View Full Version : Hi from Cairns FNQ

20th October 2008, 04:27 PM
G'Day all, Shayne here From Cairns I've been lurking for a while but only recently started posting. My Day and night job as an 'Intensive Care/Flight Paramedic' (Queensland Ambulance) out of QAS Cairns and EMQ hangar at the airport, gives me plenty of time to indulge my passion with all thing timber as I work 4 shifts on 4 days off every week.

I am currently ensuring a lifetime supply of timber by milling my own timber along the lines of silky oak, cedar, cadaghi, QLD maple, Silkwood and blackwattle at the moment with a chainsaw mill but looking to go all the way with a lucas, and If any one is interested who lives up this way, I share this timber with people who will help me mill it, no cost just sweat and fun.

Im active on the milling threads at moment. other threads we my act is got together.



20th October 2008, 06:02 PM
Gday Ibanez, welcome aboard....what you are doing sounds great. Wish I was up your way.LOL bilym:):):)

journeyman Mick
20th October 2008, 11:04 PM
G'day Shayne,
I could be interested in offsiding for you when you get your Lucas in exchange for some milling of logs that I have. Do you know any of the ambo's in/around Kuranda - Ross & Leon also Churchie who's in our local rural fire brigade? Drop me a line of you want to come up the hill sometime and talk timber.


Cliff Rogers
20th October 2008, 11:49 PM
G'day Shayne, I was in Cairns today but my job didn't finish til 6 so I didn't get a chance to call you.

I'm keen to have a look at what you have.

Ed Reiss
21st October 2008, 01:53 AM
Gday Ibanez, welcome aboard....what you are doing sounds great. Wish I was up your way.LOL bilym:):):)

Me too...of course that would mean an international flight, but SWMBO won't allow that to happen...bummer!:no:

Welcome aboard Ibanez!

21st October 2008, 11:16 AM
G'day Shayne,
I could be interested in offsiding for you when you get your Lucas in exchange for some milling of logs that I have. Do you know any of the ambo's in/around Kuranda - Ross & Leon also Churchie who's in our local rural fire brigade? Drop me a line of you want to come up the hill sometime and talk timber.


Been waiting for you to popup. Ross, Churchie and leon and myself have been through some big jobs (Paramedic wise) in the past, I know em all well, I'm going to be in Speewah painting and sealing logs ends and generelly survey the volume of logs to mill estimating m3 etc on thurs and friday so can come over then, give me a pm with phone and address


P.S.Ross and I milled his Kauri in late 06 do you remember

journeyman Mick
21st October 2008, 11:05 PM
I remember now, I even took a couple of pics of your chainsaw mill at the time. Small world, isn't it? Sending you a PM


26th October 2008, 08:40 PM
I am an ex Mareeba boy. Welcome.