View Full Version : Hiya's

31st October 2008, 09:10 PM
Hi from Perth, Kiwi, yr 8 in this fine country, 1st year out west, over from Newcastle.
I play, make, work on, collect guitars, every kind.
I got onto this site by a request at work for some info on sharpening/ setting hand planes, those garage sale specials that look ok but dont work.
Do you think I could find anything relevant on web ??
But here now and very impressed, what you dont have at this site cant be all that important !!! wood-wise.
Married, 3 teens, motorcyclist, music lover/ player, rugby & leauge fan (in that order)
Rev head, motor race fan (anything with motors) d.i.y.er, mucker about in a shed type.
Very impressed, well done folks.

Claw Hama
31st October 2008, 09:53 PM
Welcome Sidsnot, you will have a great time here with us, lots of diverse information and discusions on many of your interests. Mind you, you're going well if you have 3 teens and can still find time for any of your own interests.

31st October 2008, 10:02 PM
Welcome Sid,

You wouldn't happen to be the Sidsnot from AGGH by chance:?

31st October 2008, 10:34 PM

Yeah, caught me out.
Lucky I can use same name for different sites !!

Ed Reiss
1st November 2008, 04:15 AM
Welcome Sidsnot!

1st November 2008, 10:18 AM
Yeah, welcome mate. :2tsup:

1st November 2008, 10:38 AM
welcome to the asylum