View Full Version : hello all

Trevor Teale
19th September 2008, 01:58 AM
Hi there,
my name is Trevor and I am a woodworker by hobby only. My trade is Electronics and I am a member of the Royal Australian Navy submarine arm and have been for over 26 years.

I have undertaken several woodoworking projects around the house from simple shelves, to wardrobes and cabinetry in the kitchen area. I am currently working on a 6 metre long wall unit/bookcase.

I use the triton range of saw benches and router tables and have been very happy with them to date.

I recently undertook a routing course run by Tom O'Donnell and learnt more in 6 hours than i had in 10 years. He has given me many ideas on how to produce my own templates to be able to safely and accurately use my 1/2" router by hand.

I look forward to being i a member of this forum and learnign even more.


19th September 2008, 09:13 AM
Welcome Trevor

I have read many of Toms posts here on the forum and also in the blog section :2tsup: some excellent reading hours can be wasted on many topics.


19th September 2008, 11:11 AM
Welcome Trevor. Nice to have you on board.

Ed Reiss
19th September 2008, 12:08 PM
Hi Trevor...and welcome!

A bit in common...I was in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam era, floating around Tonkin Bay on a bird farm.

I think you should get a lot from this, the best, forum around.

Ed :D