View Full Version : Compact Fluorescent Cabinet Lights

16th November 2008, 07:10 AM
I would be interested in hearing if anybody else has had problems with these lights, picture attached. They are about 80mm dia and 25mm deep and have a multiple "S" type sealed tube. The reason I ask is that I have installed 4 of these, three under kitchen cabinets and an outside light from a different manufacturer that uses the same sort of tube. These sealed tubes cost approximately $30 each and are supposed to have a 6000 hour life span. The outside one blew the first time the electrician turned it on after installation. Fortunately it was replaced free of charge. Two of the plastic covers on the kitchen tubes came partially detached from the backing plate shortly after installation, about 6 months ago. I "siliconed" them back into position and everything has been fine until recently when one blew. My repair job was so good that I can't tell if it was one that I fixed. They have had very little use.

I don't know whether I have just been unlucky, but I am certainly going to baulk at replacing them regularly at $30 a pop.

Attached Thumbnails http://www.renovateforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=74068&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1219364890 (http://www.renovateforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=74068&d=1219364890)

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