View Full Version : Hi folks

14th November 2008, 11:28 AM
Hi folks,

I thought I better introduce myself seeing how i have registered an' all.

My name is John, I'm from Thornton, NSW, which is about 25 mins west of Newcastle, & 10 mins east of Maitland.

I joined up so that the projects undertake, may turn out better.

I don't have a specific interest, but i do like woodworking, metalworking, Model trains, jewellery making, electronics, basically any sort of crafting really, depending on my mood.

I am considering remodelling our kitchen, making the cupboards out of solid timber, not shitwood, (sorry, that should say chipwood. :roflmao: or should it?)

Cheers all:2tsup:,

John (Jackpot) :aussie5:

14th November 2008, 11:49 AM
Welcome John! :2tsup: With your other interests, it sounds like there should be a good two-way flow of information.

14th November 2008, 11:59 AM
No I was already confused. But your quote made everything clear. Thanx.

Ed Reiss
14th November 2008, 01:58 PM
I don't have a specific interest, but i do like woodworking, metalworking, Model trains, jewellery making, electronics, basically any sort of crafting really, depending on my mood.


Ha...once you take up woodturning, you'll forget all about the other stuff:o:U

Welcome John!

Ad de Crom
14th November 2008, 06:09 PM
Yeah good point Ed, woodturners lives forever.
Welcome John.

joe greiner
15th November 2008, 12:50 AM
Welcome aboard, John. With all your interests, you've found the right place. Woodturning may let you forget the other stuff, but maybe not. Best of luck.

Pictures! Must have pictures!


15th November 2008, 09:23 PM
Welcome John, enjoy the forum. Thats a good name you got there.:):2tsup: