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6th November 2008, 09:10 AM
I agree totally with the sentiments put forward.
If your on dial up it runs for 91/2 minutes.
YouTube - Gever Tulley: 5 dangerous things you should let your kids
Cheers Fred
6th November 2008, 12:12 PM
Yup, he says it for me, my kids have not been coddled, they will run away into the bush for 1/2 a day, work by themselves in the shed and are generally responsible, caring guys. The BS around kids will emasculate future generations. All to help a bloated, parasitic insurance industry thrive, pathetic isnt it.
6th November 2008, 08:42 PM
Couldn't agree more. I lived on a farm until I was 5 and helped Dad until it was sold when I was 8. Dad used to put the ute in first gear with an auger on the back and tell me to follow him in the tractor with a silo on it. When we got to the paddock I had to put on the brake and stall the ute. I used to love doing it, although wasn't so much of a fan when he put me in the tractor working a paddock while he slept in the ute listening to the ashes. I got distracted and chased quails around the paddock which got me in a bit of trouble:D.
6th November 2008, 09:35 PM
I work in high schools with disengaged teenagers our program takes them out of school one day a week for as long as it takes ,using power tools ,and making large projects where there work will be used for many years
,I took a Ute full of tyres to school and was amazed with the games that were developed