View Full Version : Flood Certificate

30th October 2008, 05:10 PM
Hi all,

Sorry to ask this question: How I can get a Flooding Certificate (requested from building insurance) in Victoria. I've tried 3 places (a) My local council which is Casey, (b) Melbourne Water and (c) CITEC. All of them said "We don't supply/issue this kind of certificate". My local council referred me to Melbourne Water and Melbourne Water referred me back to City of Casey.

Please help


Big Shed
30th October 2008, 05:31 PM
According to this website (http://landexchange.vic.gov.au/vsco/newsroom/article_mwsept2004.html), Melbourne Water.

(google search: flood certificate site:au)

30th October 2008, 09:50 PM
City of Casey. The land of sidestepping, duck shoving and merry-go-rounds.:D

31st October 2008, 05:53 AM
City of Casey. The land of sidestepping, duck shoving and merry-go-rounds.:D
you guys don't have a monopoly on sidestepping and buckpassing,
I'm having a wrestle with the valuer general at the moment,
we disagree on the value of the land my shed is on :rolleyes:
I have a creek ( marine reserve catchment, wetland boundary) at the bottom of the land that I can't build near,
thats ok, I don't want to,
the VG insists I pay land tax on the whole property although 40 % is unusable.
(land value is determined on unimproved value)
anyways I've dealt with every bloody department ever invented , (local and state) and a couple I reckon they invented just for me.
and my conlusion?

rant over :-

31st October 2008, 06:56 PM
(google search: flood certificate site:au)
Thanks for the info, I did use Google for "Flood Certificate" but came out few in NSW, nothing in Vic. Thanks again, hope they can process this for me. Interresting in their letter they wrote in bold : contact your local government ....


journeyman Mick
1st November 2008, 07:13 PM
Play them all at their own game:
Make copies of all letters directing you to another authority (you did get it in writing didn't you? Lesson number one, always demand any answer in writing) and then send one copy of each to your insurance company with a cover letter explaining that you aren't able to give them a certificate because everyone denies responsibilty.

Then send a copy of the letters from Council and Melbourne water to Citec and so on. Send a covering letter explaining that you need this certificate and that if you suffer damages before you can get your insurance in place that you will be suing whichever entity is ultimately responsible. You might like to also point out that the recipient of the letter may be held personally liable for damages if they are in fact responsible for forwarding your letter to the appropriate person/department in their organisation and they fail to do so if their organisation is, in fact the responsible body.

That should stir some feathers!:D :dev:

PS we need an "evil smilie":D

DJ’s Timber
1st November 2008, 07:49 PM
PS we need an "evil smilie":D

Like this :sly: or :sneek: or :devil: hey Mick :U

journeyman Mick
1st November 2008, 10:27 PM
Like this :sly: or :sneek: or :devil: hey Mick :U

:- Editted my post, amazing what you find when you go looking.:rolleyes:


2nd November 2008, 01:58 PM
The flood certificate, whilst based on Melbourne Water's flood plans, is not issued by either Melbourne Water, City of Casey or Citec but by Landata.

From their website
LANDATA® is the electronic service delivery section of Land Registry.

LANDATA® provides on-line access to property information such as titles, plans of subdivision, property certificates and many other documents from State Government Departments and other agencies. Certificates and plans can be viewed on-line and printed (where electronic versions are available), or mailed or faxed to you. More electronic copies of title and other certificates are becoming available over time.

LANDATA® provides information from Land Registry (formerly the Land Titles Office), Department of Infrastructure, Environment Protection Authority, VicRoads, State Revenue Office, Councils and Utilities.

If you require further information on LANDATA® services please phone (03) 8636 2456 or email [email protected]

So the information that they all gave you, although most unhelpful as I'm sure Melbourne Water would know who issues the certificates, is correct.


3rd November 2008, 03:33 PM
So the information that they all gave you, although most unhelpful as I'm sure Melbourne Water would know who issues the certificates, is correct.

Many thanks to all, today Landata emailed me with the instruction how to get "Flood Level" certificate online. The point is they will get info from Melbourne Water and charge me for this. Anyway I've got no idea why Melbourne Water did not tell me in the first place.

I have apply for it and the cost I have to pay: Melbourne Water: $37, Landata $5.5 plus GST on top of the sum.

Again, many thanks.


3rd November 2008, 04:51 PM
Yer an Evil man Mick, no wonder I like yer :wink: