View Full Version : G'Day from Illinois!

21st November 2008, 01:55 PM
Hey all! New here but not new to wood working, well, at least turning anyway! Some already know me as "cozee" on a couple pen forums. I don't make much claim to flatwork and such other than I make a great wood butcher. I joined up mainly because I want to get in on the 2009 Australia Day pen swap. And, I've always wanted to visit Oz and this is about as close as I am going to get for now. I look forward to getting to know ya all. :2tsup:

21st November 2008, 02:02 PM
Welcome Greg
Glad to see you here we will just have to change your name to your new Ozzie one.

The swap is looking good, what about Terrance do you think he might be interested?

Glad to have you here as you can see lots of subjects to talk about on here.


21st November 2008, 02:35 PM
Welcome Greg
Glad to see you here we will just have to change your name to your new Ozzie one.

The swap is looking good, what about Terrance do you think he might be interested?

Glad to have you here as you can see lots of subjects to talk about on here.


I get a new Ozzie name!! Kewl!!!! I have been called about everything under the sun, so a new name ain't gonna hurt!!!!!! :2tsup:

Terrence will probably be interested and I will pass the info along to him and let him decide though.

21st November 2008, 09:14 PM
G´day Greg and welcome aboard.:2tsup::2tsup::)How cold is it where you are at the moment?

Ed Reiss
22nd November 2008, 12:00 AM
Hi Greg...welcome to the inner sanctum!!!:U

22nd November 2008, 10:50 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome all!!

Artme, I woke up this morning to a balmy 21F with a daytime high of right around 32F. Tonight's low is supposed to be around 20F with a heat wave tomorrow near 40F!!!! Not so much cold yet but believe it or not we still deal with humidity issues around here and that makes it seems colder than what it really is. Cold to the bone as they say.:cool:

22nd November 2008, 11:08 AM
Welcome to the forum, nice to have you here.

22nd November 2008, 11:21 AM
Hi to All from sunny Calif. 77 degrees here today look forward to being on this forum. thanks olyumabill