View Full Version : WWW show collaboration

gold leader
13th April 2004, 10:52 PM
Ok boys and girls, I remember some grumblings about this last year AFTER the event, so I'm getting in on the ground floor.
I will be going to the Sydney show, and I want to know if anyone else is interested in purchasing any machinery. If so, we can all get together and hammer out an even better price for bulk. I'm sure Carbatec or Hafco will talk turkey if someone goes to buy 5 table saws for example.
Now this isn't just for my benefit, I recommend readers in other states band together too, all for the greater good of our cause lol. We could even divvy up the cost of truck rental if required to get everything home.
So if you have designs on buying any kind of machine at the show, tell everyone about it here so we can group up and make it happen!!
I myself was thinking of a table saw.

14th April 2004, 10:57 AM
Gold Leader,

As it happens, I hope to be in the position to buy a TS at showtime.
Specifically the TSC-10HB that Carba-tec sell.
So if you (or anbody else) are tinking of that model saw, we should definitely get together.


gold leader
14th April 2004, 11:07 AM
Excellent, I'll definately be in that. Any more takers??

14th April 2004, 11:24 AM
I may be interested. That is, I'd like to get one and I'm coming up for the show. It depends on what the minister of finance and home affairs has to say. I know I don't have the cash in my tools account but the golf stick account is looking good ;)

That particular one gets a good rap here, seems to be the one to get. They've got $1495 on it. I think Hare & Forbes has a similar version for a bit less but haven't got the catalogue in front of me...

14th April 2004, 12:48 PM

The TSC-10HB is made by this mob: http://www.maoshan.com/p1.htm

I don't know about the HAFCO range but I think that their stuff is mostly sourced from the PRC which may account for its cheaper price.


14th April 2004, 02:21 PM
I've got the nod from the missus but all brownie points are now gone and I'll have to put up with a fair bit of ribbing over it. Well worth it, you might say!!

Hare & Forbes don't have a 10" cabinet saw. They've got two contractor saws at $699 and $899 respectively. They've also got a 12" cabinet saw for $1,795 which is probably out of my price range anyway.

I assume that the Carbatec job will take a stacked dado cutter?

14th April 2004, 02:33 PM
Glad to hear you've been given an order number from the minister :)

I assume that the Carbatec job will take a stacked dado cutter?

That's my understanding.

I'm sure Dean, Rodm or Grunt can confirm that for us though.

Actually, it says it can on the web site ie:

The machine can perform different sizes of groove and slot cuts when fitted with certain tools.


19th April 2004, 11:20 AM
I was in Carba-tec on Friday and asked the sales guy if they were going to have their sale before the WWW show again this year.

He said "Yes it's going to be at the end of May"

Also, their '04 catalogue is due out in a couple of weeks.


19th April 2004, 12:23 PM
The TSC-10HB does indeed take a dado blade.

19th April 2004, 12:58 PM
I cut some dados on the 10HB yesterday :)

20th April 2004, 11:38 PM
have been persevering with my Bunnings tinplate special till I can get what I really want - a DVR.
Have been building brownie points with SWMBO, so when a deal can be struck... I'm in.
Know there may not be much leverage on that particular item.. but who knows.
Anyone else in the market?

21st April 2004, 10:21 AM
Pardon my ignorance, but what's a DVR?

gold leader
21st April 2004, 10:26 AM
I was wondering the same thing....

21st April 2004, 10:30 AM
It's a wood lathe. "Nova" and "tinplate special" gave it away ;)

21st April 2004, 10:59 AM
Oh. O.K. thanks for that.

Gold Leader and Darren,

You blokes are both interested in getting the TSC-10HB right?

Have you definitely decided on this machine or are you still deciding on your saw of choice?

I'm 99% certain that this is the one I'm going to go for, the only thing against it IMO is it's right tilting blade and I figure I can live with that.

So if we are all going for the TSC, where do we go from here?

I don't know if there's much advantage to be had in waiting for the show over aproaching Carba-tec during their annual sale.

What do you think?



21st April 2004, 11:37 AM

OK, well I guess I am somewhere between 75% and 85% on the TSC-10HB.

As I mentioned, I'm going to have a look at Hare & Forbes (I have to go there anyway, my thicknesser needs attention) and at Carba-tec during the second week of May. I'll make my mind up definitely then.

The only other one I'm looking at is the Taiwan-built H&F ST-12D, which is similar feature-wise (including the right-tilting arbor) to the TSC-10HB except with a 12" blade, a larger table and a wider rip capacity. It also comes with a TCT blade:

Blade dia: 305
Table size: 950 x 690
Depth of cut: 95
Rip capacity: 1270
Motor: 2100 (3hp)
Weight: 270kg

It has the same style fence and the rails extend about another metre past the edge of the table. This gives it the wider rip capacity but will make its footprint a lot bigger and probably rules it out for that reason. It's also $300 more. That's nearly half a bandsaw.

And yet... :rolleyes:

21st April 2004, 12:00 PM

Do you have a web site for the Taiwanese manufacturer?

Hare and Forbes still haven't got their act together to produce a web site.

There is no way I could fit a saw of that size in my small workshop, but I'd be interested in having a look at it on the web anyway.

As an aside, on the Carba-tec site, they're spruiking their May sale in Brisbane and saying that they gaurantee that their inhouse sale prices will be less than those at the WWW show.

Then again they only have ot be $1 less to meet that commitment.


21st April 2004, 12:14 PM

Sorry, no I don't. I've got a printed catalogue so if I remember, I'll scan the page and post it here. It looks very similar to the TSC-10HB. They're a bit light on with details in the catalogue so the best thing might be to either ring them or go in and have a look.

I don't have a huge amount of room either and the rails just look like they'll get in the way 'spose I could cut 'em off with a hacksaw ;)

21st April 2004, 12:28 PM

No need to post a pic, Big Pete has already done so :)

See this thread:


BTW, after his search I think he ended up with the Jet 10" cabinet saw for around $2500.

Although he had to wait from November to April for it.

I have to confess that if the Jet was closer in price to the TSC-10HB I'd probably buy that one too.
Only because I own some Jet gear already and their quality is excellent.

I can't see how they justify the extra $1000 in this case though.

$300 I might consider it but $1000 - no way.


21st April 2004, 12:31 PM
Yep, that's the one. Price is $1750 at the moment. Worth thinking about. I suppose one could close in between the rails and make it a router table....

21st April 2004, 12:43 PM
I suppose one could close in between the rails and make it a router table....

That's what I like to see... lateral thinking :D

21st April 2004, 02:30 PM
Rang Hare & Forbes and they're not going to be at the Sydney Working with Wood Show because they have a big metalworking show on at the same time.

I asked if they would be having any kind of sale before the show anyway and the guy told me yes they would.

21st April 2004, 03:55 PM
That's interesting.

Either it must be A) a BIG metalworking show that they can afford to ignore the WWW show, that I would assume must attract at least 50,000 punters over three days, or
B) they haven't sold enough at the shows in the past to make it worth their while.

21st April 2004, 04:07 PM
Yeah, I was surprised. I don't know how big a part of their business lies in the woodworking gear. They certainly seemed to dedicate at least half of their showroom to it. Maybe there's more margin in industrial metalworking machines.

21st April 2004, 04:25 PM
Maybe there's more margin in industrial metalworking machines.

Yes could be. Or maybe their gear suffers when people can do an easy apples to apples comparison.

Who knows?

Not me, that's for sure.

21st April 2004, 06:09 PM
Sorry guys... Yes.. I am looking for a Nova 3000 DVR wood lathe.
Wrote last post half asleep -
So.. if anyone else is looking for same.. let me know
email turning@digidoc.com.au

29th April 2004, 01:32 AM
Hare and Forbes (Herless) have been a big name in metal working machinery for years. Their business on that side would be much larger than the woodworking.


29th April 2004, 07:17 AM
IMHO when you put the Hare & Forbes WW gear alongside the likes of Jet & Delta & Carbatec it definitely suffers - the quality is not quite there and it's not comparatively cheap enough to warrant it - with the possible exception of the tablesaws.

Metal working gear is definitely their focus, WW gear is certainly only a sideline for them. Doesn't surprise me that they're not going to be at the show - but it is a pity.

Carbatec Sydney is having a sale the week before the Sydney show, and I'll be giong to that as well. Looks like it's gonna be an expensive couple of weeks :)

I'm probably only in the market for a few smaller things this year - tenoning jig, decent dado blade, saw blade, good set of chisels, HNT Gordon smoothing plane, decent clamps at the right price (always), a handsaw or two, a jointer, vises - and anything else I need if there's a bargain to be had. Almost certainly not all of the above though - I'd be shot at dawn :)

Bob Willson
29th April 2004, 04:33 PM
Jointers are not normally considered to be one of the "smaller things" :D

29th April 2004, 10:58 PM
Compared to tablesaws they are :)

30th April 2004, 05:35 PM
Re the TSC-10HB, I notice on the Carba-tec web site that it has gone up to $1631. :( Must be because of the $A going south recently.

Oh well, I'm still hopeful that I can do something at their annual sale.

30th April 2004, 05:47 PM
Makes the 12" job from Hare & Forbes look more inviting....

30th April 2004, 08:50 PM
Did anyone notice that the prices did not go down when the AU$ went from 49c US to 75c US?:confused: Yet when the value goes down by a couple of cents they whack the prices up ASAP :mad:


3rd May 2004, 10:00 AM
Well in fairness to them, that saw was listed at $1781 in their 2003 catalogue.

It went down to $1495 on the web sometime last
year where it's been until recently.

Is the new price for new stock though?



3rd May 2004, 10:07 AM
Maybe they've been monitoring this forum :eek:

7th May 2004, 10:46 PM
I was still quoted $1495 on the TSC-10HB today in Sydney, even though they don't have any in stock and have a couple of orders waiting to be filled - did you blokes order up big?

10th May 2004, 10:22 AM
I was still quoted $1495 on the TSC-10HB today in Sydney, even though they don't have any in stock and have a couple of orders waiting to be filled - did you blokes order up big?

Nope I haven't approacehd them yet. Interesting re the price being the same. I wonder what it will be when I see them at sale time?


13th May 2004, 12:22 PM
Nope I haven't approached them yet. Interesting re the price being the same. I wonder what it will be when I see them at sale time?


Must say, it does appear a little confusing. Carbatec Vic site is $1795 inc. Sydney site is still $1495 inc.

I just rang Carbatec NZ for a local price. They advised their price here is NZ $2154 for the TSC-10HB. They said this was based on the AU price of $1795 * 1.2 for the exchange rate and GST difference (12.5% in NZ).

There's a 3 year old MBS300 complete with sliding table on the local trade me site with a reserve of around NZ$2300 (about $2000 AU). sounds like it might be a better deal if it goes for around that price.

13th May 2004, 12:47 PM
Still $1495 on the Carbatech WA site too.........

20th May 2004, 10:31 AM
Got my 2004 catalogue in the mail last night. The TSC is still listed at $1495.


24th May 2004, 12:18 AM
Just for your info. Hafco are not going to be at the Sydney Woodies show. They have a large machinery show that is clashing with the dates and they have decided that the machinery show would be a better money spinner.

I found this out when I was out at Hafco last week looking at their table saws.. I'm in the market for one. Probably will buy a Jet Supersaw. Best price so far is from Gary Pye of $1800 +freight for the sliding table version.

So far I have looked at most of the Chinese/Taiwanese clone saws by Carbatec and Hafco and I'm less than impressed with the quality. However, if anyone has some recommendations on what I should be buying please make yourself heard. I'm extremely open to recommendations.