View Full Version : Sex In The Shed

18th August 2008, 09:33 PM
Oh Well..I suppose it had to happen eventually.
I'll have to make an amendment to my shed rules........but it happened today.

At first she was shy (Pic 1)

But I turned on the romantic lighting (Pic 2 )

And eventually ..it was a date (Pic 3)

The real story.....the smaller echidna has been resident here for a couple of years. She really likes the dirt floor in the metal work area of the shed.
Today there was a lot of clanking through metal scraps and when I investigated, she had a visitor.
She was rejecting him, and hid everywhere she could even trying to go up the inside of my pants leg.

Alls well in the end, they are both under the shed stove...warm and happy.

DJ’s Timber
18th August 2008, 09:36 PM
So we are going to see babies soon are we :U

18th August 2008, 09:43 PM
Decorum made me omit pics of the consumation.......but puggles would be really cool.

18th August 2008, 09:53 PM
now thats a site. all i got living in my shed are spiders.

18th August 2008, 09:58 PM
No wonder we haven't heard from Echnidna of late he's finally transformed

great shots Noel

18th August 2008, 10:01 PM
Have had a nice bushytail pos on trhe dependants list for about 6 months now, lives in a park tree couple of doors away. Comes over each night for a small feed, piece of bread and an apple. Gets on well with our three cats, our supported feralcat , and the cat from the house between our place and his park. Has been known to wander through the house in his quest for food.
Tonight, I caught sight of him climbing the teatrea where we leave his food, went to grab the camera hoping for a pic, came back out and he had shrunk a little and was climbing the tree again. No he has gotten a girlfriend at last. Now the possum house has to move up the project list. Congrats Percy, your human carers are proud of you.

18th August 2008, 10:10 PM
She was rejecting him, and hid everywhere she could even trying to go up the inside of my pants leg.

That's hilarious! You've made my day!
Lucky you weren't wearing bell bottoms.:o

18th August 2008, 10:13 PM
No he has gotten a girlfriend at last. Now the possum house has to move up the project list. .

Well done Percy...must be getting close to spring.

Now, for your project could I recommend the Renevations Forum :U :U

18th August 2008, 10:22 PM
Might as well test the knowledge - whats the gestation period for Echidna.

As the elocal radio station says the winner gets an extra peice of toast tomorrow for brekky.


18th August 2008, 10:29 PM
I reckon its between week and a half and two weeks.......now I've got to go and find out more......like where does she stash the eggs....when do they hatch........a well that's tonight buggered.

18th August 2008, 10:54 PM
Hi Noel

Thanks for that great little story, found this info:

The female lays a single soft-shelled, leathery egg twenty-two days after mating and deposits it directly into her pouch. Hatching takes ten days; the young echidna, called a puggle, then sucks milk from the pores of the two milk patches (monotremes have no nipples) and remains in the pouch for forty-five to fifty-five days, at which time it starts to develop spines. The mother digs a nursery burrow and deposits the puggle, returning every five days to suckle it until it is weaned at seven months.
Male echidnas have a four-headed, _ _ _ _ _, but only two of the heads are used during mating. The other two heads "shut down" and do not grow in size. The heads used are swapped each time the mammal has sex. (This could be too much information)
<SUP>...and wear shoes at all times.</SUP>

18th August 2008, 11:01 PM
Thanks springwater.........that's fantastic. Swappable, 4 headed, boys bits. Mind boggling!! You can have an extra bit of toast for brekky!

Ron Dunn
19th August 2008, 12:28 AM
Now we know why they call you needle-d*ck ;)

Jokes aside, this has all the makings of a Disney story.

19th August 2008, 12:32 AM
"twas a fun experience Ron

Toolin Around
19th August 2008, 12:40 AM
That's too cool! It looks like she's very familiar with you and your sent - do you interact with her much?

19th August 2008, 01:03 AM
Thanks Toolin'..........I haven't tried feeding or such, and she ducks for cover with heavy footsteps, but whilst pondering stuff in front of the shed fire (ie no foot movement), she'll often crawl over my feet, and doesn't seem too fussed . I had to park the car in a different place for a month, as she found a soft spot outside the shed, and buried herself in the driveway.
Makes the shed a fun place.

Wood Borer
19th August 2008, 01:32 AM
Wonderful thread Watson. :2tsup:

19th August 2008, 08:39 AM
Yes a great thread made me feel all warm inside:o

19th August 2008, 08:59 AM
Here you go Noel http://www.abc.net.au/schoolstv/animals/ECHIDNAS.htm

:o how much timber you got laying around maybe have enough to feed the whole family

"The echidna has a long snout. It's very sensitive to touch and it can feel vibrations. It also has a very good sense of smell.
When the echidna smells food like ants or termites it uses the claws on its feet to dig out its dinner.
It sends its long sticky tongue into the nest and flicks it around. The insects stick to the tongue and are then drawn into its tiny little mouth."

This could be to your advantage they'll keep them at bay your own personal pest control

Greg Q
19th August 2008, 09:04 AM
Thank you for posting this.

Sharing it with my family over breakfast was a moment of charm-a great way to start any day.


19th August 2008, 09:46 AM
Absolutely Brilliant Watson! :2tsup: I've only got spiders and maybe a ghecko somewhere in my shed.

19th August 2008, 10:03 AM
Watson, is your leg pregnant? :oo:


Geoff Dean
19th August 2008, 10:46 AM
Q. How do echidnas make love?

A. Very carefully.


19th August 2008, 12:58 PM
Just an update.
This morning, stacks of wood in the shed disturbed, she surfaced about 10:30 am with grass leaves all through her spines.
Haven't seen him. She inspected today's firewood pile with her tongue, made her way through the door and out into the big wide world.
I guess its all over.

19th August 2008, 06:58 PM
I guess its all over.
For him, anyway.:wink:
This has been a great thread Watson, please keep us posted with any developments.
It's great when birds or animals trust you enough to come into your workshop.

19th August 2008, 07:06 PM
What's the difference between an echidna and Parliament house?

An Echidna has all its pricks on the outside!

19th August 2008, 07:09 PM
Thanks Alex, it has been a bit of a revelation for me. And now she is back in a "dig" under the caravan which is the electronic (hide from the world) workshop. With the info that members contributed I've marked dates....checking the gestation period...all that stuff, in case I can witness some "stuff".
So far, my premise is that, if there was a god that created these critters.....he did it on the last day, and may have been partaking of alcohol or some other recreational substance.
I Love my life.

19th August 2008, 07:48 PM
I Love my life.
lucky man Watson,
we all need to remind ourselves sometimes,
thanks for the thread,

20th August 2008, 02:01 PM
This filthy talk should be sent to the bloody orange room! Shame on you Watson, and you such a tubthumping moralist too!

20th August 2008, 04:31 PM

20th August 2008, 05:55 PM
This filthy talk should be sent to the bloody orange room! Shame on you Watson, and you such a tubthumping moralist too!

Yes, this would never have happened when Stoppers was a mod. :D:D:D


20th August 2008, 06:03 PM
Never!!! :D ;) ;)

24th August 2008, 05:56 PM
I've got mice in my shed:B
The reason is that I grind peanuts for the bird feeders (in the garden) and the minute crumbs they know wont go on a mouse trap, so I gets loads of wood filler laying around on my bench.

tea lady
24th August 2008, 06:07 PM
This is so cool.:cool: I see a possum sometimes roumd our place. And I get visited by parrots. But I think echidnas win.:2tsup:

Claw Hama
24th August 2008, 06:15 PM
:UYes, very cool Watson, a wild life sactuary in your shed. God all I get is the od cockroach. Although I have had the odd stray dog or small child run (with appologising parent/owner) through from the lane that goes by my roller door.

24th August 2008, 07:24 PM
Saw her today at about 5PM out in the paddock just waddling around. Love to have a tracker doohickey.

24th August 2008, 07:24 PM
For years I had a pair of magpies who used to strut through the workshop from the front to the back yard, or sit on the bench wanting a feed, but alas, they've gone to the big gum tree in the sky, and the latest residents aren't quite so tame - yet.

We have a lot of king parrots around this year, and one let me get close enough to touch him. Never fed them, but there's plenty around for them to eat. We also have a couple of blue-tongues that keep the snails down.

24th August 2008, 11:17 PM
Terrific piece of photo journalism Noel.

24th August 2008, 11:59 PM
Thanks Pieter,
A cupla special moments for me.......wish I could work out the camera stuff so that it was good everytime though