View Full Version : Poly vs. Oil/Was vs. Feast Watson White Polish

24th August 2008, 10:32 PM
I have HG Rosewood and what I think is Beachwood (I've forgotten what I bought :rolleyes:). I'm making 2 nests of 3 tables. The legs are routed and expose end grain at a number of points along the length of the leg.

I'm swaying around the finish to apply. The beachwood will have to survive a couple of kids under 3. A review of the forum would indicate that a Poly finish would be best.

The NG Rosewood is for my retired parents and I want to keep the natural look of this beautiful timber and I think the White Polish would be teriffic, but I'm worried about the maintenance of the finish - does anyone have any experience/thoughts?

I'm busy sanding the legs and tops down to 1000 grit at the moment. This will take me another week. I'd appreciate some recommendations in the meantime.

Do the sponsors of the forum have a product similar/better than the FW White Polish? I'm new here and I have to learn to support the sponsors!


25th August 2008, 08:44 AM
G'day Peter - White polish is just white shellac with the wax still in it. Our White Shellac (Dewaxed) (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/dewaxed.html) is the same thing but without the wax. Neither will change the colour of the timber any more than wetting it down with water.

We also have a Hard Shellac (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/hardshell.htm) (crummy picture) which is the same but much harder.

The difference between ours and FW or any other is that we have a use by date on the bottles and we use 100% alcohol (ethanol) instead of the watered down 95% that most others use. Make sure when buying that it's from somewhere with a high turnover as it's entirely possible it's been on the shelf for a long time, way past it's expiry date. This is one reason why we date ours.

We give 18 mths shelf life (should be good for 2 years but we cover ourselves with the 18 mth). At least with the dewaxed stuff at the end of the use by period you can mix it down with 8 parts Meths and you will have a brilliant sanding sealer that will last until you've used it all up. Matter of fact you can do that with part of it from day one if you want.

Hope this helps.

Cheers - Neil :U