View Full Version : Antique White? Finishing

28th February 2004, 02:16 PM
Hello all,
I'm looking to build a vanity for my wife and she loves the look of the antique white appearance with some slight grains of wood showing. I'm not sure if I described it right or if there is a proper name for that type of finish. The actual vanity is at http://web.infoave.net/~lbcorlis/countryhtm/cbathvanity.htm . Can anyone offer some advice on how to achieve this finish? Do you:
Stain, paint white, slightly sand ssome paint off, restain and then varnish
- or -
Paint, slightly sand, stain, and then varnish?

Any help would be appreciated.

Shane Watson
28th February 2004, 02:50 PM
Its called 'white wash' you can easily now buy products just about anywhere that give good results. Basically the product is a pigmented stain. So application is the same as a stain. IF the first coat is to light for your tastes you apply a second, third etc until your desired depth of opacity is achieved. Or if the first coat is too dark, wipe it off before it drys.

Several times I have actually just added white lacquer to clear lacquer and sprayed this onto the piece. This worked well for the clients but didn't really give the same results as true white washing. But it is an option.

28th February 2004, 05:16 PM
is that the same as "liming white".

Shane Watson
28th February 2004, 05:30 PM
gives the same appearance