View Full Version : Do you use plastic in walls

16th November 2008, 07:10 AM
Quick survey of the plumbers here. Do you use plastic water pipes (be they pb, pex or something else) chased into walls in a bathroom?

I was a bit surprised when renovating a bathroom recently in the Sydney CBD. We dug out the walls to find the pipes to move the shower mixers and it was all Rehau cemented into the walls. I would guess that the whole building (aprox 40 floors of apartments) would all be the same. I've always used copper in brick walls and have started using rehau in timber frame walls. Now I look in the code and there doesn't seem to be any rule against it apart from it saying to wrap it in an impermeable flexible material. But that rule goes for copper as well and I don't see many people doing that apart from lagging the hot.

More... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=73656&goto=newpost)