View Full Version : Speaker finish

25th March 2004, 09:04 AM
I am in the process of building some floorstanding speakers out of mdf (they're 1m high, with a footprint of around 300*300)) and am looking for some inspiration for a finish. The last one I did (centre channel) I just sprayed matt black, which looks OK, but fairly innocuous and uninspiring, so I was hoping to make a bit more of a statement with these

I am open to any suggestions (bearing in mind that I am on a pretty tight budget, so expensive veneers are probably out)


25th March 2004, 11:03 AM
whats wrong with using an aerosole car paint in a dark grey metalic finish,with nice aluminium features routered in?

27th March 2004, 12:02 PM
heres acoupla thaughts.
hammer tone paint various colours. black or gray for that industrial look, team with some dome head nuts & chrome bits.

Duragal, satiny zink look, silver.

textured wall paper with satin black paint over.

or one of 26 varieties of black paint.