View Full Version : greetings from a new member

22nd September 2008, 12:58 PM
Hi All,

Im a 35 Y/0 sydney based designer/architect who is about to set up his first ' hobby workshop'

Although i dont have much 'hand on' experience, i have grown up with the smell of sawdust (my father was a furniture designer and manufacturer). As ive always lived in small apartments, i have never had, unitl now, the opportunity to set up my own workspace where i can make NOISE...

I plan to start small, practice my skills then move on to larger pieces. I have some experience in welding and hope to incorporate both steel and timber into my furniture projects. I also hope to start the long anticipated renovation of my apartment which will include lots of 'built in' furniture.

Soon i will post some drawings of the ideas i have. it would be great to get some feedback on them, also any tips for a novice on 'setting up shop' would be great.

Looking forward to participating in this great forum



22nd September 2008, 02:25 PM
Hi and welcome, You should find plenty of advice on setting up a workshop here. Do a search and see what comes up

Claw Hama
22nd September 2008, 06:09 PM
Hi and welcome rodmartin hope you have as much fun as the rest of us. Lots to look at and comment on both metal and wood.

Ad de Crom
22nd September 2008, 06:30 PM
Hi Rodmartin, welcome.

Ed Reiss
23rd September 2008, 12:55 AM
Hi Rodmartin...and welcome!! :aro-u:What the other guys said:aro-u:


Ed :D