6th October 2008, 10:19 AM
I've got a small shed going up in the next few weeks and I'm concerned about the lack of any damp proof course. I realise most people dump their shed on a slab and that's it (or some people pour the slab inside the erected shed), but I would like the assurance that no water can make its way inside the shed at floor level (or anywhere else for that matter!).
The shed will be tight up against the fence on two adjacent sides, which makes access to the outside of those sides impossible once the shed is anchored to the slab. I can obviously silicone the shed-to-slab seam around the exterior of the other two sides, but what about the inaccessible sides? Do I ask the shed guys to run some silicone around the bottom of the walls before they anchor it, or can it effectively be sealed from inside once erected? Or is there another process I'm unaware of?
The shed will be tight up against the fence on two adjacent sides, which makes access to the outside of those sides impossible once the shed is anchored to the slab. I can obviously silicone the shed-to-slab seam around the exterior of the other two sides, but what about the inaccessible sides? Do I ask the shed guys to run some silicone around the bottom of the walls before they anchor it, or can it effectively be sealed from inside once erected? Or is there another process I'm unaware of?