View Full Version : New scroller from Constantine

15th August 2008, 07:55 PM
Nice to be with you all,
My Name is Abd El Ghani AZZI, but you can call me fEZ (i prefere actually).
I'm a week-old scroller, and it seems like i've always done this. lol
Anyway, I'm glad to be here.
The forum seems great, and I hope to represent a positive addition.
You can see some of my latest projects in my blog.
Feel free to ask for the patterns (free!) I'll try to send them ASAP.

Best Regards,


16th August 2008, 08:31 AM
G'day fEZ! You are a first, I'm sure and most welcome.:):):2tsup:

Enjoy yourself here. We look forward to your work posts. I'm sure with the wonderful history and richness of your culture we will certainly see some different and interesting work.

16th August 2008, 02:45 PM
Hi fEZ and welcome:2tsup:

Ad de Crom
16th August 2008, 04:19 PM
Hi Fez, welcome to the club, the best forum in the world.

Ad :)

16th August 2008, 06:46 PM
G'day! (:))
Thanks for the warm welcome artme, munruben and Ad de Crom!

I somehow am still trying to find out how to make my personnal Blog's URL appear in my profile (or anywhere else actualy). Any idea?
I'd love to share my modest works gallery with everybody here, so here it is : http://myscrollsawprojects.blogspot.com/

Did I mention that I'd love to share my creations patterns as well? Well I would, and it's all free.

I took the initiative to start a new thread in the Scrollers section. (@ Mods : Please take all moderating measures in case it's not appropriate, and just let me know how things should be done... Thanks)

Ed Reiss
19th August 2008, 12:13 PM
Hi Fez...just checked out your web site, good work on the table tennis paddle!:2tsup:

Welcome to the forum.

Ed :D

19th August 2008, 06:28 PM
Hi Fez...just checked out your web site, good work on the table tennis paddle!:2tsup:
Welcome to the forum.
Ed :D

Your welcome and visit to my blog are much appreciated Ed!
Nice to meet you.

Best Wishes,

19th August 2008, 09:55 PM
G'Day fEZ, welcome to our world of Woodwork Forums, and especially the world of scrollsawing. I like the swallow design and will see if I can find some for myself. I had a look at your blog and will drop in from time to time.

21st August 2008, 12:50 PM
Welcome fEZ. Love your sense of humour with your name, you'll fit in well. Sure you're not Aussie?


23rd August 2008, 07:47 AM
G'Day Buzza! thanks for welcoming me... if you find my design (It's TripleA's actually...) interesting just ask as usual (it's only a matter of time, as I intend to attach the pattern with every project - here in this forum or on my blogger). :)

Hia Prozac! thanks for writing here... Talking of nicknames I know at least one signifcation of yours (for having tried something equivalent) I hope you're and will stay over this substance.
As for being Aussie, I don"t know if it's as bad news for me as it is good news for you, but no. In fact Algeria is more or less at the antipodes of Australia. There again that makes it the most easily reachable destination, since any route from here to get there is the shortest...(and the longest...) :wink: