View Full Version : Stainless steel problems

29th March 2004, 09:12 AM
We finally have our kitchen in and I have encountered one nasty little problem, Cooking on high heat with an aluminium fry pan left a golden coloured tarnish on the stainless cooktop.
I cannot getr it to move, any ideas?.
I suspect this may be some sort of reaction between flame, aluminium and stainless but buggered if I know how to get rid of it.
I have not resorted to any abrasive cleaners as I am sure there will be a simpler way (he hopes).

29th March 2004, 09:17 AM
I haven't tried this but a mate of mine had a stainless cooktop and he cleaned it up with a cleaner that's made for stainless steel sinks. When you buy a new sink from Clark they sometimes give you sachet of the stuff but I think you can buy it from a hardware store. He reckons it came up like new.

29th March 2004, 11:02 AM
I fyou go to your local welding supply shop you can get some stainless steel pickling or passivating paste used to remove welding discolourisation from stainless.

Never use steel wool!


29th March 2004, 07:40 PM
I had never contemplated using steel wool, if I did I suspect I may be gelded with a wire brush:eek:
Thanks for both of the suggestions and I shall try the hardware first, if that fails then off to thr welding supplies.
Just a word of warning, after fitting all these wonderful stainless appliances we have made a new discovery, bloody fingerprints, oh well, may just deter thieves:confused:

29th March 2004, 07:54 PM
You outta try a stainless fridge with little sticky fingers. talk about fingerprints!

Comes up a treat with the oil supplied with it though, until the next attack upon the fridge :) I assume the oil is a white oil, does anybody know ?

journeyman Mick
29th March 2004, 11:34 PM
Just watch that pickling paste if you use it, it's pretty nasty stuff. From memory it's full of nitric acid.
