View Full Version : G'day from Brisbane

23rd August 2008, 02:23 PM
Hi all, just stumbled accross this forum by accident, just having a look around trying to soak up some info at the moment.
I'm 30 years old, a motor trimmer by trade, and only recently got interested in playing with wood after years of shunning it for the most part. (MDF was about the closest I got to wood!) Will hopefully be in a place with a shed to work in in a few weeks, so can start playing with all the gear i've got stored.
I bought myself a lathe a few weeks back, still not had a chance to have a play with it, and as i've never used one before, i'm interested to see how it goes.
Have a couple of plunge routers which i've had a little success with in the past as well, so looking forward to taking the plunge into REAL wood.
Thanks in advance for any info I can find. :2tsup:

23rd August 2008, 05:31 PM
Commonut welcome aboard

a motor trimmer :rolleyes: darn to far away but hey with that knowladge we'll see some pretty snazy looking tool pouches I bet.

More info needed photo's are worth :D or even :p here its a fun place

Lathe what is it :rolleyes: and its sitting idle why :roll:

Ad de Crom
23rd August 2008, 06:51 PM
Hi commonut, welcome, and nice to see that you bought a lathe, now find the time to play with your lathe.
Good luck.

Ed Reiss
23rd August 2008, 11:52 PM
Hi Commonut ...

Welcome. You've found the best place to get good info on turning!:U


Ed :D

24th August 2008, 05:06 PM
Hi commonut, welcome and enjoy the cammeraderie.

paul collins
29th August 2008, 02:12 PM
hi commonut,gday from brissie here also.be prepared to be spending most of your spare time on the lathe,its addictive.