View Full Version : can not wait to have fun

8th October 2008, 06:22 PM
hi from brisbane first time in a forum

8th October 2008, 06:35 PM
Welcome aboard.....
Hope you gather some info as well.

Ed Reiss
9th October 2008, 01:02 AM
Hi Madnick...and welcome!

Well, you've just found the best damn forum around!!:2tsup:

10th October 2008, 11:53 PM
Welcome Madnick, are you having fun yet?

This forum is like Xmas every day - something confirming, amazing, new a different to look at, discuss, argue and shrug your shoulders at - well that's Xmas at my place anyway! :D

11th October 2008, 12:32 AM
Welcome Madnick, are you having fun yet?

This forum is like Xmas every day - something confirming, amazing, new a different to look at, discuss, argue and shrug your shoulders at - well that's Xmas at my place anyway! :Dwelcome Madnick if your into or carving or thinking of having a go at it drop into the carving forum and also beware of member hijacking threads at my place we as a group decided to spread xmas out over three days because it is just to hard to eat all that food in one day .

eat and eat until you can't squeeze one more bite in,
therefor l declare it's time for sweets
