View Full Version : One hundred years!
28th October 2008, 07:36 PM
My Great Grand Father made the window sashes for our church, I still
use the tools he used. he also made the doors and most of the
trim inside. Sunday we celebrated one hundred years in
this building.
It was special for me and my family.
This is the best picture I could find on short notice.
Phil Spencer
29th October 2008, 09:10 AM
Its nice to use the tools your forefathers used, I have a plane one of my ggggggrandfathers used he built furniture in early Melbourne cut wood on the site of one of our large cathedrals and lived in the house of the founder of Melbourne John Batman. I also have and use some of me grandfathers tools. Its a nice feeling to handle family history.
tea lady
29th October 2008, 09:15 AM
I am coveting my grandfathers work bench and tools. Currently they are in my aunts garage holding stuff of the floor. I should offer her a swap for a nice new table.:rolleyes:
Lovely to be so much a part of history. :cool::U
Wood Borer
29th October 2008, 01:53 PM
A real Good News Story.:2tsup:
BTW Do all modern cars break down outside your church?:o
29th October 2008, 01:56 PM
BTW Do all modern cars break down outside your church?:o
The scary thing is, I can name all of them..... Nice A model by the way
29th October 2008, 03:11 PM
BTW Do all modern cars break down outside your church?:o
God works in mysterious ways.:roll::roll::roll:
This was during Frisco days, historic celebration. They have car
shows and music and stuff for the kids.
Check the pictures:
Thanks for your replies.