View Full Version : Verrrry sneaky.

5th October 2008, 01:02 PM
As most people know the Australian GP is on this weekend at Philip Island.

As some of you know I live on the main access highway from Melbourne to Phillip Island.

At the moment there are bikes travelling both ways and because of this the police are everywhere.

One would expect this but you wouldn't expect the police to be using a 5 Series Beemer and a full house Falcon ute with all the gear.

Like I said: very sneaky.

Judging by the times I have seen people pulled over outside our place they are doing very nicely too.

5th October 2008, 02:08 PM
Hopefully they will get their takings for the month and leave us working people alone. It is all a money's game they are required to get budget each month.


Grumpy John
5th October 2008, 02:12 PM
Get the rego numbers and colours for us poor non-working/working stiffs :D.

5th October 2008, 07:32 PM
Just so long as the buggers don't tackle a certain Ducati with my lady mounted thereon!

Steve Fryar
5th October 2008, 07:43 PM
I've been done by the same walloper in a 50km stretch,three times in three different cars.One of them did have flashing lights though.:doh:

5th October 2008, 08:10 PM
Before the bypass was in, the walloper at Wangaratta used to park in the car sales yard. By the time you noticed one of the cars for sale had lights on top you were done for. :cool:

6th October 2008, 06:58 AM
Add an SS Commodore ute to the fleet too.

6th October 2008, 07:43 AM
Oh Dear! The cute red Duke is just leaving now and the WA contingent left late for the airport, in a hired car and you know how fast hire cars go!!

tea lady
6th October 2008, 08:51 AM
Oh Dear! The cute red Duke is just leaving now and the WA contingent left late for the airport, in a hired car and you know how fast hire cars go!!
:rolleyes: The accelerator pedals are always out of aadjustment.:doh:

6th October 2008, 09:18 AM
yeah, they're out to get us law abiding citizens doing the right thing!

Ive worked out a fool-proof method of never getting pinged for speeding:
1) Keep an eye out for those funny looking white signs by the side of the road with a red ring around a number.
2) Make sure the little pointer that waves around the dial on your dash matches the same number.
Ta DAAAH!. For some inexplicable reason, the boys and girls in blue leave you alone. Its really quite amazing. Now, I know you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet, but this actually works.


(Ducking for cover now :U)

6th October 2008, 10:18 AM
yeah, they're out to get us law abiding citizens doing the right thing!

Ive worked out a fool-proof method of never getting pinged for speeding:
1) Keep an eye out for those funny looking white signs by the side of the road with a red ring around a number.
2) Make sure the little pointer that waves around the dial on your dash matches the same number.
Ta DAAAH!. For some inexplicable reason, the boys and girls in blue leave you alone. Its really quite amazing. Now, I know you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet, but this actually works.


(Ducking for cover now :U)

Now this so called theory is fine until the wavy needle thing ceases to wiggle or indeed move from the zero position which happened to me last week. Now the GTR has a tacho but as it was a bit new to me I didn't know how the rpm things related to the zooming along thing. I thought "OK stupid' you bin droiving/roiding for a century so estimate!" This theary was going along quite nicely till an ancient Italian man wearing a very bad hat driving a little tiny old car passed me. How embarrassment! Further research proved conclusively that I was 20kph under the limit! Damn! And me a hoon!

6th October 2008, 10:48 AM
I was 20kph under the limit! Damn! And me a hoon!

Thats alright, your bowling hat is in the mail:U:U

DJ’s Timber
6th October 2008, 11:08 AM
Add an SS Commodore ute to the fleet too.

Got two that do the rounds up here regularly, one black and one red, also a fully kitted out green SS sedan, they've been around for a while

tea lady
6th October 2008, 01:14 PM
For those going to the "Turn-on" in a few weeks, there is also a guy waiting to get you on Clyde if you come down Clyde-Fiveways Road from Berick. Just sitting next to a big hedge. DAMHIK.:C

Geoff Dean
6th October 2008, 04:17 PM
For those going to the "Turn-on" in a few weeks, there is also a guy waiting to get you on Clyde if you come down Clyde-Fiveways Road from Berick. Just sitting next to a big hedge. DAMHIK.:C

I went that way to the car races a couple of weeks ago. Might have seen the ute then. Luckily, as I didn't really have a clue where I was, apart from a printed out google map, I was only going as fast as the speed limit. :D

Have seen the ute, the beemer, as well as a WRX Subaru in Wodonga. Quite regularly. :((

6th October 2008, 05:11 PM
Also saw a very dirty looking station wagon (didn't get any other details)

tea lady
6th October 2008, 05:52 PM
I went that way to the car races a couple of weeks ago. Might have seen the ute then. Luckily, as I didn't really have a clue where I was, apart from a printed out google map, I was only going as fast as the speed limit. :D

Have seen the ute, the beemer, as well as a WRX Subaru in Wodonga. Quite regularly. :((The one that hides in Clyde is disguised as a mum's station wagon.:-

Geoff Sims
7th October 2008, 02:09 AM
What's the point of this thread?

If you don't break the rules and speed, you've nothing to worry about.

They're doing their job. If they didn't, there'd be a lot more idiots dying on our roads.

tea lady
7th October 2008, 09:43 AM
What's the point of this thread?

If you don't break the rules and speed, you've nothing to worry about.

They're doing their job. If they didn't, there'd be a lot more idiots dying on our roads.

You're right of course. :C Just a sport we have of "spot the disguised police cars." :rolleyes: The flash utes as police cars are a bit of a worry though. I usually judge the intellect of a driver as being inversely proportional to the ridiculousness of their car. How do I spot the wankers now if I have to wonder if the bright orange car with the personalized number plate is a police car so may not do a stupid thing in front of me? (Am I allowed to say wanker?:C):shrug: