View Full Version : Stupid Americans?

8th September 2008, 04:09 PM
Unbelievable (http://blogs.brisbanetimes.com.au/nada/archives/2008/09/stupid_american.html?from=top5)!

8th September 2008, 04:29 PM
Under normal circumstances, I might accept this. But let's not forget that McCain is, like, 100-years-old and may not make it to election day. That means this novice, who was the mayor of a city of about 9000 people before she was the Governor of Alaska, would rule the free world.

This really :censored2: me off. This clap trap about the US ruling the free world is nothing but :censored2: rubbish. Within the US they believe this, but it continues to ping me off that media report this sort of nonsense.

Don't have a problem with the rest of the article at all, just this rule the world :censored2: dog dodo.

Howdya do that
8th September 2008, 04:38 PM
I'm into "naughty librarians":-

8th September 2008, 04:55 PM
The person who wrote that article, like most journalists, hasn't got much of a clue.

Note I'm politically middle of the road, not an American and certainly don't care about democrat/republican politics. If you make a proper unbiased study of these two people's histories you'll see the journo really hasn't.

Ther Americans get terribly emotional about their elections. While we sort of sneer at politicians they either maul or adore them. So before you form strong opinions about American polly's best read up some... :)

8th September 2008, 04:57 PM
This clap trap about the US ruling the free world is nothing but :censored2: rubbish. .

Of cause they rule the free world..

The free world consists of America, the rest are just heathens arent they :D

8th September 2008, 06:14 PM
At least they are free, not like us. We now need an EPA permit to pass wind!

8th September 2008, 06:51 PM
We now need an EPA permit to pass wind!

Has this been a significant problem for you? :q

Honorary Bloke
8th September 2008, 09:38 PM
Why bless your hearts, all of you! If you think it's "unbelievable" then you haven't been paying attention for the last 20 or 30 (or 200+) years. American politics is what it is and vice-presidential candidates have ALWAYS been about votes. Always! Regional balance, gender balance, etc., etc. the reasons for picking a VP candidate are legion, but among them the thought of "what if he/she becomes president?" is not present.

Obama picked Biden to offset the "lack of experience" charge against him. McCain picked Palin to offset both the "age" and "gender" issues. Simple as that. Been that way for yonks. :)

8th September 2008, 09:43 PM
Not judging those Yankees :D by their politics, just the candidates and them yankke politicans who think they're in the oval office, not to preside over the Land of the Free, but over the whole world. :U


Honorary Bloke
8th September 2008, 10:09 PM
them yankke politicans who think they're in the oval office, not to preside over the Land of the Free, but over the whole world. :U

Waldo I am shocked, shocked I tell you!! Where did you ever get the idea that America wants to rule the world? :rolleyes: I've a good mind to send you to your room with no tea. :wink::wink:

It's true, of course, that in the American system, the president has very little power over domestic affairs (that's why saying that Bush or any president ruined the economy is always unfair--they don't have the power to ruin the economy, only the Congress can do that :D ). But in foreign affairs, the president has sweeping powers and the whole military--little wonder it goes to their head. :(

Big Shed
8th September 2008, 10:13 PM
Waldo I am shocked, shocked I tell you!! Where did you ever get the idea that America wants to rule the world? :rolleyes: I've a good mind to send you to your room with no tea. :wink::wink:

That's right Waldo, Americans are so insular most of them don't know where the rest of the world is. It must be the only country in the world that has a "World Series" with only American teams in it:D

Honorary Bloke
8th September 2008, 10:21 PM
That's right Waldo, Americans are so insular most of them don't know where the rest of the world is.

Not true! Not true! I know good and well that Australia is just south of Germany and its capitol is Vienna. So there! :rolleyes::D

8th September 2008, 10:22 PM
At least the US politicians have a bit of character. We just had a state-election and I can't tell one politician from the other.
Oh, please bring back Paul Keating, he might of been an arrogant pr@ck, but at least he was entertaining.

Big Shed
8th September 2008, 10:25 PM
Not true! Not true! I know good and well that Australia is just south of Germany and its capitol is Vienna. So there! :rolleyes::D

But your esteemed president gave a speech here and referred to Australia as Austria:o.

But it would be unfair to tar all of you guys with the Dubbyah brush (wouldn't it:B?)

Honorary Bloke
8th September 2008, 10:32 PM
But it would be unfair to tar all of you guys with the Dubbyah brush (wouldn't it:B?)

Nar, probably not. Let me just get my banjo and go out on the porch. :rolleyes::D

Bush has a speech impediment--he's got his tongue over his eyeteeth and he can't see what he's saying. :U

Big Shed
8th September 2008, 10:37 PM
Bush has a speech impediment--he's got his tongue over his eyeteeth and he can't see what he's saying. :U

That's a cracker HB, must remember that one:2tsup:

9th September 2008, 02:31 PM
How did we get in the mess that we're in?

Well it all goes back to the extremists. One set of extremists won a major Supreme Court decision in January 1973. (Roe v. Wade) This win set off the other set of extremists. The battle has been going on ever since. :?

As with most extremists, everything is decided on the basis of for or against their position. In the eyes of the extremist, nothing matters except the candidates position on this issue. In this election the outcome is going to be decided by whichever side can motivate more or their extremists to vote. :doh:

The choice of a running mate (as we call them here) or Vice Presidential candidate is usually more of a "Living Insurance" policy than anything else. :oo:

This absurd brand of politics is going to continue until the issue is resolved and chiseled in granite. When there is a constitutional amendment that explicitly defines the issue, the current foolishness will stop. :2tsup: Only to be replaced by some other issue with equal extremes. :roll:

Greg Q
9th September 2008, 06:16 PM
That's right Waldo, Americans are so insular most of them don't know where the rest of the world is. It must be the only country in the world that has a "World Series" with only American teams in it:D

That's not true...there are at least two Canadian teams in the league, and they have just as many Cubans as the other teams.

George W.'s enduring legacy will be the living demonstration that America was founded on genius...and that a mere fool can't wreck it overnight. (It takes almost two whole terms for that)

I miss Nixon. Hell, I miss Eisenhower.

9th September 2008, 07:25 PM
Would Wood that links only mild this is what she really is like


and her daughter


Greg Q
9th September 2008, 07:45 PM
Who here remembers Dan Quayle? or Spiro Agnew? or Clinton's veep? (Who the hell was that?)

It's only McCain's age and Obama's inexperience that makes running mates a thing in the first place. McCain's 72 year old, tortured bones make me worry about Palin's inexperience in international affairs. As was pointed out, a president only gets to flex muscle in the international arena. I can just imagine Putin licking his chops at the prospect of a Palin presidency.

Somebody please tell me that teaching creationism is outside of the Federal juridiction.

9th September 2008, 07:53 PM
My initial comment of "Unbelievable!" was a really a poke at the Septics, but also to voice my disdain of the on-going tabloid muck-raking and not the actual subject of the muck-raking.

It's no surprise Palin and her family are being misrepresented and libeled - unfortunately it's all part and parcel of politics and the current state of the media. Still, if she can't weather it, she should have kept her head down in the first place. Maybe her hunger for power is overriding her sense of family values in which case she deserves everything coming. It's unfortunate for the rest of her family though.

McCain is such an old coot he needs someone with a bit of fire under them to bolster his campaign. What a circus!

Honorary Bloke
9th September 2008, 10:27 PM
Somebody please tell me that teaching creationism is outside of the Federal juridiction.

Yes, it is outside the federal jurisdiction (for now). Local option or state option (depends) and not too many takers, really. But the (very) few who do it get a lot of press. :~

10th September 2008, 03:06 PM
George W.'s enduring legacy will be the living demonstration that America was founded on genius...and that a mere fool can't wreck it overnight.

You're being much too kind.

Howdya do that
10th September 2008, 03:33 PM
I was listening to the radio a while ago. Commenting on the fact that the same party has been in the white house for 8 years Obama said

"you can put lipstick on a pig but its still a pig"


Greg Q
10th September 2008, 04:03 PM
Longer than that when you consider that Clinton did a fairly good impression of a moderate republican President. You've got to go way back to fellow woodworker Jimmy Carter for an example of a true democrat administration. As a President he made a pretty good woodworker too, I must say.

If McCain can safely ignore the religious right* he might do a pretty good job. Funny how I'd vote differently if I was an American though. Beats me why they hate each other enough to not want better health care, education, and a functioning social security system. Then again they can't afford the debt load they've got now...get ready for some high speed print runs down at the mint pretty soon.

*This requires not dying though. Palin apparently made inquiries when she was Mayor regarding the banning of certain unspecified books from the library. She was stymied in that, but I find the story...worrying. I like the huntin'/ fishin' /shootin' /teenage pregnancy/ firing your political enemies caper, its just the fundamentalist thing that has me wondering. All things in moderation.

10th September 2008, 09:22 PM
First time I have come into this section. For my political fix I look at ozpolitics. I am surprised that the instigator of this post is a political person because when he first joined us I made a political comment about the Irish and the British and he gave me and possibly others the impression that he was not into that stuff.

It is all good fun, as my comment to him was also. Maybe, I put my answer in the wrong area, should have posted here.

10th September 2008, 09:36 PM
Waldo I am shocked, shocked I tell you!! Where did you ever get the idea that America wants to rule the world? :rolleyes: I've a good mind to send you to your room with no tea. :wink::wink:

I heard waldo was hiding weapons of mass destruction......and has some oil......better whack him instead :)

11th September 2008, 03:19 PM
Beats me why they hate each other enough to not want better health care, education, and a functioning social security system.

There in lies the problem. Those are all Democrat things and Democrat things are not spouted from the Pulpit. I know people that can't rub a couple of pennys together but will tell you that "The Lord Provides." And their front lawn is covered with Bush Chaney signs. Go figure.

11th September 2008, 03:29 PM
This whole thing going on over right now, would it be fair to say that it draws the nations interest more so because that it's like travelling 3 ring circus :melod: full of great fanfare and carefully choreographed lines and chest beating?

It annoys the :mad3: out of me with the amount of airtime on the news given to this and what had me nearly throwing up was Obama's SWMBO on some midday show (can't remember her name ) dancing around.

Get it over and done with 'coz I don't care about it. :no: Or is this part of the Australia/US free trade agreement that we have to import this stuff on to our TVs each night. We had cactus Olympics coverage from Ch. 7 ( :2tsup: SBS) and now it's the 3 ring circus.

Bring out the WOMD :minigun:


Greg Q
11th September 2008, 05:57 PM
I heard Matt Damon being interviewed on some radio show today, and he liked it to some bad Disney movie plot...Alaskan hockey mom becomes President after chain of improbable events. That's maybe why its so compelling...like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

Trouble is there are way too many friends and family on that train. Oh, and strategic allies too, like it or not.

Rrich, I know those are all Democrat things...which is too bad because in a perfect world you'd have the Republicans running education and the Democrats doing health care and a (God help me) separation of church and state. Hey, wait a minute....

11th September 2008, 08:07 PM
Or is this part of the Australia/US free trade agreement that we have to import this stuff on to our TVs each night.

Would it have been any different if Obama had referred to a dog instead of a pig? After all, Palin did liken herself to a pit bull with lipstick.

Honorary Bloke
11th September 2008, 10:49 PM
Or is this part of the Australia/US free trade agreement that we have to import this stuff on to our TVs each night.:U

I reckon. How would you like to sit over here and watch it every living minute of every living day? :oo: The job doesn't even pay that much!

Anyone remember the old BBC show "Yes, Minister?" That, I think, is all that saves us. :rolleyes::D

11th September 2008, 11:10 PM
Anyone remember the old BBC show "Yes, Minister?" That, I think, is all that saves us. :rolleyes::D

It was a brilliant satire of politics, it must've been Politics 101 the world over for all in government and opposition, unfortunately they all seem to have passed with flying honors.

joe greiner
11th September 2008, 11:29 PM
Bah! The winner will be the one with the best-looking hair. And even that contest is in the eye of the beholder. Heck, Eisenhower had more hair than Stevenson in 1952. Turned out as at least half-good president anyway.

With all the noise and fury, I MUST get to work on the BS meter before the election.:D


journeyman Mick
11th September 2008, 11:38 PM
............With all the noise and fury, I MUST get to work on the BS meter before the election.:D...........

Won't the needle get bent when it hits the peg on the right of the scale?


joe greiner
11th September 2008, 11:51 PM
Won't the needle get bent when it hits the peg on the right of the scale?


Nah. Just switch from metric to Imperial. Or vice-versa.:D


Greg Q
11th September 2008, 11:55 PM
Bah! The winner will be the one with the best-looking hair. ..... Heck, Eisenhower had more hair than Stevenson in 1952. Turned out as at least half-good president anyway.


That's because Eisenhower had Sherman Adams as his Chief of Staff. I had the occasion to meet him once in the sixties (I think I was 15). He was an intense son of a bitch even after being diminished by scandal. There used to be a joke in D.C. about Eisenhower dying and Nixon becoming president. The punch line was "Never mind that, what if Sherman Adams dies and Eisenhower becomes President!"

I think you're right about the hair thing. Only time I can recall it failing was Goldwater v Johnson, but of course after Kennedy LBJ was always going to win.

Got to go watch some West Wing re-runs....

12th September 2008, 05:15 AM
Pleas accept my sympathies if your news covers the "Candidates" attempting to run my country. Both SWMBO and I just switch stations when the political poop starts.

I don't know if you have access to the TV program "NOVA" which is shown on our PBS or Public Broadcasting Stations. Several years ago they produced a biographical look at Galileo. If there ever was a screaming message for the need of the separation of church and state, that was it!

Unfortunately our constitution requires that the government not interfere in the matters of the church BUT NOT THE REVERSE.

12th September 2008, 02:12 PM
Obama picked Biden

Obama Binden - Osama bin Laden

Just need an S, L and A... which you can find in Sara Palin...

I find this strangely humorous. :D

12th September 2008, 02:40 PM
The hollowmen. Just as funny as yes minister, only more australian....

13th September 2008, 12:24 PM
i dont understand the american system at all

i just dont know why they cant have a 6 wk election campaign like all other countrys and get it over and done with and this electing the president instead of the party seems pointless
electing their president is just so long winded ?
and anyway not everyone has to vote there so really he is not representing the whole country is he ?

Greg Q
13th September 2008, 12:48 PM
i dont understand the american system at all

i just dont know why they cant have a 6 wk election campaign like all other countrys and get it over and done with and this electing the president instead of the party seems pointless
electing their president is just so long winded ?
and anyway not everyone has to vote there so really he is not representing the whole country is he ?

Australia is one of the few (only?) democracies that requires voting by law. Failing to vote is a choice too, just like ignorance. Both have their downsides.

Also, do you think the leader of a country is really best chosen in back room somewhere? Really? I wonder how the voters of NSW feel about that?:rolleyes: Or the UK for that matter.

While I find many aspects of the US perplexing, I think the three arms of government idea pretty good in theory, and often so in practice.

Toolin Around
13th September 2008, 04:00 PM
To be honest I read that article and one thing came to mind. If I changed only a few words you'd think he was talking about Australia - hansonism comes to mind. I'm at a loss to understand the American obsession. And why is it those that have a definite leftest (liberal minded... whatever label you want) leaning are often heavy on insults and few on facts when they criticize others that disagree with their philosophies.

13th September 2008, 06:17 PM
Australia is one of the few (only?) democracies that requires voting by law.

Actually you are only required to attend a polling booth and have your attendance noted by being crossed of the roll.

Actual voting is optional and not compulsory. You can elect to vote or not to vote as you wish, once your attendance is noted.


joe greiner
13th September 2008, 11:41 PM
That's because Eisenhower had Sherman Adams as his Chief of Staff. I had the occasion to meet him once in the sixties (I think I was 15). He was an intense son of a bitch even after being diminished by scandal. There used to be a joke in D.C. about Eisenhower dying and Nixon becoming president. The punch line was "Never mind that, what if Sherman Adams dies and Eisenhower becomes President!".

IIRC, Sherman Adams had a pretty good mop on top during the Eisenhower administration; probably thinning somewhat when you met him.

Another DC joke around 1973 had a setup concerning a man who awoke from a 20-year sleep (a la Rip van Winkle from [Washington Irving's Legend] of Sleepy Hollow). The man's first question was, "How is President Eisenhower?" He was told that Eisenhower had died. He replied, "Oh NO! Richard Nixon is President!"

"System?" What system:?


14th September 2008, 01:44 PM
i dont understand the american system at all

At times, neither do I.

14th September 2008, 01:47 PM
... "Oh NO! Richard Nixon is President!"


:D :2tsup: :2tsup: :D