pam. Welcome to the forums. :cool: You can ask ANY question here, about ANYTHING, and someone will know.:2tsup:

And not knowing won't prevent people from chipping in either...:D

Pam in Colorado
5th December 2008, 02:30 PM
I am currently in Cañon City but when our house sells we are going to Colorado Springs (where my husband works).

Pam in Colorado
5th December 2008, 02:33 PM
You are all so welcoming AND funny. My kind of folk.

Ralphtaff - I'd love to hear more about what you do and see your work one day. Never been to Montrose, never had a reason, now I do! :)

5th December 2008, 03:31 PM
Pam, sounds ok to me i do not know how the request thing works.

Pam in Colorado
5th December 2008, 03:39 PM
I'm not sure since no one has requested me. I just followed a link that said I could request when I went to your profile. Not sure how the other end works.

Anyone have a step through to accepting a friend request???

5th December 2008, 03:40 PM
G'Day Pam,

This forum covers just about everything and boy are the members opinionated. excluding me, who is a fount of knowledge and wisdom and what's more I'm modest. :B. Thought I'd better run up your flag to welcome you :unitedstates: since so many Americans seem to be joining.


5th December 2008, 03:42 PM
not sure where i am now but hello.this screen just poped up. i mean popped up.

Pam in Colorado
5th December 2008, 03:43 PM
Thanks Jerry. Wish travel was in my near future. I'd love to walk the soil of the many areas represented here! Guess I'll have to live vicariously through your sage advice and deep wisdom and knowledge! I'd send a salute but I can't figure out how to get the smiley guys to cooperate. Where did they go??? ;)

Pam in Colorado
5th December 2008, 03:45 PM
Oh, look I can type one in but that is about my limit. A :) and a ;)

5th December 2008, 03:57 PM
Pam i found myself after i went for a ride some where on this forum i know where i am now. If you wish you can em mail me at [email protected].

Ad de Crom
5th December 2008, 05:48 PM
Hi Pam, welcome.
Nice to see another Pam, than my American lady penfriend Pam from Minnesota.
Well she's a hell of a woodturner, and I hope to see the same from you in the future.
Anyway you are on the right place, this is the best forum I know.

Pam in Colorado
6th December 2008, 03:31 AM
How fun, I moved to Colorado from Minnesota. Hope I can live up to the other Pam's skills and abilities. I know I have some great creations in me if I can just figure out what and how!! ;)

Honorary Bloke
6th December 2008, 08:57 AM
G'Day Pam,

This forum covers just about everything and boy are the members opinionated. excluding me, who is a fount of knowledge and wisdom and what's more I'm modest. :B. Thought I'd better run up your flag to welcome you :unitedstates: since so many Americans seem to be joining.


Hi Pam and welcome. Whilst it's true the members are opinionated, they don't always have the right opinion! :rolleyes:

[Jerry, you are seeing Mr Obama's new diplomacy in action. He put out the word that Seppos should join a number of foreign forums to learn something about other cultures! :rolleyes::D ]

Pam in Colorado
6th December 2008, 09:48 AM
Bob, I was thinking everyone on here was sooo nice. Now I'm not so sure. I looked up Seppo and I am a bit hurt! Not all Americans are bad. AND some of us actually voted against Obama. So, now to decide if I cry or not.

I'm think I'll stand over next to Jerry for a while. :)

6th December 2008, 10:04 AM
I would not worry too much Pam. Wearing a tin hat and a flack jacket will help a little though. Just give as much as you get, and if the flack gets too heavy you will find many who will come come to your aid. Its still a great place to hang out.

Pam in Colorado
6th December 2008, 10:13 AM
Good thing I have thick, albeit glow in the dark, pale skin and a good sense of humor. I do cry easily though, even when I'm happy, so be fair warned!

As much as I have my own misgivings about the U.S of A. I am still rather attached and quite proud overall. I would really like to visit your way though. Would you let an American stay a while?

6th December 2008, 12:38 PM
Hi Pam and welcome. Whilst it's true the members are opinionated, they don't always have the right opinion! :rolleyes:

[Jerry, you are seeing Mr Obama's new diplomacy in action. He put out the word that Seppos should join a number of foreign forums to learn something about other cultures! :rolleyes::D ]


Don't worry about the name Seppo. It' s rhyming slang, no more than that. When I first arrived here in OZ I was called a "Pommy Bastard". I just had to educate them a little. I politely pointed out that the Aussie flag summed up the situation perfectly. The Union Jack in the top left hand corner showed who really ran the country and the stars showed them that they had their head in the clouds. My philosophy is to be very tactful but firm.:D

- I'm not about to hi jack the thread. I'm only making one comment.

good to hear from you again. The argument, while good for both of us, has run it's course, although I'd love to cross swords with such a worthy opponent again.

Being insular has big problems.
As I said before, the fact that No Drama Obama is widening his knowledge base is a great sign. Just last night I discovered how insular Hoover was and how badly his ignorance affected the attack on Pearl Harbor.


6th December 2008, 01:38 PM
POPPY COCK,poppy cock!! obammer hammer or what ever you want to call um it still does not translate to woodworking in any way. IT kind of hurts that any one over there would think that we would join for any other reason then we love wood. I have belonged to wood forums here in the states and well some of them are prejudiced to some degree. Or a better WORD would be cliks( not sure of the spelling but it means groupies) i asked a few questions and no responces as to answers, maybe they did not know anything or what ever. Here in this forum i recieved numeruos answers and sugestions and not GO TO THE STORE AND BUY ONE. You guys come up with solutions using your heads and old ways whitch is lost. I surly hope that in the future i do not get the feeling that i joined for any other reason then wood working solutions and answers and fun.

NOW that said, i feel better ,i got it out so now it will not fester inside. Have a good day and a better tomorrow.

6th December 2008, 01:49 PM
My apologizes i did not read where that comment came from and then i seen i came from somewhere in the deep south so sorry. it hurt that you down under guys would say something like that again i best read all of the posts before i comment. It sure makes me feel foolish, oh well hold your head high and take it i guess.

6th December 2008, 02:48 PM

No offence taken by me. I too am predominantly interested in wood work, but the little exchange between Bob and me came from a discussion in the Nothing to do with Woodwork forum. I did pre apologise to for taking the intro off track for a second.

I should also say sorry to Pam,.

We are a reasonable bunch of blokes and blokesses and unless you venture into the non woodworking areas, (which can be fun) discussion here is usually restrained. is not an axe weilding mongrel for nothing.


6th December 2008, 03:00 PM
OH OK yea i flew off as today at work i was dragged into a disscusion about obama and mccain and i tried to get out of it and could not. so when it came up here it ticked me off. the timeing was off on someones part so we will let that one go by. After i hit the post button i knew i was in the wrong to take offence. Have a good day and a better tomorrow. I also apoligize.

6th December 2008, 03:27 PM

:cheers2: best thing to do now mate.


We really are SNAG's and don't get too blokey. I'll shut up now before I put my foot deeper in it.


6th December 2008, 03:39 PM
By the way i know this is not the right thread to ask but i went blank on What sanding disc is made of metal and cuts the wood with small cutters on the disc? I seen an advertisement but can not seem to find it now.It comes in fine,medium and course. It claims the wood is cut not rubbed off like with the regular sand paper.

Pam in Colorado
6th December 2008, 04:09 PM
Glad I stepped out for a while tonight. Missed the fun I see. The problem with no face to face is you can't get a good feel for what is really being said and why. So.... I'll call it all good and we can be friends.

Circle around, time for Kumbaya and a group hug!!! I'm really glad I'm here and I know that there's a lot of learning and laughter taking place.

Honorary Bloke
6th December 2008, 08:10 PM
Well, as we say in the southern U.S. "Bless your hearts"! :oo:

My apologies to anyone and everyone (though I'm not sure exactly why). :rolleyes::D:D


I consider Seppo a term of endearment. :)


It was just good natured banter, not a political statement (but out of context, sorry). :)

That's why we have those little emoticon thingos off to the right there. It helps us replace body language and facial expressions when writing on the forum. :wink::p:p

If I have a go at anyone, you will not have to guess what I meant, it will be plainly evident. :roll: For now, I will just fall on my sword. :cool:

Honorary Bloke
6th December 2008, 08:31 PM
By the way i know this is not the right thread to ask but i went blank on What sanding disc is made of metal and cuts the wood with small cutters on the disc? I seen an advertisement but can not seem to find it now.It comes in fine,medium and course. It claims the wood is cut not rubbed off like with the regular sand paper.

No hard feelings. :D Here ya go:

Amazon.com: Microplane 33001 2 Pack Stainless Steel Medium Sanding Disc: Home Improvement

6th December 2008, 08:46 PM
Ah welcome Pam,
Glad to see you septics have made up :roll:

I'm looking forward to the next slanging match in the "Nothing at all to do with woodwork" forum and I think you'll find it entertaining as well besides the great woodworking found here.
If you watched Monty Python at all it would be known as "The room for the arguement".:D


Pam in Colorado
7th December 2008, 04:17 AM
I am the oddball in my family, and amongst many of my friends. I do not like Monty Python. My husband and daughter think it's a hoot. Thankfully I have a couple younger kids who have never seen it so we can blissfully go about our merry way when they go at it! ;)

I think the slang fest forum could be riot and will have to wander that way in the near future.

One of these days I will actually have a woodworking type of comment or question. Until then I will soak up the tomes of info here.

Bob, hope your sword was sharp and sanitized so you will heal quickly with little to no damage. ;)
To tell the truth, I did not even see you were from the US until after and thought you must have had a bad American encounter. Glad to see that is not the case :)

ANYONE: why do I not see a choice of emoticons around here? I'm confused.

Honorary Bloke
7th December 2008, 06:09 AM
ANYONE: why do I not see a choice of emoticons around here? I'm confused.


When you click the Post Reply button at the bottom left of the previous post, you should get a "window" in which to make your reply, and to the right there should be a number of emoticons available to you. In fact, there are 27 showing and if you click on "more" you will get about a squillion from which to choose.

Pam in Colorado
7th December 2008, 04:12 PM
Bob, Here I am replying but not emoticons anywhere to be seen. Could they be hiding somehow??? I the box down below to the left it does say the smiles are on, but they are just not here.

Honorary Bloke
10th December 2008, 07:58 AM
Bob, Here I am replying but not emoticons anywhere to be seen. Could they be hiding somehow??? I the box down below to the left it does say the smiles are on, but they are just not here.

I dunno exactly. But post this question in the Support forum and one of the gurus will help you out. :)

tea lady
10th December 2008, 09:37 AM
Bob, Here I am replying but not emoticons anywhere to be seen. Could they be hiding somehow??? I the box down below to the left it does say the smiles are on, but they are just not here.

Could be that you used "quick reply" rather than the other reply button.:) They don't come up then. There are also short cuts. Like if you want to do an ordinary smile you type ":" and ")" together and you get:). All the other ones grew from that. The whole list is an amazing revelation. My favorite is :elefant: and :yawn:.

Pam in Colorado
10th December 2008, 09:42 AM
You are right. I was using quick reply. This time I did not and viola there are smileys galore to the right. :2tsup:

Such a simple thing.:doh: I am known as electronically challenged in my family! :U Ignorance is not always bliss. :B

Thank you so much!!!:hooray:

tea lady
10th December 2008, 09:49 AM
You are right. I was using quick reply. This time I did not and viola there are smileys galore to the right. :2tsup:

Such a simple thing.:doh: I am known as electronically challenged in my family! :U Ignorance is not always bliss. :B

Thank you so much!!!:hooray:

Right again? (They still haven't got the knocked me down with a feather smilie.:C):D

I guess if you doo one thing and it kinda worked its hard to think of another way. In quick reply you can also "go Advanced" which brings up all the smilies and attachment aptions. But I don't quite know how to use all of that, I can post pics and links. The rest is a mystery. :shrug::D

Pam in Colorado
10th December 2008, 09:59 AM
Tea Lady, if you can post pictures than you are miles ahead. I have three different places on the web that I could post pictures. Could being the operative word, since I could if I could figure it out. My new year's resolution is to master this. Once upon a time I figured it out in one place. Then - shazam! - it could happen no more. So I decided to let it be. Now I'm ready for the challenge. A friend and my husband are going to help me figure out where I am taking a wrong turn in the process.

I'm thankful for you and your help. :D

DJ’s Timber
10th December 2008, 10:42 AM
There is a useful Tutorial compiled here (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=78760) by myself :B on how to attach pictures to your posts ;;

Pam in Colorado
10th December 2008, 12:18 PM
This is great. I'm keeping this link handy. It makes perfect sense. When I have a pertinent picture I will post. Don't hold your breath as I'm still in trying to figure out all this woodworking information and possibilities. :;