View Full Version : On the Radio with “Trees and the Working of Magic”.

Bob Whitworth
30th September 2008, 07:15 AM
Forgive me but this is my second “Introduce myself” but I’ll be on the radio in a few days time reading out one of my tree oriented stories. The name I’ve given above is the alternative title. This I think is my fourteenth story and the producer and presenter say that they love my stories and to keep sending them in so why not.

I’ll be on Radio National at 5 minuter to midday on Friday 3rd October. I can be heard while it is being broadcast on air, I can be heard on line for up to several weeks later and the text is there to be read for years later. That is Radio National, Bush Telegraph, Country Viewpoint and click onto audio on line or for the text. If anyone is interested, I could post the dates of my previous stories. Mostly they are about me and my tree planting lifestyle.

Ed Reiss
30th September 2008, 07:44 AM
Bugger...I'm just a bit too far away to receive your broadcast!!!:no::roll:

30th September 2008, 09:19 AM
Hi Bob

Fantastic! I'll be doing my darndest to listen to you.

Yes please re the dates for your other stories :):2tsup:

Ed - there's always the internet :) and Radio National's Bush Telegraph (http://www.abc.net.au/rn/bushtelegraph/default.htm)site :U


30th September 2008, 09:23 AM
Yes please publish the dates of your other stories, would love to have a listen/read, so would Peter.


Ed Reiss
30th September 2008, 12:00 PM
Ed - there's always the internet :) and Radio National's Bush Telegraph (http://www.abc.net.au/rn/bushtelegraph/default.htm)site :U


Wendy...thanks for the "heads up" about Bush Telegraph. Just listened to a bit of Margo Foster's broadcast about Cultural Competency.

Bob...please do let us know when your broadcast(s) other than the Oct. 3rd, will be scheduled.

Bob Whitworth
1st October 2008, 06:56 PM

Thank you for asking and having an interest. I suppose that it is a little hobby that I have. Maybe I’d even like to make some money out of it. You just never know.

I think that these are the stories that I have broadcast and the dates . Most of these the ABC has kept the text of but not all. The theme is basically me and my tree planting life and weird things.

My Forest Path. 13th December, 2005.
Snakes. Recoded about the 1st August, 2006 and broadcast a bit later.
Nell and the Dead Koala. As above.
Three Dogs. 4th May, 2007.
Death of Nell, Part Human Dog. 28th June, 2007.
My Jungle Shrine. 6th August, 2007.
Zen, Amish or Presbyterian. 18th October, 2007.
A Visit to Bob’s Farm.??
Another Weird Month in the Pocket. 14th November 2007.
Fire Come Quick! 5th March, 2008.
And What’s Even More. 15th April, 2008.
Symbols. 22nd April, 2008.
Meiko.[last paragraph not used] 12th August, 2008.
Extra Help. 2nd September, 2008.
My Fantasy. [Trees and the Working of Magic] 3rd October, 2008.
These also they recorded on the 7th August and will probably use some time fairly soon,
A Walking Meditation,
Untold Stories [abridged; from the Great War],
Wabi Sabi[Rustic Australia],
How I Found $350,000.

If anyone is interested, I could post below the text, or email you, anyone that cannot be found on line.

The text can be found here for most of them. http://www.abc.net.au/rural/telegraph/viewpoint/

I'd be curious to know what anyone thinks. So far, I've had no comments from any of that I've broadcast other than the announcer and the producer saying that they like my stories and to keep sending them it. Bob

1st October 2008, 09:49 PM
Thanks Bob, that took care of a hour or more! Did enjoy the reading:2tsup:


Bob Whitworth
1st November 2008, 12:32 PM
Another Story to be Broadcast on RN.

This story is about the inventory I did of my Red Cedar trees in 1989. Last year I resurveyed my Red Cedar trees and the standing volume has increased to over 120 cubic metres. I have written about this and it is posted under Forest Management.

The previous story called “My Fantasy” or “Trees and the Working of Magic” I hope didn’t offend anyone. I get the idea for a story, write it down and send it off. If they like it, I am happy to record it. Most of my stories are about me and my tree growing life.

This story will be broadcast on Tuesday, the 3rd November at 11:55am on Radio National. It is called, “How I Found $350,000”. It can also be heard on line and up to about 2 weeks later on the Radio National internet site on audio on demand.

Bob Whitworth
2nd December 2008, 05:05 PM
If anyone is interested, Radio National will broadcast another of my stories on Friday the 5th December. I mention some of the forests that I've planted here.

2nd December 2008, 06:06 PM
Interesting, Bob. Just read 'Meiko', will read more at my leisure.

2nd December 2008, 09:35 PM
G´day Bob. Bugger! Won´t be home to hear your broadcast but will keep eyes and ears open for next year.

Congrats on your tree planting!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Bob Whitworth
8th December 2008, 01:54 PM

I’m glad that you like my story “Meiko”. The only problem is that it was too long when they came to broadcasting it and so they cut off the last little bit. I’ll post below the piece not broadcast as I’d like to think that it brings it to a better conclusion.

"She eventually leaves. I don't know how she has gotten on or where she went. She has left behind her valuable paintings and I'm still not sure what to do with them. She even photographed the cows looking quisikly at these paintings which is an example of her type of art. Yoko Ono was an inspiration to her. "