View Full Version : hallo there
17th September 2008, 05:52 AM
I am new on this forum,would like show you pictures of my work.see my profile.cheers
grettings from Ireland
17th September 2008, 06:16 AM
Hi Chris and welcome,
beautiful work,
you have just added another great chunk of skill and experience to this forum
17th September 2008, 07:09 AM
thanks for your opinion.I am traying show people my work cors I do miss for cabinet making.I am not working as cabinet maker at moment.I am living with my family in Ireland at moment.I cannot looking how my skill getting damige any more.I would like move to Australia for work to show my experience and expand my woodworking nowlege.I am looking for some help in this case at this forum.I do belive that someone will give me a chance get back into furniture indrustry agen.CHEERS
17th September 2008, 07:27 AM
I am not Irish,But I can't see a thing
OK OK:doh::doh:
Too early in the morning:~ 6.45 AM
I looked in your Album.
Very smart all of it.:2tsup:
Ed Reiss
17th September 2008, 07:47 AM
Hi Chris....and welcome!
Seems to me that with the level of your work, getting a job in the cabinet making industry shouldn't be a problem....excellent work!:2tsup:
Ed :D
17th September 2008, 08:43 AM
I am not Irish,But I can't see a thing
OK OK:doh::doh:
Too early in the morning:~ 6.45 AM
I looked in your Album.
Very smart all of it.:2tsup:
I am not Irish as well,I am Polish,living since a fiew years in Ireland.I woul like go to Australia for work I am looking for people who could give me a chance get back into cabinet making indrustry.Thank you for your opinion.Furniture is my passio may love.
17th September 2008, 08:46 AM
Hi Chris....and welcome!
Seems to me that with the level of your work, getting a job in the cabinet making industry shouldn't be a problem....excellent work!:2tsup:
Ed :D
Thank you Ed for your opinion.I do belive that some day someone will offer me job.I do miss for furniture making cors I relly love it.
17th September 2008, 10:22 AM
Hey Chris, Hallo and Welcome to the Forum, Your work is Awesome:2tsup:, Good luck with your job hunting.
18th September 2008, 08:38 AM
Hi Hazza,wow thank you,did not relise that people will like my work in Australia.I will need luck cors avery night i am posting job application`s there is no replay .have good day
cheers agen,chris
Ad de Crom
18th September 2008, 07:04 PM
Hi Chris, welcome.
Took a look to your profile, and saw awesome things, like cabinets, tables, chairs, man that's very impressive. Very fine craftmanship.
Ad :2tsup:
19th September 2008, 12:01 AM
Very impressive indeed. Welcome to the forum Chris.:2tsup:
19th September 2008, 06:41 AM
Hi,wow I really did not relise that so many people will like my work.I made all peaces in my workshop in Poland a couple years ego.I am living in Ireland at moment unfortunatlay I cannot do my things in this country.I could finde a work as cabinet maker but moust makers is working just with cheep wood.I do not like it ,I love working with solid wood and wenner,love fine furniture.I am on this forum to finde contact with somebody who could give me a chance get back into furniture indrustry.I considering to move to Australia.thank you for your opinion.
19th September 2008, 07:09 AM
Hi John,thanks I am just traying show people some pictures of my work.I know pictures are not great but that is all what I do have.I made more reptoduction but I lost all pictures.Love to make fine furniture but not only that.In my work use old cabinet making using perl glue(animal glue)while vennering,venner hammer is good mate of mine.I do not need any venner press to do proper job.See my profile agen,there is vennerd table top( Luis Phillip).I have used just venner hammer for vennering.I would like bring my experience to Australia I am looking for job.Do you think I have any chance in Qld?
thanks agen,chris